Monday 4 August 2014

Frida new and old

Hi you all!

The weekend is over, hope it was a good one for you!

I have another Frida Page to share today. The background has been painted with acrylics, into which I sprinkled some glitter. Later, when dry, I added more colour with oil pastels. The bird motive on the right is part of a napkin sent to me by Susi, I edged it with white highlighter to make it stand out better. I used the stencil from Stencilry again, this time using light colours on the dark background. The Frida on the left is made with a template from Stampington, using papers which tie into the nature / birds theme. 

Linking to Art Journal Journey, Frida and to Mix it Monthly, crazy dresses

This is a Frida journal-spread I made a couple of years back, just wanted to show it here as it fits the theme.

The first part of the day yesterday was great, in spite of the bad forecast, so I enjoyed a nice, long walk. The castle ghost was there again:

Lots of ships on the river:

My four footed friends were occupied with the serious business of grazing:

And I found a relative of the tomato, the deadly nightshade, growing in the fence near the stream:

And I am glad I was back home when the wind started, the skies went dark, and the rain started:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Valerie, another wonderful Frida page, I am always amazed how you manage to get each one so lovely and so different! I like the old one, too. Great photos, wonder who that castle ghost is, she somehow looks familiar! Be careful with the nightshade! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. ganz tolle frida seiten,mir gefallen die farben und gestaltung seeehr gut.
    ich muss gleich zum HNO zur kontrolle,drück mir mal die daumen das alles gut ist.
    wünsch dir nen schönen tag,deine bilder sind auch klasse.

    Knuddels Jeannette

  3. Wonderful Frida page again and nice to see some your Frida album from the past. You will have enough to make another album after this challenge :)

    Beautiful photographs and so pleased that the weather was kind to you for your walk. The ghost must be waiting for you :) I bet it has some tales to tell

    Love Chrissie x

  4. Wow - was für fantastische Arbeiten!
    Gut das du vor dem Regen Zuhause warst - ganz schön düster was da aufzieht.
    Hier ist es heute bedeckt aber angenehme Luft. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Wochenstart, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  5. Great Frida pages. I'm still working on my first. I should hopefully finish it today.Thanks for visiting...

  6. Boah ... So eine schöne neue Arbeit... ich bin auch total begeistert wie toll Du das Seviettenmotiv integriert hast..das muss ich mir abspicken!...
    Auch Deine frührere Arbeit ist toll gemacht und die Fotos heute freun mich auch sehr - super !
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag !
    Toll wie viele Ideen Du zu Frida hast!


  7. Both the old and new pages look fabulous Valerie, love the outlining in white, that bird serviette looks just wonderful, what a great gift!
    Glad the weather was good and you managed to go for a long walk, the ghost looks very elegant (!) and the other pictures are lovely!

    1. The ghost was wearing very elegant tatty jeans shorts and t-shirt, but I will give her the message!

  8. OMG these are gorgeous, old and new, how do you come up with these ideas and I too love the outlines in white, looks super...and once again thanks for taking me on another journey.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  9. A lovely Frida page Valerie, those birds are beautiful. Hope that's a friendly ghost! xx

  10. Beautiful Frida pages! I'm happy to see the ghost is still around and not too shy to show herself!
    The weather can sure change fast--glad you made it home before the storm!

  11. Amazing pages! I hope you are doing well, shirleyxx

  12. Your Frida pages are amazing! Lovely pictures from your walk too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  13. Another fantastic page of Frida, the birds looks fabulous. I love the Frida journal pages from the past. Very pretty the castle ghost! hahaha!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Wonderful journal pages, Valerie! That walk is beautiful and it sure looks like that storm could be quite scary! Enjoy!

  15. oohhhh this is amazing. I really love the effect of this page. Very nice indeed.
    I always enjoy your photos.

  16. I love your Frida pages!! Gorgeous work.

  17. Another beautiful creation Valerie. You add the best details. Wonderful walking pics today too.

  18. You've been very productive, Valerie. Frida is inspirational, indeed, and you've succeeded to catch her caracter so well. Hope your week is full of joy,

  19. beautiful Frida pages! Glad you avoided the rain. Didn't know nightshade was a tomato relative.

  20. Your art often astonishes me, and your new Frida does this, it's so different and unusual and creative. I like the way you have included the birds.
    Great to see the pink house and the ships on the river.
    Watch out for that ghost, she might have followed you home.

    1. Yes, she did, I have seen her here in the bathroom mirror!

    2. Oh, sorry, my warning came too late. Give her some housework to do, that should scare her off.

    3. I am shocked that you are using bad words like H*******K on the blog! I don't allow things like that here!

  21. Great interpetations of Frida, beautifulluy executed pages, so many variations!

  22. Gorgeous Frida pages... I love how you highlight them the effect is glad you escaped the rain... Hugs May x x

  23. Awesome pages Valerie. You are getting more and more interested in Frida with this inspiration.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Deine neue wie auch die alten Frida-Seiten sehen klasse aus. Herrlich farbenfroh. Bei uns legt der Sommer grad eine Pause ein. Nachdem es gestern schwül-war gewesen ist, ging heute ordentlichter Landregen nieder und gewittert hat es auch.

  25. Valerie - you are really on a roll here. Fantastic!! Our weather is a lot like yours - dark in the afternoon with heavy rain. I only wish we could get some good lightning out if it with booming thunder. That is the best time to curl up in bed with a good book. Right now I am reading a non - fiction about the Tudor family.
    I really do believe the ghost likes your visits. Can you imagine how lonely she has been until you came along?
    my best to you Sugar -
    Sandy xx

  26. Wunderschöne Collagen und auch der kleine Spaziergang hat mir gefallen ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  27. Ahh wie schön, habe gerade entdeckt, dass Du auch zu Mix It Monthly gelinkt hast, ja jetzt sehe ich auch ihr cooles Kleid, spiegelt es doch die drei Gesellen auf der rechten Seite ;) diese offensichtlich sich auch ganz angetan ♥ Conny

  28. Valerie, Frida is portrayed beautifully in your journal as is the new page. The photo of many boats caught my attention today. So glad you made it home before the storm. Another week starting as it is Monday today for me.

  29. Hi! Thank you for your sweet comment! I see you joined the Frida journaling fun :) Your art journaling is wonderful! I also just noticed that the stencil you used is similar to my handmade stencil! What a coincidence! Cool one though :)
    Ingrid xx

  30. Looks like a lovely walk, and one enjoyed in exactly the "right" timing!
    And your Frida expressions ~ LoVe them!

  31. Die Frida-Collage ist toll geworden, aber auch die Journal-Seite von früher!

    ...und es ist immer wieder schön, dich auf deinen Spaziergängen zu begleiten. Die lila Nachtschatten-Blüte sieht irre aus, welch eine intensive Farbe!

    Ich habe jetzt durch meine Reise ein paar Tage nicht reingeschaut bei dir... und es ist so viel Neues wieder zu schauen!
    Schöne Woche wünscht Ulrike

  32. I love your art and taking a walk with you. I had no idea that the deadly night shade had fruit that looks just like a tomato!

  33. More great Frida art!!!! That ghost does seem to be attracted to you :)

  34. Beautiful Frida pages and I like her dres a lot!!

  35. Eine tolle Frida Hommage und ein sehr interessanter Blog!

  36. ein klasse frida-beitrag, aber auch die älteren seiten gefallen mir sehr!
    schöner dunkler wolkenhimmel (solange man nicht in den regen kommt...)

  37. Great use of a napkin (I used a piece of napkin for the background of my crazy dress piece too ;-) )
    Your colors are very rich and inviting and both of the Frida creations are excellent.
    Thank you for giving everyone Frida Fever again...

  38. I love the "crazy dresses" image - with the birds and flowers - I like to fly too.. and your walk how lovely areas you walk in. The sky - it is a great photo though but man !! How nasty it can be. Thank you so much for sharing, Valerie :)
    Kind regards


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