Saturday 30 August 2014

Bye bye Frida and more....

Hi everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Today started out friendly, but got progressively greyer and darker and wetter. There is a 'Summer Night' festival in our little town tonight, so I am sorry that the weather is not playing fair!

Now it's time for the last Frida page. I have lost count of how many pages I made, but it was more or less one a day. It was a great month, and now I am looking forward to the new challenge! Here I have used Andy Skinner's beautiful Freebie.
I am linking, once again, to Art Journal Journey!

Today I felt like making another witchy tag. I used one of the large Kraft tags that dear Sandy sent me, distressed it with DIs in Victorian velvet and old paper, and then soaked it and scrunched it. When it was dry I embossed it in a texture folder, inked it, and embossed it with silver to look like a spider's web. I stamped some TH skeletons partially onto the background with archival black. The witch and cat were stamped and clear embossed. I stamped the witch a second time onto transparent foil, and placed it over the stamped witch to give her more definition. I added some Halloween creepy crawlies, black fibres, and some witch-hair - not from me! -  as embellishments. A spare broom and a little skull rounded it all off. I am linking to Simon's Monday Challenge, Witchcraft

Today started off well, but the good weather was gone very quickly

I took a photo of Miss Spider devouring her prey today, not easy, as I am scared of spiders, but I did it and I survived - so did the spider!

And Autumn is on its way, the leaves are falling....

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow..noch so eine tolle Frida .. Du bist einfach spitze!
    Und das Tag find ich ganz, ganz groártig..der kleine Besen! Spitze!!
    Die Naturaufnahmen sind wieder klasse!
    Bei uns verregnet es auch grad die Einweihnung des neuen Feuerwehrautos ...
    kann man halt nichts machen!

    Schlaf gut Valerie!

  2. bye bye Frida, nice work! And a cute tag. Back to school too. It rained a lot here this morning, but it's now sunny and hot.

  3. That is a lovely last Frida art, it's super background paper with the flowers and your washi tapes.
    I'm enjoying your spooky art, I've never made anything spooky, so it might inspire me.
    And that's a really excellent photograph at the end, a lovely pink house shown at such a good angle.
    Hope you are enjoying your town festival and that the weather is fine.

    1. It has poured all afternoon, most events had to be cancelled!

  4. A beautiful page to finish off your Frida journal and I love your groovy witch tag, the crumpled effect looks fab! Got my Kaffe workshop tomorrow - hope it's good! Xx

  5. Noch so ein tolles Werk mit Frida - ich fand es wirklich faszinierend, wie vielfältig das Thema umgesetzt wurde - einfach grandios. Dein Tag ist einfach mega genial - das gefällt mir sehr!!!
    Die gleiche Spinne habe ich gestern gerade bei mir geknipst ;o) Ich wünsche dir noch ein schönes Wochenende - heute war es hier durchwachsen aber jetzt regnet es wieder - egal muss morgen eh lernen ;o) Liebe Grüße Dagmar

  6. I have enjoyed all of your Frida pieces Valerie, and this one is a beauty too! Love the Halloween tag also. The photos are amazing like always!! I still think you should make a calendar with them, I would buy it for sure!! :o)

  7. Loved all your Frida pages, they will look an amazing collection when seen together. Fantastic tag, Halloween will be here soon.
    Yvonne xx

  8. It has been fun seeing all your Frida pages. Beautiful way to say good-bye! Lovely page and fabulous spooky tag. I love the photos you share with us grey or sunny! Happy Weekend!

  9. I really love your last Frida, a great month with so many artworks, Valerie. I also love the funny witch and the background of this original tag.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Oh wow! That spider! What a great shot - and your Frida piece is wonderful too - I love the sentiment. xo


  11. moin valarie,

    dankeschööööööön für die tollen sachen,du liebe,ich hab mich soooo gefreut *knuddel*
    deine frida seite ist spitze..und ich freu mich schon aufs nächste thema,war gestern in der notfallpraxis,habe so rückenweh,aber der arzt hat nur schmerzmittel verschreiben,muss Montag zu meinen Hausarzt,ich war ganz schön sauer weil der Notfallarzt keine feste diagnose stellte,dann war hier Demo und man bekam kein taxi,echt zum kotzen,aber eure Geschenke haben mich glücklich gemacht.
    wünsch dir einen schönen sonntag,knuddel.

    GLG Jeannette

  12. Super stunning creations...loving the style and colours...oh and the photo with the spider is super interesting..thanks for the birthday wishes.xx..xxThe Journey is the Start

  13. Wonderful ending page for the Frida challenge Valerie--it has been incredible for sure.

    Love the witchy tag and especially the little broom stick.

    Great photographs again and I do hope that it stayed dry for the evening celebrations. Not keen on the spider one--I had to look away and take a deep breath lol

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. I can understand that, I think I was very brave to stand there and take that pic!

  14. Your Frida and tags are both amazing. I have enjoyed seeing your 'Frida work' and today I do like your spooky tag - very much. The details added are fabulous. Hope today brings better weather for you all :D xo

  15. Valerie! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your beautiful Frida artworks! Thank you for being such an inspiration! X
    Brilliant Halloween tag, I love the kitty peeking out :)
    Lucky spider.. I got my partner to gently remove all cross spiders off of my garden door.. It's always a matter of 'me or them' in our household. I'm not a fan either.. I don't mind the skinny long legged or tiny ones but here in the UK we have the big brown or black house spiders.. Pretty much a smaller version of a tarantula looking thing, in my opinion. I went into labour because of one of them!! Horrible things..
    I'll be off for a week as of tomorrow so I will be in touch upon my return. Take care! Xx

  16. I know what you mean - I get panicky when I see their hairy legs, and I have to get rid of them myself if they chance to wander inside! Have a great week away!

  17. You must be dreaming about Frida every night now - I bet she even talks to you. Now on to my favorite subject - Halloween. How in the world do you think up the things you do?? I love your tag - it is absolutely smashing!!!!!!!!! Your background is fabulous and that witch certainly has an attitude. LUVE the black cat! Bravo!!!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. I just mailed you! Guess my head is always full of nonsense!

  18. Bye, Bye Frida. We are going to miss you.

    What a month, Valerie. You certainly showed Frida at her best and her worst when pain got in the way of her day.

    Halloween will be that time again soon and your tag is a good way to start off the spooky fall season.

    I am canning peaches and I plan to make some jam using your recipe with ginger. Tomorrow is a holiday, LABOR DAY, and I plan to labor.


  19. Hi Valerie,
    Lovely last Frida page and perfect to say goodbye to a great month of creations. Love your witchy tag too. Hope the wet weather holds off for your town to enjoy the festival. Lovely photos.

    Thank you also for stopping by my spotlight feature and your kind comment. So nice of you to visit there.
    Have a great rest of the weekend as we celebrate Labor Day here in the states!

  20. Another wonderful Frida creation from you to say farewell and what a great creative month it's been Valerie! Thank you for so much inspiration and sharing.
    You are having fun with Autumn already I see :-)...I am still in bare feet here in Virginia.

  21. Das ist glaub ich meine Frida Favorit, einfach nur toll, das passt alles genial zusammen. Das Tag ist auch witzig gruselig und die Fotos mal wieder voller Stimmung.
    Ich wünsche Dir morgen einen tollen Start in eine schöne sonnige Woche,
    lG Anja

  22. Love your Frida and that little witch is adorable .I did another Frida today...but didn't get it listed in time to be included in the challenge.. Check her out....she's my fav of the month :)

  23. Beautiful creations and gorgeous photos once again. Love the last photo with the autumn leaves. 1 September is actually Spring Day here in Johannesburg and we had perfect weather to celebrate.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  24. What a beautiful ending to your Frida month, another lovely page! Love all the texture on that tag too, really creepy, but not as creepy as the close up on the spider, lol. Big hugs, ~Diane

  25. Boah, was für tolle Fotos. Deine Frida ist auch wieder wunderschön geworden. Aber das Tag, das ist der Knaller - der Minibesen ist der Hit :)

  26. What a great way to end your Frida month Valerie, and I love your witchy tag. That's an amazing photograph that you've taken of the spider, I don't think I could have stood there and taken it lol xx

  27. I enjoyed Frida month--each and every one of your tributes was beautiful! Love the witchy tag, and you were very brave with the spider photo!

  28. Love your beautiful kraft tag! The textures are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)


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