Wednesday 27 August 2014

Frida, a WIP and another sunrise

Hi everybody!

Hope you day has been good! We had sunshine and blue skies all day, and tomorrow should be the same, but then the rain will come back again!  Had to jump over a lot of puddles on my walks today, the paths are all very muddy after the rain.

Today I have another Frida journal page / collage. The background is a print of my fave Mexican postcard. I painted it with watered down gesso, and then coloured it a bit with oil pastels. The collage pieces were the last remnants left from clearing up my table last week, and I think they fit well together. I used some vintage ledger paper from 1925 in the background, and some washi tape and paper lace as embellishments. And the faux stitching is from a sheet of rub-ons, which also emerged from the chaos on my table. And why did I put the stitching on? No idea, but somehow I liked it.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Frida, and to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by Kristin and Eva.

The canvas is a WIP, which I painted  a long time ago. I started repainting it a few months back, and then lost sight of it.  And yes - I found it under all the mess on my table, too. It is a 9x12" box canvas, inspired by arches and shop signs that I photographed many years ago in Acco. Since taking the photos I have toned down the yellow, making it more creamy in colour, and still think I need to do some work on it, but I don't yet know what. We shall see!

This morning when I got up there was a blanket of mist over the fields, and as the sun rose, it slowly started to thin out the mist, and it looked beautiful.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oooh, what a lovely Frida page! It's so, so beautiful with fantastic images. And your painting is gorgeous. The colours are fabulous and textures as well. Absoltely lovely art work. Love, love...
    And in the end the masterpieces of photos! Thank you for all this beauties, Vaerie. Sleep well!

  2. Val, this is a wonderful Frida page, your collage is, as always, fantastic. The painting is beautiful, too, and I hope you will not lose it again! The sunrise over the mist is great, looks so magical. I will be back on Friday, we are away all day tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  3. That's a really lovely Frida collage. I hope you don't get Frida withdrawal symptoms when this month ends. Your arches canvas looks quite spectacular, I look forward to seeing when/if anything more happens to it, but it looks fine to me, maybe it's finished?

    1. I have enough to do to keep me busy and prevent those dreaded withdrawal symptoms!

  4. Stunning collage and I love the canvas.. Beautiful textures and a mix of colours.. X

  5. Your Frida piece is stunning. This is a good picture of her. Your WIP has my attention in the full. Every aspect of this is thrilling. The colors, the shades and shadows, and the boarder. Wonderful.

  6. beautiful Frida page, happy PPF! Lovely sunrise too.

  7. Love your Frida page !!! ♥♥♥ The photography today is absolute star of the show ♥♥♥♥♥♥ So beautiful! I like where your canvas is going too ♥

  8. sehr schöne frida collage,und der canvas ist toll.
    die bilder sind wieder traumhaft.
    bin gerade wach gewoden,und trinke erst mal einen cafe.
    schönen tag dir,GLG Jeannette

  9. Die Frida Seite ist einfach nur genial Valerie und Dein Keilrahmen ist absolut wunderbar!
    Deine Bilder sind so schön... hach Valerie Du bist eine Kunstseele!
    Bin schon fix und foxi .. Paps ist sehr lieb zu uns aber ich hab schon Heimweh zu Hündchen und Haus,
    Das Shoppen und Kulturleben ( gestern war ich auf einem Opernorchesterkonzert, vorgestern hab ich ein tolle Kunstausstellung besucht , bei boesner war ich schon und bei Ikea und in einem Mega Shopping Zentrum...langsam reichts mir wieder.....will NACH HAUSE!!!!!!
    Aber wahrscheinlich komm ich erst am Samstag im Lauf des Tages heim...ich schik Dir dann gleich ne Mail wegen AJJ...

    Bussi Susi

  10. Another wonderful Frida creation Valerie with such richness and depth to it.

    Stunning canvas and I am sure you will be using it to create something very special--it is special on its own.

    Things look so different through the mist-full of MISTery ;) Thank you for sharing your sunset.

    Love Chrissie x

  11. What a fabulous collage Valerie and your canvas is looking fantastic, I love all the metallic paints. No beautiful sky for us here today, it's dark, rainy and blustery! Xx

  12. Eine super Collage mit jeder Menge Frida-Elementen - und ein toller Hintergrund!
    ... gerade habe ich es geschafft, die ganzen neuen Frida-Kunstwerke im Art Journal anzusehen, es sind so viele neue schöne Arbeiten dazu gekommen!
    So inspirierend.

  13. Such a fabulous journal make Valerie. Love the stunning colour combination and beautiful collages photo etc.
    gorgeous canvas too x
    TFS and hugs Annie x

  14. Another FABULOUS Frida creation...everything about this is WOW Valerie!
    That faux stitching looks SO real and the rooster is a brilliant touch.
    You are the Queen of Frida creations (Love your Casa Azul below too with Frida and Diego!)
    Thanks again for a really fun August full of Frida Fever over at AJJ...

  15. Valerie, I really like this Frida page. The stitching looks wonderful on it. Can't wait to see what you do with your WIP canvas. It is looking good already.


  16. Marvellous show of colours Valerie. Your work is always astounding. Hugs Rita xxx

  17. Fantastic canvas, love the colours. Need I say Frida looks amazing, super collage to frame her. The sunrise photos are wonderful.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Another amazing Frida, I'm so glad you shared these pages with us. Fabulous canvas too, I love the colour combo, I will be watching for the final result.
    Hugs, Mar

  19. I like the stitching and you had me fooled into believing it to be real machine stitching.
    Wonderful Frida art.

  20. Great photos as always. Beautiful skies. Your collage is beautiful. I'm sure Frida is smiling over at your.:) Happy PPF!

  21. Deine Frida-Collage ist mal wieder toll, super, was es dort alles zu entdecken gibt. Die Farben leuchten herrlich.
    Dein Canvas sieht schon mal sehr vielversprechend aus - ich bin gespannt wie es damit weitergeht.

  22. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous Frida journal page. I love the stitching you added. It really gave it an interesting look along with the rooster. Really a nice touch. Your canvas is stunning. Beautiful mix of color.
    Your walking pics are so pretty of the morning sun rise.

  23. lovely Frida page and your collage is awesome, you are certainly the queen of teals, teals and texture!

  24. Your Frida page is AMAZING!!! So pretty!!

  25. Großartige Frida-Kollage! So viele liebevolle Details und so schöne Farben! Der Canvas sieht klasse aus ... schöne Farbkombinationen!
    Liebe Grüße, LonettA

  26. Oh Frida again :) nice page with inspirational colors!

  27. Wow Valerie another stunner LOVE this creation...beautiful colouring too along with those papers. have a great weekend.

    The Journey is the Start

  28. Wonderful collage...but I am absolutely in awe of your wip the teal and green texture and sheen...stunning...can't wait to see it finished!! I see an image of an old man in the back ground... can't help but wonder if that's why it was originally abandoned! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  29. Beautiful Frida -page! The canvas is stunning with its colors too. Your posting is beautiful as usually.

  30. Wonderful collage, and the stitching adds a great touch! I love your canvas, and all the texture around the border.

  31. the sky was beautiful here this morning, hope the day is nice, yesterday was disappointing after Wednesday when I finally pushed myself to go outside, and was rewarded with sunshine, the faint perfume from the few remaining roses, and some juicy rose hips (not so rewarded by a host of flies, bees and wasps, who I disturbed from their feast of fallen apples!). Love your WIP - can't resist greens and blues. Kind regards

  32. Frida looks brilliant again, I like the stitching, and the cockerel too for some reason lol. For me your WIP is the star of the show, the colours and textures are just beautiful. Have a good weekend and don't get too wet :-) xx

  33. That Frida page is so vivid with all the details! And that canvas, I just adore the color world!

  34. Really interesting background on your collage-what a nice way to wrap up your Friday K. month on Art Journal Journey. And what a beautiful sunrise- that's inspiring. Hope you use that view in some of your future art.

  35. I like all the ghostly layers on the

  36. Nice pictures, I love that illuminated by sunlight mist !! Wonderful your paintings!

  37. Your colors are fabulous in both works. The Frida card is amazing-I love all the bits and pieces. It looks like a digital print! I'll have to try the watered down gesso, looks like fun.

  38. Valerie, both the Frida journal page and the painting are beautiful. Now that I am trying to learn to do journals, I can appreciate those of other artists better. Your photos are fab. In fact, may I try to paint one of the sunrises? Please let me know via email or on my blog. Thanks.

  39. Your Frida page has such fun layers and texture! Love it Your painting in progress is most interesting, and I can't wait to see what else you may do. Enjoy the sunshine!

  40. I absolutely love it! Beautiful!

  41. This is one Fantastic Frida! Love the background, all the elements particularly the stich-ons(new to me!) and is it a Russian stamp (of the deer) Loved every bit!
    ps: And regarding Ganesha, I have posted a link to a video which explains the basics and there was a link to an earlier post (perhaps you missed it) regarding it's scientific symbol too. Thanks for your sweet comment :)

  42. All so beautiful Valerie, love the Frida journal page, the stitching is gorgeous! Your painting is also beautiful, it has a really dreamy look to it, I could gaze at it forever. Lovely photos of the sunrise too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  43. I love the flow and composition of your Frida collage!! the faux stitching really adds another element . Your wip canvas is so beautiful just as it is. Thanks for sharing the beautiful sunrise too.

  44. Gorgeous journal page, Valerie! I'm really looking forward to seeing where that lovely WIP takes you. Looks like an interesting start where you can let your intuition run wild. M.x

  45. Your Frida page is stunning!! And the colous on the other page are fascinating & mysterious :D

  46. Oh dear heart, you do make wonderful collage pieces. Your new piece is exciting really - seems like I saw the ghosts of several people in it! It will be fun to watch this piece evolve!
    Sandy xx

  47. What a wonderful post! The photos so mellow and beautiful and your paintings are magical! That canvas is truly something, I don't know where you're taking it but so far it's amazing! The Frida piece is also a favourite, a gran finale for us to enjoy, beautiful work!!

  48. I am sorry I haven't been by to visit in a couple of weeks - I think your Frida collage is just stunning - and "just because I like it" is a good enough reason for the stitching. I think it fits beautifully. Your WIP is beautiful already - love the arch and soft colors. Can't wait to see where it goes!

  49. The canvas painting is looking beautiful so far!

  50. I really like the stitching on this piece! Can't wait to see how the canvas progresses!

  51. You are right about the bits on you desk fitting together well for your Frieda piece. I love the colors you chose both for the background and for the collaged bits. Really nice! Have a lovely week.

  52. Charming and magical Frida work! Love the colors you have pulled together here :)

  53. The whole collage is amazing. The stitching is an added bonus. Definitely looks pulled together. Blessings, Janet PPF


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