Friday 1 August 2014

Frida Kahlo

Hi everybody!

Had a busy day again here, with a long walk, and nice bike ride through the fields and woods and then along the Rhine, did the laundry - 54 steps down to the basement for each load, and then 54 steps back up again! - and created a lot of chaos in my crafty kitchen!

The new theme at Art Journal Journey for August is Frida Kahlo, which I had the honour to choose this time. 

Frida Kahlo de Rivera, was born Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón  on July 6, 1907 and died on  July 13, 1954. She was a painter who is best known for her very moving self-portraits,  which graphically depict her pain, suffering and joy.

Her life began and ended in Mexico City, in her home known as the Blue House. Her work has been celebrated in Mexico as emblematic of national tradition and by feminists for its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.
Mexican and Amerindian cultural tradition are important in her work, which has been sometimes characterized as naive or folk art. Her work has also been described as surrealist, although Frida said of herself, 'I do not paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality'. In spite of her illness, her terrible injuries, and her often rather volatile marriage to Diego Rivera, she never gave up painting or lost her fighting spirit.

For my piece today I have superimposed her painting of 'The broken column' over a postcard of Mexican 'Dia de Los muertos' folk-art. I  then added colours with oil-pastels and gel-pens. I used a white highlighter to doodle flowers and the  outline, and added one of her quotes. I chose this painting to start with as it epitomises for me how she saw herself, and how her suffering shaped her art, against a background of the Mexico she loved. 

One of my fave and much read books is her 'Painted Diary', (Gemaltes Tagebuch), which I would warmly recommend to all who have not read it. I have prepared several journal pages for this theme, and will be showing them in the coming days and weeks. I hope lots of you will join in, too!

I am linking to AJJ, Frida Kahlo and Paint Party Friday and  Simons Monday Challenge J is for J(ournaling)

And here are a few impressions of today's outing.

Just one berry hanging on the tree:

Found another herd of cows today - the one with the big horns had its beady eyes on me all the time:

There was a tiny and very narrow, rusty bridge over the stream:

I rode through the grounds of Schloss Kalkum, and the ducks all came waddling to meet me, but I had to disappoint them, as I had already eaten my roll! The little ones are so sweet and fluffy

And this is either the chapel ghost or my reflection:

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow! Right up my alley. You know how I love Frida Valerie and I very much enjoyed your post and your super imposing method. Great job! Loved your photos as always. Thank you so much and congrats on being picked for the week. Have a great day tomorrow.:)

  2. Love what you have made, and Frida is a great choice, well done! She was a most incredible person. Love the photos, too, those little ducks are sweet. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Einfach ein Traum Valerie.. ich libe Deine Frida Arbeit und ich bin sehr glücklich, dass Du das Thema gewählt hast und unsere Designerin diesen Monat bist♥♥♥
    Tolle Fotos von der Natur und Deinem Ausflug!
    Happy PPF - wo Du im Brennpunkt stehst diese Woche!
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

    knuddel-- von einer noch müden - Hochzeitspartybereiten Susi

    nun rausch ich ab nach WIen>>
    Einen wunderschnen Tag wünsch ich Dir!

  4. Lovely tribute to Frida, and art work. Your photos get better and in themselves!

  5. Wow Valerie, what an amazing piece, I keep looking at it and wondering how you achieved those effect, incredible!!

    I know I have said this before, but you truly live in such a beautiful part of the world! How wonderful you managed to find some cows that were allowed to keep their horns!! (I bet they were on a bio dynamic farm...) Love the chapel ghost too!!

  6. Brilliant again, well designed and wow those piccies are just amazing...think I will move to your I have a birthday candy if you are interested.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  7. Guten Morgen valeire,

    ich finde deine frida arbeit absolut großartig,ich bin glücklich das du das thema gewählt hast,da kommen bestimmt ganz,ganz viele fridas zusammen,ich hab meine frida auch in bunt vorhin gemalt.
    deine schlossbilder sind klasse und die entchen soo süss,wie sie da watscheln,hihi.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  8. What a fantastic piece, the effects are quite amazing... I adore it... your photos are beautiful are always..Love the last one so much... Hugs May x x

  9. ein hammerschönes frida-werk, ein tolles thema hast du da ausgesucht!! auch deine fotos sind wieder sehr schön geworden.

  10. Wow what a great entry, I love your painting of Frida and the info about her!!

  11. A wonderful tribute to the artist Valerie and I look forward to seeing more of your pages.

    Wonderful photographs as always-I loved the one with the cows and the cloudless sky.

    Have a great day whatever you are doing

    Love Chrissie x

  12. you live in a beautiful place and i enjoy my virtual walks with you... but your art this week is one of my favourites... just gorgeous...xx

  13. Gorgeous Frida...very beautifully done!! Love your photos too....and the pots of geraniums are so lovely!

    Hugs Giggles

  14. A great work, great tribute to Frida Kahlo! Fine Photos too!

  15. Ooooh Valerie, your Frida art work is superb! I can feel her pains from your marvellous creation.
    Love, love her, and your background for her is excellan.
    Have a wonderful day,

  16. Wonderful how you superimposed that image over that background. It gives a beautiful result. And congrats on being the featured artist at PPF!

  17. Es ist schon erstaunlich wie bunt die Kunst von Frida Kahlo ist bei ihren Erlebnissen und Schmerzen. Das habe ich immer bewundert. Dein Werk wird ihr absolut gerecht.
    Deine Fotos sind auch wieder so schön! Ich mag diese Schwimmfüße von den Enten einfach;)
    Alles Liebe und ein schönes Wochenende, Manuela

  18. WOW was für eine tolle Frida-Kreation, absolut Spitze!

  19. Wonderful art work, Valerie. I am impressed of your amazing work. I love love love it.
    Congrats on being the featured artist at AJJ and PPF. And great theme you've chosen!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Frida's life was so tragic and often tormented, but she never lost her spirit. You have honored her life and work with your beautiful piece, and I look forward to see more. Loved the "chapel ghost"! Are those leaves that have put on their Autumn colors and fallen off the trees already?

    1. The leaves are from the trees damaged in the huge storm in June.

  21. Amazing artwork, love how you created the page. Super photos especially the last one.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Your Frida art is very beautiful and shows all those emotions you mentioned from sorrow and pain to joy. I always enjoy seeing your scenic walk pictures.

  23. A brilliant theme choice from you as she certainly was a hugely influencing artist.
    You know I shy away from colour (I am trying to overcome that at the moment!) but I have a Frida stamp which I recently received in a set of Mexico inspired stamps from Oxford Impressions - maybe I need to challenge myself one of those days to use the stamp along with a burst of colour.
    I love what you created, you captured her essence and spirit so beautifully.

  24. The tribute is so fitting and beautiful. I love where you live. I too take pictures out on my walk in my other blog and I too have ducks at the bridge/canal that I feed. I went to the feed store and bought cracked corn (duck food). I love your pictures and your descriptions. Blessings, Janet PPF (I am a new follower.)

    1. Thanks a lot! I have cracked corn for the birds that I feed on my balcony. I love seeing the ducks and birds around.

  25. Hi Valerie, Your artwork in tribute to this amazing artist is amazing. I think she would be very proud of your design. Love your walking pics. Have a great weekend.

  26. Nice. Thanks for sharing your little outing. Great scenery.

  27. Ein grandioses Werk! Ganz, ganz toll! Und herzlichen Dank für dieses schöne und inspirierende Thema bei AJJ! Ein schönes Wochende für dich, GLG, LonettA

  28. Gorgeous and magical..and inspiring...such a wonderful tribute to Frida! Beautiful my friend!!

  29. Frida is so well done and you capture her story so well. The ducks are adorable!

  30. The Frida piece you created here is so fabulous Valerie...
    every detail is WOW!
    Thank you for such a passionate theme for AJJ this month.
    Your write up is excellent too...
    Quack Quack
    Have a lovely weekend :-)

    1. And a quack and a moo
      Back to you!
      I am quackers, I can't help it!

  31. congratulations dear Valerie on being featured on PPF, so pleased for you. A wonderful job with Frida and loving the vibrant colours which is so her. Great photos as well. Have a smashing weekend, hugs Annette xx

  32. Absolutely and totally love the Frida art!!! She is one of my greatest inspirations.I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. Great photos and the ghost picture has be wondering ...what do you really look like :) Congrats on being the Feature Artist at Paint Party Friday!!!!!

  33. congratulations on being featured on PPF dear Valerie, so love your Frida with all those vibrant colours. Great photos as well. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette xx

  34. This is amazing, I love the effects you created. And you live in a gorgeous place.

  35. Valerie - that is a gorgeous painting-I love the superimposed images and all the wonderful things to see in this work of art. Loved seeing your work at PPF - enjoy visiting where you live through your photos

  36. Frida's art is a favorite of so many partly due to her courage and perseverance to continue to paint even in pain. Your art piece portrays Frida in this light. Terrific job, Valerie. Love the new photo of the cows and the bull keeping his eye on you. Thanks for another history lesson along with your outstanding photographic skills.


  37. This is such a beautiful piece Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  38. Great journal page - love the colours and of course the topic. This will be an interesting time working with Frida. Absolutely fascinating woman. hugs, Donna PS; Beautiful pics. xo

  39. Dear Valerie, visiting your blog is always such a relaxing activity. It is like going with you for a walk with sharing your creativity and thoughts. Your Frida is amazing!

  40. Amazing, I love this portret!!

  41. Looks like you had a lovely day out! Thanks for the lovely bio and the journal page is stunning! The layers and details are wow. Thanks for playing along with us at SImon Says Stamp Monday Challenge "J" is for.... !

  42. A very moving piece and beautiful tribute to Frida, you put this tribute to her together so beautifully. I was not aware of all of her story, she must have been an amazing woman in her day. Beautiful pictures of your ride today too. ~Diane

  43. WOW!!! Your use of color is amazing. Loved your pictures. Let
    I would say you would need a dozen rolls for that flock of ducks.
    Sandy xx

  44. This is an amazing work of art Valerie, so moving - you feel it as well as see it. What beautiful photographs of your walk too xx

  45. Just fantastic.....xox

  46. Thank you for linking up to Feline Art Friday, hope to see you back soon:

  47. Gorgeous painting! The words make me feel her!


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