Sunday 3 August 2014

And Frida again....

Hi Everybody!
Today it was hot and humid, so I went for my walk a bit earlier than usual before it heated up even more. I chose the path through the woods, and went to Schloss Kalkum to visit the ducks - and they were all busy sleeping, not even interested in being fed ! This afternoon the skies darkened and we had thunder, lightning, heavy rain falls and hailstones again, and it looks like tomorrow will be similar. I don't mind being out when it's raining, but not when there's thunder and lightning, so the worse case scenario for tomorrow will be a day spent crafting, cooking and reading!

Today I am sharing another Frida Kahlo journal page. I used a photo digitally changed to a pencil drawing, which I then superimposed onto another page of her diary. I find this page very moving, where she is missing her Diego so much. I then used water-colour pencils, oil pastels and a water brush to colour the face.  This time I let Frida speak, and didn't add any other journaling.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, and to Simons Monday challenge, J is for Journal page.

The apples in the park are getting bigger day by day, I sometimes wish my arms were longer!

I love the seed heads  of the flowers:

Just one left!

  The path through the woods:

The church spire at Kalkum

The beautiful sky over the Rhine:

This picture reminded me of Red Riding Hood and the wolf - the little boy was hanging on to the dog, an Irish wolf hound, who was leading him gently along the path over the old fortifications - a boy's best friend.

Have a great Sunday, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I LOVE this page, just beautiful, I think it is my favourite so far, it is well done! Great photos, too, love especially the little boy with his dog, so pretty. Have a nice day, we are off out with all the kids today! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Guten morgen

    boaaaahhhhhh,deine frida seite ist absolut grandios,ich bin mehr als begeistert,diese seite ist soooo wunderwunderschööööön gemacht,ich liebe fridas nachdenklichen blick.
    ich hab auch noch eine frida seite gemacht,stell ich nachher mal ein.
    das fest gestern war klasse,nicht nur das feuerwerk war ganz grandios,auch die rock band die gespielt hat war große klasse,es war aber soooo voll,das ich kaum schöne bilder machen konnte,und wir haben nur einen latte macchiato getrunken,das essen hab ich mir verkniffen,*GRINS*
    ein paar tolle handgefertigte schuhe aus kenia hab ich mir noch gegönnt,die sehen soo toll aus.
    wünsch dir heute noch einen schönen sonntag :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

    1. Klingt wie einen tollen Abend, und es war sehr brav von Dir das Essen zu verkneifen, Du willst hoffentlich Bilder von den tollen Schuhen zeigen, oder? Viel Spaß beim tragen!

  3. A wonderful page Valerie with so depth of feeling in the face. To be able to use te diary page as well just adds to the beauty of this special page.

    Love the photographs and the one blackberry hanging on in there. Not seen any here yet though I haven't been to the usual place where we pick them.

    Hope the day is better than you thought it might be

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Up till now the weather was good, so I went walkies.Hope you find some blackberries.

  4. Cleverly done Miss Valerie. Love the effect created. huugs, Donna

  5. A fabulous page Valerie, love how you've superimposed the images.
    Wonderful photos as usual, love the one with the little boy and his dog.
    Have a great day, and if it rains tomorrow, have a great day crafting.
    Avril x

  6. beautiful, page a great photos.EE

  7. Wonderful Frida again, Valerie! Love the way you've made her loving words to Diego.
    Bravo and hugs!

  8. Love how you created the journal page, looks super with the diary pages. Liked the photo of the boy and his dog goes well with the story.
    Yvonne xx

  9. That is a lovely touching journal page, Valerie.
    Love the photos today again especially the lane and the church spire.

  10. A very powerful page Valerie
    Von ♥

  11. Brilliant and striking work of art...lovely nature pics

    The Journey is the Start

  12. Valerie, your Frida Journal is going to be exceptional. I really like this page using a sheet from her diary as the background. It is really fantastic! Great photos; we had rain last night but it is humid today.

  13. Einfach wunderbar dies Arbeit und so schöne Naturaufnahmen wieder!
    Ich wünsch Dir schon mal einen guten Wochenstart für morgen!
    Sei mir lieb gegrüßt und ein fetter Knuddel!

  14. Oh wow this journal page is just so artistic. Once again I adore your beautiful photography and especially the seed heads. Your current weather sounds exactly like our summer weather here in Johannesburg.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  15. And yet another emotionally moving page with Frida, you do well to capture the feelings and emotions in how you present her. Love the photos today also. ~Diane

  16. Absolutely gorgeous journal page Valerie Frida has such an expressive face! I love your photographs too, especially your little boy and his best friend. Hope the sun shines for you tomorrow (and that you get to craft too :-) ) xx

  17. Wonderful pictures and post.

    Hugs Diane

  18. Marvelous layering on your collage, looks like transparent multi layers. Lovely walk too. Nice pathways. xox

  19. such beautiful work, and a beautiful walk, thank you,

  20. That is a beautiful page! And enjoyed your photos today!

  21. Beautiful and intriguing journal page Valerie - my favorite so far. Love the picture of the little boy and his dog. The dog is as big as the child.
    What are you reading now? I sure do hope you take a picture of whatever you cooked!
    Sandy xx

  22. A fabulous journal page Valerie, a wonderful image and I like the writing in the background.
    Your town photos are really good as usual. You live in such a picturesque place. I chucked at the image of the wee boy with his dog almost as big as he.
    Have a wonderful week :D

  23. Beautiful art journal page! Love the pretty image. :)

  24. Hi Valerie, you once again capture your subject so perfectly. Love this piece. Special pics you share and the little boy walking the dog is priceless.
    Have a creative day!

  25. What a great idea to turn a picture into a drawing digitally and color it in. It looks amazing! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  26. Boah, dein Frida Werk gefällt mir super gut. Klasse Idee.

  27. Beautiful artworks and images,...
    forgot to say, I joined your blog and look forward to more inspiration from you!
    Ingrid x

  28. Sehr beeindruckend, dein Frida-Werk! - Ulrike

  29. I do believe that this is my favorite so far too. Great job. Love photos of course and the one with the boy and the dog really pleased me. Thanks for sharing your beauty ♥

  30. This piece IS Fabulous Valerie...
    Frida and Diego sure were crazy in Love...
    I like the way Frida says he was her worst accident.
    The boy and his dog really is an enchanted photo...
    thank you for taking us to the woods with berries too = Oh My!

  31. Looks like you've got the Frida-bug, big time! So much new eye candy and what a pleasure to have a catchup. Love the writing showing through on this. Hope your summer is going very well!


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