Saturday 9 August 2014

Summer, jam and a bespectacled owl

Hi everybody!

This morning started out cool and cloudy, with a very fresh wind, but by this afternoon it was hot and humid again.
Here you can see the view from my balcony, the sun was trying to struggle through the clouds. It was very windy along the Rhine, but I enjoyed my windy walk.

At Soartful challenges the theme is eyeglasses/spectacles.
I used a large owl stencil on a page painted with paint left over from another project, adding in some colour round the edges with oil pastels to fill in the gaps. I used a foam brush to stencil the owl with black acrylic paint, and outlined it all with a white gel-pen when it was dry. The glasses were cut out of a magazine ad, glued to cardboard, fussy cut and varnished. This was fun to make!

And this was fun to make and will be even more fun to eat! Plums were on offer this week, so I made a batch of my special jam, adding cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, and vodka (to kill off germs!). Jam making is for me a much loved summer activity - buying the ripe fruit when it is plentiful and cheap, cooking the jam, labeling it, and watching the shelves in my store cupboard fill up. Eating it is also a great pleasure, which I have for a whole year.

At Manus Mifoc the challenge this week is 'summer'. For me the jam is part of summer, and in addition  I have collaged some photos of summer around here - the hay harvest, wild flowers on the meadows, the plantation of sun flowers, and  the Rhine with the sun sparkling on the water. The text is the first verse from a hymn we used to sing when I went to school.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend.
Take care, have fun,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Deine bebrillte Eule ist einmalig! Fleissige Marmealdeneinkocherin Du!
    Tolle Fotos!
    Schönen Sonntag Valerie!

  2. Love your owl, she is a hoot ( pardon!) with her specs! Great photos, too. I remember that hymn well, too, it had such a nice melody. Have a nice weekend, get some rest for a change! Hugs, Sarah

  3. What a lovely post Valerie. I do love owls and this one is great fun. Beautiful photos and your jam looks so yummy, you will need to make some scones or pancakes too! Today was much cooler here too and tomorrow it's forecast for rain, rain, rain! Have a lovely Sunday. xx

    1. Same here - rain, wind and storm is on its way to give us a few days 'fun'!

  4. Das post ist ja mal wieder ein genialer Mix. Die Eule ist einfach nur genial ich liebe sie mit der Brille!Dann die leckeren Pflaumen, da läuft einem ja das Wasser im Mund zusammen udn wieder so schöne Fotos. Morgen soll es wieder heiss werden, das Wechselwetter is echt anstrengend.
    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Abend und Sonntag,
    lG Anja

  5. your owl looks very scholarly for sure! That jam sounds amazing!!! Love the labeling!!

  6. Love those glasses on your owl. makes him look so wise. and fun as well. Delicious jam again today, I can just imagine that spread on hot buttery crumpets. Yum.
    Looks like we are all getting the tail of the hurricane, gales forecast for us as well as rain.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I adore you owl...Fabulous work...that jam looks so yummy....Love the photos as always... Enjoy the weekend... Hugs May x x

  8. Hi! What a beautiful owl! Lovely artwork!!
    A boozy jam? Who knew, right?! :) sounds yummy ;)

  9. Gorgeous cloudscape and I love the owl! Just adorable! The jam sounds yummy indeed.

  10. I'll have jam and toast please. I bet the plum is so good. Cute specs on your owl. xox

  11. I love the owl. I use to watch them on the Internet 24/7. That is a great stencil. The clouds are fantastic. . . very different sky than So. FL. I love the hymn, thanks for sharing that. Also, thanks for following my other blog and commenting. Blessings, Janet PPF

  12. That owl is magnificent, in fact it actually looks as though you have drawn him and not actually a stencil.
    Hmmmmm homemade jam is such a pleasure, you are making me hungry. I have some oatcakes beside me, would you mind if I helped myself to a little dollop of homemade jam :)

    1. You would be most welcome, help yourself! And perhaps you could leave me a few of those oatcakes while you're here!

  13. Your jam looks delicious! lovely bespectacled owl!

  14. Stunningly beautiful creation, love the gorgeous owl and the way you have designed this. LOVE your pics of nature and your wonderful jam made from the fruits of nature...have a great weekend...xx ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  15. Love that adorable owl! ♥♥♥♥ The jam looks so yummy!!! I haven't made jam for a few years but we are starting to run out of the home stuff so I'll have to make some up this year. I love making jams and canning food from the garden. It feels good to know I have good organic food for the winter months ahead. Opening a jar of jam in the winter is like opening a jar of sunshine :)

  16. Deine Eule mit der roten Brille ist einfach zauberhaft! Mir gefallen die schwarz-weißen Konturen auf dem blauen Hintergrund! So schön! Toll, dass du Marmelade selber kochst ... mache ich auch! Es geht doch nicht über die selbstgekochte Marmelade, nicht wahr?
    Deine Fotokollage ist gefällt mir auch sehr!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich! Ein lieber Gruß, LonettA

  17. OOohh deine Brilleneule ist einfach nur Hammer,mir gefällt auch das schwarze auf dem blauen hintergrund,sehr kontrastreich,und ja die Brille,da denke ich an herr Eulenprofessor *gg*
    deine selbstgemachten marmeladen sind bestimmt Suuuuper leecker,yummy,ich sollte auch mal wider welche einkochen,hab ich soo lange nicht gemacht,das letzte mal haben wir das gemacht mit meinen schwager zusammen der aus schottland zu besuch bei uns war,wir haben richtig gesammelt,und gericht hat es 2 jahre,zu dritt kommt schon einiges zusammen an früchten,du musst mir mal bei zeiten das rezept für deine plum marmelade mailen.
    deine fotocollage finde ich auch sehr klasse,ich finde sowas kannst du sehr gut,genau wie fotos machen,du hast ein händchen dafür.
    bei uns ist das wetter nicht so doll,es regnet dauernd,hoffentlich werd ich nicht nass nachher beim radel fahren.
    hab mir gestern zwei paar tolle schuhe jeweils für 5 euro auf dem wochenmarkt gekauft,da geht man wie auf watte drauf,einfach herrlich.
    wünsch dir einen schönen sonntag :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  18. Just love the owl painting and your fun quote to go with it.

    The sky in your photograph looks a bit like our does at the moment :(

    Yummy jam as always and very special ingredients for sure.

    Such a beautiful postcard with the gorgeous summer images to enjoy.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  19. Du hast den Sommer perfekt eingefangen mit den sonnigen Fotos und natürlich mit deiner bestimmt super leckeren Marmelade!
    In meinem früheren Leben als Gartenbesitzer hat für mich das Marmeladenkochen auch immer den Sommer ausgemacht...
    Super deine Eule und das erste Foto mit dem schönen dunklen Wolkenhimmel!
    Schönen Sonntag von Ulrike

  20. As I sometimes do, I read your description before allowing myself to see the picture then there is the surprise when the picture is not how I imagine it, as in this instance. Your art is so varied and so imaginative. I really love this owl with all his little patterns and his glossy red spectacles, and the text is the perfect finishing touch. Thanks very much for joining in with Soartful once again.

  21. Adorable Owl! Your jam cabinet must be filling up nicely! It is nice to have homemade things during the cold months! Happy Sunday!

  22. The Owl is wonderful. Great stencil to work with and as always, adore the colours you have chosen. Great pics - and a great job with the digital. I wish you were here - you could teach me! Hope you are having a great Sunday. hugs, Donna

  23. Your owl is wonderful and such a fine combination of mixed media.
    Your lovely jam reminds me of a delicious Pflaumenkuchen (Zwetschgen-Kuchen) my Mutti always made.
    So nice seeing summer through your eyes and camera lens with your super photos Valerie.

    1. Today I had Zwetchgenkuchen at the bakers! Yummy!

  24. Oh, haha, I love the eye-glasses you gave him, and the quote! Wonderful :-)

  25. Oh yum, that jam is first topic on my mind, right down to the delicious looking labels you have on them! Your owl with his cute saying is lovely and so are the striking skyline pictures. Take care, big hugs, ~Diane

  26. It may have been fun to make, Valerie, but I'll bet it was even more fun to see! I love the stencil and how you have highlighted it with white. I can imagine you smiling as you put those eyeglasses on him. And the words are perfect. Thanks for being Soartful with us again!

  27. What a perfectly wonderful Owl - his red spectacles suit him to a T! You must like making jam cause you have made a bucket load. Your vodka supply must be running low!
    Your photo collage is wonderful. It has been a very rainy summer here and our veggie garden has not had enough sun although we got a bumper crop of potatoes.
    Dark and rainy here - look forward to your post tomorrow. Darn that jam looks good!
    Sandy xx

    1. The vodka bottle is empty - the jam jars are full!

  28. Love the bespectacled owl and those bottles of jam look so very yummy!! Lovely photos of summer!

  29. Love your owl, his spectacles make him look super intelligent lol. The jam looks mighty fine too, and I'm glad that you're taking germ killing seriously :-) xx

  30. Wunderbare Fotos! Ganz besonders gefallen mir die Wolken;) Deine Eule ist schlichtweg genial. Marmelade einkochen habe ich vor einer Woche das erste Mal gemacht und bin ganz angetan von meinen Ergebnissen. Pflaumen würde ich gerne noch zu Pflaumenmus kochen. Wobei Deine Marmelade sieht sehr verführerisch aus.
    Es ist übrigens Stroh und keine Heuernte, die Du fotografiert hast, aber nicht weniger fotogen;)
    Alles Liebe und einen guten Wochenanfang,

  31. Dein Eulenwerk ist mal wieder schlichtweg der Hammer - so was von genial. Und auch deine Fotos sind toll. Du hast den Sommer wunderschön in eine Collage gepackt.

  32. A beautiful post Valerie! Your blue owl is a charmer :)

  33. Total süß die Brilleneule und die Marmelade macht Appetit darauf, sieht lecker aus. Na und die Sommer-Collage sieht richtig super aus und dann noch der schöne Spruch darauf. Schöne Werke!
    Liebe Grüße

  34. Adorable owl! Thanks for participating in Soartful. (Your jam looks and sounds delicious!)


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