Friday 22 August 2014

Frida and sunrise

Hi everybody!

Another week has flown by, and Friday is almost over here - where did the day go? I was up very early this morning as I had to go to the doctor's for a big check up, and was rewarded with a wonderful sunrise. I stood on the balcony, watching the sun and the sky, and it was a great start to the day.

Today I am sharing another Frida journal page. In case some of you are getting tired of Frida fever, August will soon be over....
The Frida image has been stamped onto a piece of hand painted paper. I was lucky to get 2 lovely stamps from an EBAY auction, and have used one of them here.

The background is a sheet of DP. I cut into the paper along the pattern  at one side and slotted the image into it. I highlighted some of the printed images with a white highlighter, and embellished with a scrap of net, some lace and washi tape. I inked the edges with a mix of pumice and worn lipstick DIs.

I am linking to Art journal Journey, Frida, Paint Party Friday, and to Manon's Paper Saturdays.

These are the photos of the sunrise this morning. I am linking to Mifoc, where the challenge this week is 'mood'. A beautiful sky and sunrise does a lot to make me feel good and set me up for the day.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is so beautiful! Frieda background looks like a sunrise. I have this same stamp and now you've inspired me to take it out and use it!

  2. This is beautiful, love the colours you have used and the painted background really looks like a sunrise. Wonderful photos too! Hugs Sarah

  3. Du bist en wahrer Glückspilz diesen klassisch genial schönen Stempel zu ergattern!
    Eine begnadet schöne Seite ist das ... sagenhaft!
    Und die schönen Naturimpressionen sind gewaltig gelungen!
    Hab einen schönen Abend..hab grad noch Rasen gemäht und nun mach ich es mir wahrscheinlich mal zur Abwechslung vor der Glotze gemütlich- abgeblich kommt gleich was aus einer Nachbarortschaft -da hat einen Frau einen Trüffel gefunden im Wert von 6000 Euro groß..muss ich mir angucken den Beitrag in einem Regionalsender ...

    Knuddel Dich - ich stimme mich derzeit mental auf das nächste Thema ein - hab einige Ideen..
    glaub mein frida fieber ist im Abklingen...
    Morgen muss ich für Wien packen und am Sonntag morgen geht's los..weiss noch gar nicht wann genau ich zurück bin, hängt davon ab wie lang mein Göttergatte für die Trepenhausverfliesung sagt das sei eine Riesenarbeit...uff!
    Ich hoffe aber schon dass ich vor dem nächsten Sonntag dann wieder zurück bin.

    1. Ich habe noch 5 Portionen Frida parat - danach ist Schluss! Dir einen schönen Abend!

  4. oohh was für eine schöne frrida seite,tollen stempel hast du ergattert.
    die himmelsbilder sind traumhaft gelungen.
    ich bin glaube ich auch mit dem frida thema durch,mach mir schon Gedanken ums nächste thema.
    hab ein schönes WE,ich habe mir gerade kerzen angemacht und trinke gemütlich cafe,heute abend gucke ich wieder Promi big Brother,das finde immer ich ganz toll.
    schönen Abend :-)

    GLg Jeannette

  5. A beautiful feminine Frida and what a stunning sunrise, fabulous photographs. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Xx

  6. Your Frida art is stunning. I enjoyed your photographs too. Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  7. Was für ein toller Stempel und du hast ihn gekonnt in Szene gesetzt!!!!!
    Deine Fotos des erwachenden Tages sind wunderschön - du hast die Morgenstimmung toll eingefangen. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes und kreatives Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  8. lovely Frida page, and I love the sunrise photos!

  9. What amazing and wonderful and changing photographs of your dawn sky. I especially like the fifth one with its touch of yellow.
    You've made a calmer and more contented Frida this time with these lovely soft colours.

  10. Beautiful Frida. I like that stamp paired with the pretty colours and how I love that washi tape you used, I am in search of pretty washi tape like this but the designs are bolder than I really want.
    Skies are always so appealing, those are wonderful images.

    1. The washi tape was from the pound shop, got 10 rolls for 1 pound!

  11. Valerie! These colours are just yummy! I love the pinks and yellows... and then you get the black and white image of Frida! How stunning!
    Love this one!
    Ingrid xxx

  12. Not only do I love your Frida page today, but those are gorgeous sky photos!

  13. Another gorgeous Frida page from your incredible talents to create. Love the sky photos and the sunrise.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  14. Wonderful Frida page and your photos are awesome.

  15. Wonderful sky and cloud colors maximum beauty! These photos are gorgeous! I also love your composition with exquisite Frida!

  16. I love that stamp and what you have done with it. ♥ Beautiful photos again my friend. Hoping your weekend is relaxing and enjoyable !

  17. WOWZER once again gosh I don't think I've seen lace on your projects before, I may be wrong, but this is just stunning....what funny clouds in the them though.xx♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  18. Another beautiful Frida page Valerie--I have really enjoyed seeing all your Frida makes and also joining in with a few of my own :)

    Beautiful cloud formations in the photographs and wonderful evening colours. Alwasy something to admire in your photographs

    Love Chrissie x

  19. ATEMBERAUBEND - die Fotos vom Sonnenaufgang! Ja, es ist schon sehr interessant wie sich das Wetter auf unsere Stimmung auswirkt.
    Deine Frida-Seite gefällt mir auch ausnehmend gut, ganz tolle Farben!
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  20. Another wonderful Frida, indeed!
    And what a glorious, glorious sunrise ~ fantastic mood. ::sigh::

  21. magical and inspiring photos and interesting Frida creations! Thank you for sharing!

  22. LOVE Frida today! Background is sensational and really sets of the 'black' Frida. Beautiful sunrise. Hope you are having fun. hugs, Donna

  23. Those beautiful skies really made my day today. Hope all went well!

  24. Frida is just gorgeous! And those photos are beautiful! You always take such wonderful photos :)

  25. WOW you were rewarded with gorgeous skies and lucky for us you are sharing the photos Valerie ♥
    Hope you got a good report from your doctor's visit.
    Your Frida page is again so wonderful...really super and colorful and no I am not tired of Frida :-)
    Thank you again for making August extra special over at AJJ.
    Happy Weekend from rainy Virginia USA

  26. Valerie, hope your check-up with the doctor went well. Your morning certainly started off with beautiful photos of the sunrise and unusual cloud formations. Frida looks great with the lace at the bottom of her photo. All in all, August has been a terrific tribute to Frida and your journal pages have been wonderful. Have a great weekend yourself.


  27. This page of Friga is so gorgeous, Valerie. The colours are very fabulous. Another amazing creation!
    The sky photographs are super.
    Hugs, Mar

  28. Beautiful journal entry with lots of color and patterns. I live her saying.
    I am convinced you have the most beautiful skies in the world.
    Sandy xx

  29. Really marvelous and the fabric adds so much to it. Some nice cloud photos. xox

  30. Gorgeous Frida, beautiful background too. I love the beautiful photos of the sunrise too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  31. Ganz wunderschöne Frida Collage, so schöne Farben und tolle Effekte im Hintergrund. Aber auch deine Morgenstimmungs-Fotos sehen so schön aus, grandiose Wolkenformation. Ich mag solche Sonnenaufgänge auch sehr.
    Liebe Grüße

  32. Your Frida collage is so gorgeous as is that marvelous sunrise in complementary colors.

  33. Diesen Stempel habe ich auch und liebe ihn sehr - du hast ihn toll eingesetzt.
    Dein Wahnsinns-Himmel haut mich um, das muss ja ein wunderbares Gefühl für dich gewesen sein, unter diesen Farben zu stehen!
    LG Ulrike

  34. Wow what a beautiful piece - you did really well with these e-bay stamps! I love the background you've created for her, and that sunrise is just gorgeous xx

  35. Ohh I really love what you did with Frida. Very nice and the photos are pretty amazing.

  36. Wonderful Frida and such a beautiful sunrise! Thank you for sharing! Happy PPF!


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