Tuesday 19 August 2014

Double Tuesday

Hi everybody!

The weather yesterday offered us wide variety of weather conditions - sunny, cloudy, wet, warm, cold - a bit of everything! More like April than August.

Today it's time for new challenges at Try it on Tuesday and Tag Tuesday.
At  TIOT our theme for the next 2 weeks is 'use your stash', so a great challenge to join in. Just dig out that hoarded stuff and start creating! I used a kit from Paper Whimsy, sent to me by my dear friend Sandy.
After fitting the parts together I sprayed it with gold paint, and then went to work to decorate it. This is the result:

A Frida doll-house

I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes

 At Tag Tuesday our theme is fruit. I made a large tag with a distressed and stenciled background in Autumn colours. I used my goddess template to make the lady as a 'goddess of Plenty. ' I found a scrap of material with a fruit print for her skirt.

I am also linking to Manus Mifoc challenge, colour

This is a  little statue I have of the Snake goddess from Crete, standing in the same pose:

This morning the sun shone for a few minutes, and my angel figures on the window ledge made a beautiful shadow play on the white curtains:

This afternoon I took the narrow path along the stream:

On the right side is a cornfield:

As I looked up I saw how dark the clouds were, and by the time I had reached the end of the path it was pouring, so had to run back as quickly as possible. Well, at least I got some movement!

Have a great day, take care, and
thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Love your Frida doll-house, what a wonderful idea! Great photos, too. We got soaked going home yesterday as well! Love the shadow photos! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow, Valerie! I love your whole post, it's fabulous with fantastic doll-Frida idea and composition. The tags are rich and beautiful and the photos superb. I got immediately an idea from here for TIOT;)
    Happy day to you, hugs!

  3. sagenhaft schöne Kunstwerke zeigst Du uns heute und total spannende Fotografien!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  4. Wonderful creations today. Just love the kit and how you added Frida as the face. So much wonderful colour in the tag and the kit piece it all looks stunning.

    The silhouette photographs are beautiful-how lovely to have angels looking in.

    Sorry the weather was mixed for your walk and I hope it is better today.

    It is cold and windy here but a nice bright sky:)

    Have a beautiful day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Stunning work Valerie! Love your Frida creation, so creative. Nikki x

  6. What a lovely post Valerie, a beautiful tag but I just , love, love your Frida house, that little birdie inside is just so sweet. Have a lovely day. Xx

  7. Love your latest Frida creation, especially that little bird to her right, brill. Great tag and photos, Annette x


  8. obwohl man auf dem tag fridas gesicht nicht sieht, weiß man sofort, dass nur sie es sein kann - klasse! auch die Fotos gefallen mir gut, besonders das letzte mit dem grauen himmel!

    1. Du hast mich durchschaut - momentan dreht sich alles um Frida!

  9. Both amazing pieces, Valerie. Your Frida is very very wonderful and creative with a lot of great elements and the tag is really fabulous.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Deine Kunstwerke sind wieder mal einmalig. Der Tag gefällt mir richtig gut in den sonnigen Farben. Hier ist das Wetter die letzten Tage eher herbstlich und da tut der Tag richtig gut.
    Ganz lieben Dank fürs Mitmachen,

  11. Wow, I am in raptures over the Frida house, it looks Fantastic. Loved the silhouette photos and the wonderful tag as well.
    Yvonne xx

  12. oohh wieder wunderschöne werke,das frida Haus ist klasse und das tag ist schön herbstlich,wie das Wetter gerade.
    hab noch einen schönen tag,GLG Jeannette

  13. Love the doll house! Glad you got out for a bit anyway.

  14. Boy, you have worked wonders with that shrine Valerie - Frida looks stunning with the pearls and I think the heart says all it needs to say. Beautifully colors on your Goddess of Plenty.
    I would dearly love to go to Crete. My favorite author came from Crete - Nikos Kazantzakis.
    I am also glad that you are being watched over by angels.
    Sandy xx

  15. Hi Valerie, what a wonderful creation in your Frida Doll House. Your tag is stunning. Lovely walking pics and the thin path looks like a fun trail to follow. Sorry your got caught in the downpour, but kind of fun too. Have a great day!

  16. Stunning work and interesting blog read thanks for sharing x Hilda

  17. STUNNING, all of them today, Valerie. You inspire me in every way with your talent to create unusual projects with a specific theme. Sorry you got wet while on your walk. It feels like fall here today. I like the cooler mornings but hate to see summer leave us so soon.


  18. You have been sooooo busy! Love all your projects today, I think Frida is my fave! Have a super day, Valerie!

  19. Love those shadows on the wall. I am enjoying all your Frida pieces. Great work. :)

  20. Das sind ja wieder fantastische Arbeiten - besonders dein erstes Frida-Projekt aus diesem Post ist genial und deine Fotos haben mir wieder Freude beim anschauen bereitet - danke dafür. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  21. Hier zeigst du ja mal eine richtig fröhliche Doll-House-Frida, ganz toll gearbeitet.. und wieder so viele schöne Bilder!
    LG Ulrike

  22. Love your finished dolls house, hugs Bee

  23. Love the Frida doll house, so clever, love the bird on her shoulder too. Gorgeous tag, love the lady, makes me think of the Chiquita banana song, lol. The photos of the shadows are very pretty too, great how you see things in a different light like that. Sorry you got caught in that shower, hope you stay dry for the rest of the day! Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. Love your take on the challenge and love the shadows, too!
    Hugz, Z

  25. A Frida doll house! Who would have thought of that? Only you, Valerie! She looks so happy with the bird on her shoulder, I think she likes it! And I see there is a sweet little bird inside too, super art!
    It's a DELIGHTful tag too, love the autumn colours, the goddess and her skirt.

  26. Wow! That must have taken ages to make! Thanks for having me as GDT on TIOT this week!
    Mandy x

  27. Love how you've used this doll with Frida, the facial expression is brilliant with the bird on her arm.
    Great tag, and photos too.
    Avril x

  28. Dein farbenfrohes Tag ist klasse, das macht richtig gute Laune. Und die Schattenfotos - was für eine tolle Idee.

  29. SO much to enjoy in this post dear Valerie!
    Your Frida is brilliant and so beautiful...it is clear you are having FUN.
    Love your colorful tag and the shadows are just perfect too.

  30. These projects are just incredible! The creativity is off the charts and I'm so impressed with the colors and construction of both pieces. I really enjoyed seeing the details of each project and loved how you incorporated fabric into your Goddess of Plenty's skirt. Your projects had a wonderful sense of whimsicality, yet they were so sophisticated! I also was so impressed with the photos. This was a great post and I'm so glad you shared your talents with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  31. I am glad I am taking my time to catch up with your posts because this Frida is just amazing!!! I am glad I didn't miss seeing it!


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