Friday 8 August 2014

Frida Kahlo Collage, a sunrise and horses.

Hi everybody!

Today I have yet another Frida Kahlo piece to share. I have been fascinated by her and her paintings since I first heard of her back in the 1960s, and the more I learn about her, the more I admire her and her indomitable spirit.
The backgound has been painted with metallic blues and greens, which I textured using a crackle stamp.  I collaged various pieces of her journal together with cut out photos. I used a palm stencil from CWS, and did the text and some doodling with a white gel-pen. The white flowers are some ancient rub-ons.
I am linking to AJJ, Frida Kahlo and PPF.

 I tried some rough  sketches of Frida while watching TV this week, but they do not do her justice. I am trying to lean to hold my pencil without using my thumb, and I think I am slowly learning how. I used a charcoal pencil here.

I woke up very early again this morning, and was rewarded by seeing this beautiful sunrise while drinking my morning coffee.

I saw these horses on a field behind the house when I went walking yesterday afternoon, they were very friendly, and came running up to the fence as soon as they saw me. I will visit them again this afternoon with some carrots.

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You'll have two beautiful new friends for life bringing them carrots ;-)
    Your Frida collage is wonderful and deep and captures the richness and depth of what we know about Frida's life. I really want to watch the Selma Hayak FRIDA movie again.
    Happy Beginning of the Weekend dear Valerie ~♥~

  2. It's good to have friends, 2 and 4 legged ones! I have the movie on DVD and it one of my stand-bys for days where I need to do myself something good!

  3. Absolutely wonderful post with so many interpretations of Frida. Love your sketch too.
    Lovely photo of the sunrise!
    Have a lovely weekend, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  4. Hi Val, I LOVE the collage, and your sketch is great too, I know I couldn't do it! Frida was a wonderful woman and painter, and deserves to be honoured. Those horses will be looking out for you! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Beautiful collages and your sketch as well! Frida is such an inspiration to so many painters and artists! :) And how fun that you made some horse friends! They'll love you forever when you bring carrots... xoxo Silke

  6. Your interest in Frida Kahlo is like my interest in Georgia O'keeffee. Although I do know that Frida Iived in extreme pain while O'Keeffe was eccentric. Speaking just for chicken me, I would rather be eccentric than live in so much pain. In fact, I have always wanted to be eccentric over being liked. I guess that is weird enough!

    Honestly Valerie, your drawing is fantastic. Love your collage.
    Aren't you lucky to be able to see such wonderful sin rises. I love all animals so am particularly fond of your horses. Yes I would say, they deserve a carrot or two!
    Sandy xx

  7. I guess you know I meant sun rise not sun sin!

    1. Now I wonder what Freud would have thought about mixing up sun and sin!! I prefer the sunrise, that's for sure!

    2. Well .... I will not comment!

  8. Stunning artwork Valerie, totally amazing!
    Gret pics too and love the beautiful sunrise.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. You really do capture the spirit of Frida in your journal pages, these are beautiful too. Lovely pictures especially of your new friends. Big hugs, ~Diane

  10. This is an amazing creation. Every time one look your gaze discovers another element. Absolutely adore your sunrise and horse photos. A wonderful sketch as well. Glad you are finding it easier with your adjusted grip.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  11. Love your new journal pages of Frida, gorgeous colours. Happy PPF, Annette x

  12. Herrliche Fotos, was für eine Stimmung und deine Frida-Werke sind wieder so Klasse!
    lg Uli

  13. Your Frida collages are terrific! You have a talent for photography too. The sunrise is gorgeous - what an inspiration. I especially like the horses. Horses are such intelligent animals. Have a terrific weekend! Hugs, Terri

  14. lovely tribute to Frida and beautiful sunrise photos. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Absolut grandios diese perfekt gestaltete Collage Valerie und auch Deine Zeichnung ist absolut gelungen!
    Die Pferde sind so schön ---danke für die tollen Bilder!
    Hab einen schönen Samstag liebe Valerie!

  16. Fantastic art Valerie. Love your pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  17. Ahh, dear Frida!! What a wonderful collage and I love your sketch!!
    Thanks for visiting and happy PPF :)

  18. Eine wunderschöne Frida-Collage und deine Zeichnung ist der Hit, total klasse. Die Fotos vom Sonnenaufgang sind traumhaft schön.

  19. Wonderful Frida collage and sketch, too! And thanks for sharing that glorious sunrise with us ~ and other lovelies too!

  20. A fabulous Frida collage Valerie and stunning sun set pictures, the horses look great too!!

  21. Oh what a beautiful morning! Beautiful pics Valerie and a wonderful collage. Those horses remind me of the old TV programme, White Horses. Xx

  22. Awesome collage, the sketch looks fabulous. The sunrise looked beautiful as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. That's a wonderful sketch of Frida and awesome collages as well. Loved your sunrise and those horses are definitely enjoying life. Hope your thumb is doing better. Have a wonderful day.

  24. Wonderful work, I love that last photo.

  25. I was thinking about the strength you have infused into these pieces. There is strength in tears sometimes. I also love your sunset pictures. Just exquisite.

  26. Danke für das tolle Thema diesen Monat und all Deine inspirierenden Werke. Der Frida Sketch gefällt mir besonders.

  27. Deine Frida-Kollage ist wunderbar! Da gibt es so viel zu entdecken ... so schöne Details! Und deine Zeichnung ist einfach klasse. Sie gefällt mir sehr!
    Danke auch für die wunderschönen Fotos!
    Ein schönes Wochenende für dich und liebe Grüße, LonettA

  28. Ahhh, wieder Frida...irgendwie eine Inspiration für uns allen, oder? Nochmals Happy PPF ;-) - Irma

  29. wow,deine frida collage ist so grandios,und die sonnenaufganhgsbilder sind traumhaft.
    schönen samstagf:-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  30. Amazing Frida page yet again--it is clear that you are a big admirer of her and your pages show that so well. The sketch is beautiful with such thought in the face.

    Wonderful photographs and the last one captures the power of the horses--it is amazing

    Love Chrissie x

  31. that's some Frida-full collage going on. Horses had a bit of who goes first attitude I see. Prety though, those dappled grays. xox

  32. This collage is very so colorful--I really like the image of Frida with the parrots. Adorable horses will be your bff if you bring them carrots! Have a nice weekend!

  33. Glorious collage!!!
    And then your gorgeous sunrise!

  34. happy paint party friday!! you've had a busy week :)

  35. Great collage!!! It's hard to draw without using your thumb. ..good job. Such beautiful friends you have made over the fence..and that sunrise is stunningly beautiful! !! I'll have to see if I can find that movie on Netflix.

  36. Really beautiful collage, Valerie. Represents so much of her life. The sun rise must have inspired you for the rest of the day - and the horses --- they are so beautiful. Hope they enjoyed their carrots! hugs, Donna


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