Sunday 30 March 2014

Memories, red bugs and blue flowers

Hi everybody!

Another lovely spring day is coming to an end, and I am really thankful for these warm 
and sunny days, which enable me to spend a lot of time out of doors. Hope those of you in the UK enjoyed your Mothering Sunday!

I have made another piece for my memory wall, using my fave corrugated cardboard and a photo of my Mum taken back in 1918. The photo has been printed onto canvas, and the edges fringed.  The cardboard was partly peeled, painted with emulsion paint and then distressed with vintage photo ink, which I embossed with Frantage vintage gold EP. I used some lace and a scrap of paper stamped with a script stamp (LaBlanche) as matting, and edged it with Vintage photo again.  The flower and leaves are from Prima, and I tied it all together with some lovely fibres. 'Dream' has been stamped and embossed. I am linking to Ink on my Fingers, Challenge 301, browns.

I saw these bugs having a party or something on a garden fence when I went down the road this morning. I looked it up and it's called a firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), and apparantly feeds on mallows and limes. Glad they weren't on our fence! ( we haven't got a fence!)

The flowers at Schloss Kalkum are prettier than the bugs!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sorry I have not been around lately, but I have enjoyed catching up with all of your posts! I had to chuckle at the lady on the bike exercising her horse, or vice versa, but what a fun way to get some sunshine and exercise! It must be so nice to be withing walking distance of so many beautiful sights--the horse corral, the castles, colorful ferry, and the waterfowl. No wonder you create such gorgeous art with all that inspiration! I especially enjoyed the Shakespeare and Harry Potter inspired journal pages. Hugs, my friend!

  2. This is gorgeous, must show it to my Mum. You have made it into a wonderful momento! Hugs, Sarah

  3. oohh das ist wider superschön geworden,deine Mum ist echt eine hübsche,schöne Bilder hast du wieder mit gebracht,das schloss in die blauen Blumen mag ich besonders,ich habe sie auch heute auf meinem Spaziergang gesehen,die ganzen wiesen runter blüht es jetzt soo schööön,und ich Depp habe wieder mal meine camera vergessen *g*
    bei deiner schönen Umgebung ist es kein wunder das du so großartige inspirationen hast,einfach wunderbar ist das.
    ich habe gerade mein erstes Mohnblumenbild in Aquarell gemalt,es ist echt gut geworden,auch ich bin täglich immer sehr inspieriert durch das Spaziergehen draussen,jetzt ist das Wetter so schöön,und das muss man nutzen.
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen Abend,meine liebe,schlaf gut *knuddel*


    1. Dir auch gute Nacht und schlaf guuuuuuuuuuuut!

  4. Gee, I've never seen those bugs before, they're like little African masks. Your wall hanging is beautiful, what a wonderful photo of your mum. Xx

  5. Beautiful art, the piece is just lovely and so is your mom. Those bugs are very interesting looking and the flowers are very sweet!

  6. Oh my! think I would have walked away from those bugs, I don't like creepy crawlies no matter how lovely they look. The hanging for your memory wall looks gorgeous, a beautiful photo of your mum.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I don't like them either, but it was somehow fascinating to see so many - hope they don't come visiting my balcony!

  7. Cute photo of the copper utee raised areas. I have a cute photo of my Mum taken in 1926 when she was three....Red bugs, wow, they look surreal, I have never seen anything like it, but the ants are emerging around here. xox

  8. Beautiful piece for your memory wall. I've never seen firebugs before, wow! And what pretty flowers.

  9. wow, gorgeous and beautiful creation - a lovely tribute for you Mum. those bugs!!! I haven't ever seen the like! They are very pretty though! As are those delightful flowers too... thanks for sharing and thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  10. Beautiful picture Val. Cunningly enough Mother used to put huge ribbons in my hair too. Love those little critters. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. What an amazing hanging!!! That photo of your mum printed on canvas looks stunning, wow, as gorgeous as some of Tim's found relatives and yours is a real one, which is so much nicer... Love this. Those funny bugs look amazing too I have to say, but yes, the flowers are prettier, no doubt about that. Still nothing but grey skies here....

    1. I am lucky to have heaps of old family photos which my family threw out and I salvaged....Wish I could send you some sunshine!

  12. oooh no bugs for me, however fascinating they may be........... Love your beautiful hanging Valerie and the great photo of your mother, so special. Annette x

  13. You have created a masterpiece again, Valerie. Your mum is the most beautiful surrounded all those lovely embellishments. Love it!!!
    The bugs look fine but don't care to see them alive;) Wonderful photos anyway.
    Wish you lovely April, it's here tomorrow:)

  14. Loving your work of art!! You did such a great job on this!! And I'm loving all the green in your photos! Looks so pretty... Except for those bugs!


  15. Beautiful card Valerie and I really do like that you printed your Mother's picture on canvas. A gorgeous wall hanging Sugar.
    Those bugs are beautiful -- the prettiest crawling bugs I have ever seen. As you end your day, I begin mine. It is glorious today. Bright and clean with mild temps. I had better get outside!!
    Sandy xx

  16. The photo of your mom is a keepsake and makes a great addition to your memory wall. You did a fantastic job creating the card. Bugs...yikes!


  17. Those bugs are stunning.... although I would have been a bit freaked out to see so many in one place.

    I love the pretty blue flowers and your art work as always :)

    Karen x

  18. Beautiful hanging, your Mother was a beautiful child! Those bugs are almost as terrifying as their name! Yikes, give me flowers any day! They are fascinating to see though, glad we don't have them here. Big hugs, ~Diane

  19. Ein zauberhafter Hänger mit Deiner bezaubernden Mama als Kind!
    Wundervolle Frühlingsimpressionen - wie sehr ich immer Deine schönen Aufnahmen genieße!



  20. That's a lovely piece, Valerie, and very touching that you started from your mother's photograph on Mothering Sunday. I love the way you use the corrugated cardboard, lace and the 3D flower.
    Actually I thought these bugs were very beautiful, I wouldn't mind growing some mallows to attract them.
    I came here a good half hour ago and followed your links to the challenge then got lost in a maze of fascinating other links, so here I am, back safe and sound!

    1. I know all about getting lost following links! Glad you like the bugs!

  21. I love your hanging with your Mum Valerie, I always like things more when they are 'real' people. Your bugs are very colourful, but a bit creepy (no pun intended lol) but the flowers are beautiful xx

  22. Beautiful art piece Valerie. It is precious. Your pics are great too and those bugs well they almost look fake!! LOL
    Love that tree and the design of the trunk. Beautiful flowers too.

  23. Ein wirklich zauberhaftes Bild deiner Mutter ... und ein so wunderbares Stück für deine Erinnerungswand! Ganz toll gestaltet!! Gefällt mir sehr!
    Tolle Fotos zeigst du hier. Mir gefallen die Feuerkäfer! Sie sind sehr gesellig und ... wie man hier ja sieht!
    GLG, LonettA


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