Thursday 20 March 2014

Journal pages

Hi everybody!
I spent a lot of time walking around yesterday, had to visit various doctors, but they all have their offices at nice places, so I do enjoy the walking, even if it was a bit much  - 18000 + steps!
Today I have my next appointment for examinations and treatment at the eye clinic, so that should supply me with plenty of exercise to get there and back!

This journal page has been made for 2 challenges - 'childhood' at Moo Mania and More, and 'Fantasy scene' at AJJ. The background was painted with leftover colours, and then I used stencils with a white gel-pen for the images and writing. Some of the images have been doodled, I think I will doodle the other images, too when I have time.

 The background for these  journal pages were brush-wipe pages. The colours were rather hard, so instead of painting over them, as I usually do, I used some cut outs from a magazine in fitting colours which have been languishing in one of my folders for many moons.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

And here are a few photos from my journey today - 
A wonderful willow:

The farmers are all busy ploughing and getting thir fields ready:

I saw these buds down by the old ferry, I hope to see what they turn into next time:

The trees are getting greener from day to day:

And I saw this pretty ceramic house number:

That's all for today, take care, have a good day, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing, beautiful AJJ from childhod. Love all the elements you have done.
    Another is so colourful and vibrant. It's so energic and challenging.
    Great photos, there is very green already.
    I hope your eye is well soon, Valerie.
    Wish you happy day.

  2. Love both of the pages you are showing today. Childhood is really a time of everything is possible. Great photos, too, and that house-number is beautiful! Have a good day, don't worry about the hospital. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Terrific photos from the walk Valerie--love the bud close up. Sorry the walk was to various doctors but hope the trips were worth while for you. Good Luck with the eye stuff today.

    Your childhood page is fantastic with the zentagles in the images all in white pen. The second pages 'shine' in so many ways. Just the right images for the background colours.

    Love Chrissie x

  4. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Weiß gar nicht, wo ich zuerst anfangen soll :) Herrlichste Blautöne und total schöne Motive in Deinen Kindheitserinnerungen. Ich liebe es! Das zweite Bild ist ebenfalls total schön, mit der Frau, die mit dem Auge zwinkert. Hmmm, ein eye candy!
    Und natürlich die schönen Weiden - und Frühlingsknospenfotos. Dafür gibts eigentlich keine Worte :o)
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir

  5. Both pages look fab Valerie, specially like the blue one at the top, - the doodling looks so cool!

    Beautiful photos like always, can't believe how much greener your trees are, ours are totally bare still and we have howling winds and rain right now (I am feeling jealous...)
    Fingers crossed for your appointments today, hope all will go well!!

  6. Hope you find the time to doddle the rest of the images as they really pop against the background :)
    All the best for todays appointments
    Von ♥

  7. WOW,beide seiten sind der hammer und total stark,auch dein gedoole ist ja fantastisch und sieht großartig aus,ich libe die delphine und die pink farbene frau mit den herz busen *g*seeeeeehr schön gemacht.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht,du hast wirklich eine tolle natur um dir herum,hier scheint die sonne satt,und nach meinen cafe mach ich mich auf und gehe raus,es bekommt mir sehr gut,nicht nur das es mir körperlich besser geht,auch durch die eindrücke fließen die ideen wieder *freu*
    hab einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  8. Wow, everything's so green with you, our trees are only just starting to bud. Two very different journal pages, one calm and one vibrant - lovely work. Best wishes for today, take care. Xx

  9. Your whit doodles are fantastic. I recognize Jessica's stencil girl...She will be adorable doodled in too...Bright and bold colors in your next spread, fabulous and such a n expression pn your gal there. Lovely ealking views. i especially like that pathway with all the green. good luck at the Doctor's. Hope everything is progressing well...xox

  10. Nice to be able to walk to your doctors! Lovely pieces today and wonderful to see all that green in the photos!

  11. Gorgeous journal pages, love the doodling and the lady in green too! Thanks for another gorgeous breath of fresh air from your beautiful town, the greens are so rich and lush! Happy Spring! Big hugs, ~Diane

  12. Your childhood pages are full of fun (as it should be in childhoold). The colours on the second are dramatic, love it too. Enjoy your walks, Shirleyx

  13. Both great Journal Pages Valerie. Good luck at the hospital. Happy PPF, Annette x

  14. Awesome journal pages, you have to be happy seeing those bright colours. Hope all goes well today for you.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Die blaue Kindheitsseite ist ja schon extrem klasse mit dem Doodeling -herrlich -aber Deine Pop ART Venus Doppelseite schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus- GENIAL! Die Bilder sind auch wieder so himmlisch schön..und machen mich hoffen dass bei uns auch nich schöner wird ( heute war wieder ein herrlicher Tag hier) hab fest an Dich gedacht heute...ich hoffe Du bist guter Dinge liebe Valerie und kannst uns Gutes vermelden!


  16. Your Childhood/AJJ page is fantastic(al) and I do like the way you have doodled inside the shapes, that is very effective indeed.
    I love photographs like the house number. I don't know if the ivy was there or you placed it there, but it is a nice touch.

    1. The ivy was already there, growing nicely round the numbers.

  17. Hi Valerie, Wonderful journal pages with the brush wipes. So interesting!! Lovely walk pics and the house number sign is such a pretty one.
    Enjoy the day!

  18. Your journal pages are always such a delight and that doodling is very detailed! Beautiful walk again and that does seem like quite a few steps, but good that you enjoy the journey! Hope all goes well!

  19. I always enjoy seeing your art journal pages! These look amazing my friend!! Fabulous photos once again!


  20. Hope your Health issues are sorted very soon, in the meantime some fabulous doodles, the white lines give a great look, My favourite page is the birth of venus though!! How fabulous!! :) as always your photographs are a delight, they really do shout 'SPRING' with all those little leaf buds.

  21. Those doodles are awesome! I love the pink and green pages. You certainly have a lot of wonderful walks near you.

  22. Love your zentangle-dolphins, and the little girl in the chair. And the last two pages are really wonderful. The green, the collage, everything ....

  23. Awesome journal pages! I love the white pen drawings. :)

  24. That's so true, everything should be possible in childhood. A beautiful work of art.

    What charming willows!!

  25. These are lovely. The doodling is beautiful and I love brush wipe pages. They produce some lovely effects

    1. Yes, I think they give the best backgrounds.

  26. I love your childhood piece, it's beautiful and magical, full of childhood wonder. Those green trees and pathways through the country look so peaceful with their Spring green colors, thanks so much for sharing!

  27. You're so creative! Great work!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  28. Dynamism gorgeous in these compositions, I like it!

  29. beautiful work!! As always, lol, you do what you o soooo well, its a joy, best wishes on your appointments, wow that is a lot of steps, lovely spring shots,

  30. fantastic projects Valerie-I LOVE that color combo of fushia, vibrant green and some black!! That willow tree is magnificent looking-great photo.

  31. I love seeing your journal pages and following along on your walk. So much inspiration here.

  32. What fun to share images from your journey:-) You live in a beautiful place! Great journal pages as always.}

  33. Love your journal pages!!! Those background are really beautiful. Sometimes my paint smear backgrounds are so pretty I don't want to paint on them :) Wishing you best of luck with your health♥

  34. Großartige Werke, liebe Valerie! Mir gefällt die erste ganz besonders gut ... sie erinnert mich an meine Kindheitsräume! Die zweite im Pop-Art Stil ist auch ganz toll!
    Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut! GLG, LonettA

  35. Your childhood piece is so sweet.

    wishing you the best with the doctors!

  36. Oh I love both of these pieces so much Valerie! Gorgeous! All the best at the doctors!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. Hi Val,
    I adore going with you on your Spring walks, almost like being there with you.Love all of the art work, especially love that picture of the path by the green trees, would make a great painting. All the best at the doctors, I too was getting blood drawn today so just getting back to PPF. Take care and rest those eyes.

    Annabelle ~m..m~

  38. This is a fantastic post Valerie. You've combined lots of info. 1) I like the various techniques (some I don't know how but I want to try later!) 2) healthy walkabouts and accompanying pics is such a joy. An artist sensitive to the surroundings only can accomplish all that you've given! Pray your eye check up was ok, Ma'am. Thanks for dropping by!


  39. Such fun pages loved the blue with the dolphins.. Beautiful photo's I enjoyed your post immensely.
    Happy PPF
    Sandy #86

  40. great journal pages! and thanks for sharing your photos. looks like you had a beautiful walk!!

  41. Looks like Spring has definitely arrived for you! Doodles were always a big part of my childhood--love that piece. Hope all is going well with all the Dr visits!

  42. If it were not for your walks, I would not get any exercise at all! And as I have said before, your delightful pictures are like having a travelog on my computer.
    A little behind in my comments but I do try to get around. How is your eye doing. I do hope all doctor appointments went well!
    sandy xx


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