Sunday 16 March 2014

Birds, blossoms and bark

Hi everybody,
I wish you all a good start in the new week.

Today I am showing another DT card I made for Gecko Galz, this time for the cross promotion with Jodie Lee, who is offering a beautiful set of papers, 'Nature's Garden'.
I have combined it with an image from the Shabby Chic Gardens Collage Sheet 1. The image and the background paper have been matted with dark brown mirri-card, and mounted onto a 6x6" white card blank. I see that I used the BG paper upside down, but it still looks good - I made the card before the eye OP! I wanted to keep this card simple and in neutral tones.

My material list: white card blank, mirri-card, image, BG paper from Nature's Garden number 6, and the die-cut swirls.


The fields behind the house where I live have bushes along one side, and at the moment they are all blossoming - so pretty:

The tree bark fascinated me, it has such wonderful colours and textures:

And this is something I have never seen before - a nettle growing in a hollow tree:

 Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your card, and the photos are gorgeous, as always. Have a good week! Hugs, Sarah

  2. beautiful cards and photos, love those new blooms!

  3. Good Morning Valerie. Your card is stunning, I do love those birds, got an oriental look about them. Beautiful pictures and the blossom is gorgeous. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Guten Morgen valerie,

    Deine Vogelkarte ist seeeehr schön,passt gerade so toll zum Vogelgezwitscher der vögel draussen,um die zeit hört man sie schon ganz genau,wie schööön ich das finde,hach,wollte auch noch einen Canvas mit vögeln malen.
    schöne bilder hast du auch wider gemacht,sooo schööön die Blumen,ich liiiebe Blumen.
    werde nachher wider raus gehen und ein paar bilder machen,wünsch dir eine schöne neue Woche.
    GLG Jeannette

  5. Such a pretty card my friend! And once again I have enjoyed your photos!


  6. Eine wunderbare Karte und tolle Frühlingsfotos Valerie!

  7. Gorgeous card, Valerie. You have absolutely beautiful nature around you. Superb photos!

  8. Die Karte mit den Vögelchen ist wunderbar! Tolle Fotos! Besonders das mit der Baumrinde ist brillant!
    Eine gute Woche für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  9. Super card with the wonderful birds.

    Stunning photographs today. Just when I think your photographs can't possible get any better you come up with these.I can't take my eyes off the one with the blossoms I feel I can smell the scent from here. Do they have a scent?

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  10. Such a pretty, elegant card Valerie and super pics too. Have a happy Monday! Xx

  11. Lovely card with the birds and the photograph with the blossom is beautiful.
    Have a good day, Valerie.

  12. A beautiful card, the GG image is lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. A beautiful card, love the blossom photo and the nettles seem to get everywhere the shouldn't.
    Yvonne x

  14. Your card is gorgeous--the birds and the swirls really stand out! Those blooming flowers are gorgeous, too!

  15. Beautiful card, love the papers and the die cut! Big hugs, ~Diane

  16. This card is so beautiful! Love the sweet bird image. Your photos are so pretty, too. Thank you for sharing. :)

  17. Hi Valerie, Love your card and the shabby design. The birds are so sweet on it for springtime. Lovely blooms by your home and that plant growing from the tree is interesting. Must be a hardy bloom.
    How is your eye coming along. Hope improved!!
    Have a great day!!

  18. Good Morning Valerie - or is it afternoon? Your card is so pretty and I really like that die cut with it.
    I always love your pictures. My favorite one is the bark on the tree but the nettle coming out of the tree is so pretty too!
    Do you have a fancy camera?
    Have a good week Valerie!!
    sandy xx

    1. It's afternoon here, coffee time! I have a little Samsung camera, which I bought second hand for 25€, nothing fancy, but it works!

    2. Thanks Valerie - I am thinking of getting me a little camera an when I do walk maybe I will start seeing things other than woods!

  19. Valerie, your card is stunning as are the photos today. Awe spring!

  20. Love your pretty card Valerie, and the photos are stunning. Annette x

  21. So, jetzt bin ich nach langer Zeit auch mal wieder hier. Tut mir echt leid, dass es so lange gedauert hat.
    Und weil ich so lange nicht mehr hier war, kommt heute nur eine Zusammenfassung...

    Die Karte ist ganz bezaubernd und die Blüten sind wirklich toll. Hast du eine Ahnung, wie die Pflanze dazu heißt?
    Dein Purple Rain gefällt mir ebenfalls besonders gut, genauso wie das Vintage Tag mit dem UM. Da gefallen mir auch die Farben sehr gut und die vielen kleinen Details!
    Die blumenbewachsenen Wände haben es mir auch immer sehr angetan, deshalb gefällt mir dieses Foto natürlich besonders gut.
    Dein Pretty in Pink ist wirklich fantastisch, das hat was ganz besonderes und erinnert mich an Paris und das Moulin Rouge.
    Als ich das Home, sweet home-Werk angeschaut hatte und gleich darauf deine Fotos mit dem Nebel sah, dachte ich, das passt ja wie Faust auf Auge. Herrlich, Valerie!

  22. A lovely card Valerie, these little birds are so pretty. Your photographs are amazing as always, especially the tree bark xx

  23. A great card and gorgeous photos, that bark is magnificent.
    Have a great week.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  24. I'e been hearing the birds, but glad to see them so beautifully illustrated in your card with filigree...thanks for the shoots and blossoms and bark......xox


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