Tuesday 4 March 2014

Blue skies, alligators and Horlicks

Hi everybody!
We had another wonderful and sunny day today, which I really enjoyed. Sorry for all of you on the other side of the big pond who are still snowed in and iced up, and hope it soon goes by.
For the Moo Mania 'London' challenge I have made a journal page. The background has been painted with blue metallic and then stamped. The guardsmen are cut outs, and the heart has been made from a postcard cut to shape. I printed the London skyline onto transparent foil, and placed Winston Churchill in front of it, as he really deserves his place there. The Beatles came from Liverpool, I know, but they did have their studios in Abbey Road, and I like that Ringo and Churchill are making the same hand sign. I am also linking to AJJ -Fantasy.

 The skies here today were as blue as the skies in my journal page:

On my afternoon walk through a little lane near here, I saw this strange sight in a front garden:

Well, the owners seem to have a sense of humour anyway!

And I got happy mail today from Suze In Bonny Scotland:
A beautiful card:

And Horlicks for a hug mug in the evening - she knows I am almost addicted to this stuff, so she has made me very happy! There is something similar here, but it just does not have the taste of home!
Thanks a lot, Suze, your kindness is much appreciated!


  1. Fabulous journal page Valerie. A lot of thought and work went into this one. We in Bonnie Scotland have sunshine since Friday, but it still is chilly in the mornings. I love your photo of the Alligator in the pond, made me smile too. Love Suzes Card and her gift to you was superb. Just Brilliant. Hugs Rita xxxx

  2. Cute, Horlicks, is it chocolate? Love that phrase. xox

    1. No, a creamy sort of malted milk drink, tastes like Horlicks - gorgeous!

  3. Lovely journal page, and great photos, that alligator made me laugh! Lucky you with Horlicks, could you introduce me to your friend? Only joking, I will bring a case full back next time I go home! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Such a great journal page, especially that heart.
    Suze is so lovely especially her knowing this is a favourite of yours.
    Sweet dreams!

  5. beautiful page! whimsical croc, lol. I love horlicks!

  6. I do like your guardsmen and the jaggy heart, it's a great journal page with the blue, blue background.
    And that's another wonderful sky photograph, such marvellous blue too.
    I like the croc too, good fun.

  7. Wonderful journal page and I love that crackly blue background. Lovely photos and gifts! So sorry the stamps have not arrived after 3 weeks! I did send you an e-mail with the declaration number/receipt if that helps! Hopefully it arrives soon! Hugs!

  8. Grandiose Seite mit dem tollen Krakeel Effekt.. da fällt mir ein dass ich solch einen Stempelhintergrund seit Jahren ungenutz in einer Mappe habe.. muss ich mal vorholen! Die tollen Fotos sind wieder der Hammer schlechthin (der Miniteich -- ich schnall ab!) und ich freu mich riesig, dass wir so viel London von Dir zu sehen kriegen Valerie diesmal bei MOO MANIA & MORE.... wobei ich denke, Du solltest diese fantaslievolle Szene auch zu Art Journal Journey linken....

    hab einen wudnerschönen Tag Valerie... ich hoffe Dein Äuglein geht es weiterhin besser und ich drücke ganz fest die Daumen für die Netzhäute...

    ich drück Dich!

    Lg Susi

    1. Thnks Susi! Krakele and background stamps are always very useful, and get used here a lot! Have linked to AJJ!! Part 2 - the seond side of the spread is now finished and will follow tomorrow!

  9. Terrific page Valerie and fancy you notice Churchill and Ringo doing the victory sign-brilliant!

    Love the photos and I thought the crocodile was real-what a great idea.

    Lovely happy mail and the idea of a hug in a mug is wonderful.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  10. Love the blue on your page and all the icons. Super happy mail too. x

  11. Love the crocodile in the pond photo , wonder if he scares anyone. Its a fantastic journal page, two icons of our times.
    Yvonne xx

  12. WOW,deine london seite ist einfach umwerfend schön,liebe Valerie,ich bin ganz hin und weg davon,sooooo schöööööön.
    der Teich ist ja irre,ich schnall ab !!!
    Ich hoffe auch das deinen Augen schon besser geht und alles schön heilt,ich drück dich ganz feste!!

    GLG Jeannette

  13. Beautiful Art Journal page, Valerie. It's so fresh in blue colour. And your photos are wonderful, although I do not want alligators to my garden;)

  14. Great journal page. I like the idea of cutting the heart from a London postcard. As you have linked the ideas of London and Home is where the Heart is, I wonder if that is where your heart lies.
    Those people must have a great sense of humour to share the alligator with passers-by, it must bring a smile to everyone.

  15. Love the art journal page, Valerie! Hugs :)

  16. I know how much you love London so it is only natural that you would make a smashing journal page in honor of London. I don't understand how you made the skyline but I do believe that is my favorite part.
    You are always finding something new through the lens of your camera!
    Sandy xx

  17. Valerie your journal page is wonderful. Your color style is incredible. Love the pics and the alligator is a walk stopper for sure. Oh I bet you enjoyed the hug in a mug drink. How special to receive.
    Have a great evening.

  18. Love your page and the way you put Churchill and the Beatles together too! Lovely pictures from your walk. So Sweet of Suze to send the beautiful card and the sweet treat for you too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  19. My, that little croc looks rather realistic in it's little 'swamp'! Glad you enjoyed the Horlicks, I've just had a hot chocolate myself so feeling satisfied and relaxed. Night night! Xx

  20. LOL love the alligator, looks quite real, also love your page, and think the Beatles are as important as London and Churchill :) enjoy your horlicks I love that on a cold winters day, but been so spring here the last few days, not touched it lol, take care hugs xx

  21. Love the journal cover Valerie very Monet style background :)
    Von ♥

  22. Every time I see another piece of your work, it becomes my new favorite! I loved The Beatles as a kid, still do, and Ringo is my favorite.

    The gator in the bird bath is cute!

  23. Großartige Londonseite!! Sie gefällt mir sehr! Und tolle Fotos hast du heute wieder zu bieten. Dieser Mini-Teich ist einfach grandios ... da muss muss wirklich nochmal hinschauen!
    Gute Besserung weiterhin und ich drücke die Daumen für alles Weitere!
    LG, LonettA


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