Saturday 1 March 2014

Lots of this and that and Happy Mail

Hi everybody!

Hope you are getting some good weather where you are. Thanks again for all the nice comments and mails and good wishes for my eye, it is getting better day by day.

Today I am sharing a card I made for one of my DT pieces over at Gecko Galz, using one of the images from Bookmarks 2. I matted it with some dark green card and some hand-painted paper, and mounted it onto a metallic card. I used some turquoise ribbon to make a shabby bow and some die-cuts in coordinating colours. I am glad I made such a lot of stuff in advance, but hope to be able to do some crafting again later in the week.

We had a frosty night here, and a sunny, but cool day, which was lovely for walking, and good for me! I love the colours here at the Rhine:

This pair was also out for a walk and hissed and clucked at me:

Just a feather balancing on a twig and blowing in the wind:

The plants were budding and sprouting everywhere, and it was wonderful for me to see everything three-dimensional again:

On my afternoon walk I saw the swan on one of the lakes again, and as it was difficult to get a clear shot through the bushes, I walked across a field to get to the less wooded side of the lake.

I was pleased to get near enough for a clear shot, but my trainers look bad. Some parts of the field were visibly marshy, which wasn't too bad, as I could walk round those bits; other parts looked fresh and green, but were treacherously wet,  and it really squelched and slurped as I pulled my feet out of it - but I got my photos. My trainers will enjoy going for a spin in the washing machine.

And Friday brought me happy mail from the States. Sandy sent me this wonderful stamp from Rhyn, which I have secretly been longing for for ages - can she read minds? I will have fun with it!

And this lovely magazine, full of wonderful ideas, and with such a pretty bambi stamp!

  And a beautiful card to accompany my presents.

Diane sent me this gorgeous embossed and cut out Valentine's card, a real work of art,  and it should have got here on time, but the post/customs evidently liked it and kept it for a bit, so it had a long journey. There was something nice hidden in the card, too, but I'm not telling you what it is, that's going to be my sweet secret!

Thanks a lot Diane and Sandy, I very much appreciate your kindness!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful card and wonderful photos, your weather was evidently better than ours! Love that little feather hanging in the breeze! Hope your eye is feeling better each day, hugs, Sarah

  2. More wonderful photos and a super project. Glad that your eye is feeling better as the days pass by.
    Yvonne xx

  3. A beautiful card Valerie and what fabulous pics, Spring is well on the way with you and as for the white feather, someone is definitely watching over you. Lovely happy mail too. Have a relaxing Sunday. Xx

  4. Valerie, this is a gorgeous card and I love the colors! Always enjoy going on a walk with you and this is a beautiful one! Nice mail surprise for sure! Hugs!

  5. Another stunning make Valerie, I so love that central image on the card and you always manage to get such an amazing glow of colours! As to the photos, stunning, like always. I really start to look forward to your daily photos and my blog round!

  6. what wonderful gifts! Nice card you made too! The skies look beautiful, spring has come early for you!

  7. Hi Valerie, So glad your eyes are healing nicely each day. Love the card you created. The colors are stunning. Beautiful gifts you received too and lots of fun ahead with the stamp and inspirational magazine. Diane's card is stunning. She is so talented.
    Love your walking pics today too. You are very talented with your camera.
    Have a great week.

  8. Good Morning Valerie. Beautiful piece of art you have produced for us today. Glad to hear your eye is healing up and that things look more dimentional. What fabulous pictures, especially after going through the marshland to get them. Beautiful cards from Diane and Sandy along with such nice gifts, shows you how special you are. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Lovely way to use the bookmark image Valerie it made a very special card.

    Great photographs and it is wonderful that your vision of the things you see is already getting better for you.

    Beautiful cards from friends and I can't wait to see how you use the droplets stamp.

    Have a great day

    Chrissie xx

  10. A beautiful layered card Valerie with pretty die cuts. The colour of the grass in your photos is so vibrant and I love to see the signs of Spring. Glad you eye is getting better day by day xx

  11. wonderful layered card Valerieuund himmlisch schöne Fotos und großartige Post hast DU bekommen...


  12. Sehr schöne und elegante Karte! Wunderbar ist deine Foto-Serie. Mir gefällt ganz besonders das Bild mit der Feder! Es ist großartig!
    Pass weiter gut auf dich auf!
    LG, LonettA

    1. Danke - der Feder war so hübsch, ich habe lange dagestanden und ihn angeschaut, sehr zu verwunderung von Passanten!

  13. beautiful card- wonderful image.the designs by Ryn can become an obbssesion trust me on this!EE

  14. Lovely card, Valerie, you've set off the image so beautifully.
    What marvellous presents you get, it's like Christmas every week at your house.
    I don't know where Diane's card came from, but I got a card this week from the U.S. which took 28 days to arrive.

  15. Such gorgeous cards, Valerie! Hope all is healing well for you.

  16. Great gifts you received!!! Can't wait to see the marvelous art you create with that stamp. Your photos are amazing ♥♥♥♥♥ All of those beautiful buds and blooms.. we are still covered in snow and ice here :(

  17. Beautiful card, the colours look so lovely with the image of the lady in the wind. I am so glad you can see in 3-D, and it amazes me to think of the wonderful work you have produced while I have been following your blog when you have had such vision problems. I hope improvements come every day.
    As always your photographs and a pleasure to look at, so clear and sharp. The photos of the catkins (lambs tails) and the pussy-willow take me back to childhood - we would pick them to take home a few twigs for our mother ……. in the days well before picking wild flowers, etc, was banned. I have a sprig of catkins on my kitchen windowsill, and the tiny fresh leaves are beginning to show. You always raise great memories with your posts somehow.

  18. Beautiful cards, Valerie; yours with gorgeous colors and the ones you received from friends. Loved the new photos. You have some unusual plants, like in the first photo and the one with the hanging long bloom. Raining here again today.

    Happy you are able to continue your walks and share the beauty with us.


  19. You seem to always have the most beautiful colors on your blog and in your pictures. Although I love your creativity and your makes, your pictures totally captivate me. Wonderful colors - so rich and pure. I am going to start walking Monday and will take my camera. I just do not seem able to capture the colors that you do Valerie.
    I did think that the water drop stamps by Ryan looked like what you would do for your journal pages.
    Well it's off to the races - time goes by so quickly. So glad you can do your walks and smart lady, you made ahead!!! I should have realized you would do that!!!!
    Sandy xx

  20. Such a beautiful card you made from the bookmarks set, I adore that image! Your stamp looks fabulous, sure you will have fun with it too. Such a beautiful card and thoughtful gifts from Sandy, you are such a popular gal! I mailed your Valentine 1 month before Valentines day, I had actually made you a different one, then remembered that the thicker envelopes take longer so I thought I was smart sending a flat card instead, ha ha. Not so smart after all was it! Just glad it got there at all! Love your beautiful photos, wish I had your talent for photography! Big hugs, ~Diane

    1. Sheila, who lives in Scotland, said it took 28 days for a letter from the States to reach her!

  21. The budding plants, your card and happy mail are all terrific! I think the ducks must have been wondering where you were for a few days!

  22. So happy to see those signs of spring. Wonderful photos, as usual!


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