Sunday 2 March 2014

Crab apples, ducks and Tower Bridge

Hi everybody!

We had another wonderful, spring-like day with lots of sunshine, and I just love walking with the sun warming my back!

At Moo Mania the theme is London, which is, of course, just right for me. I made a very simple tag, using a stamp from Artemio. The background was distressed with stormy skies,  London Fog and tumbled glass DIs. I stamped the image with archival black and clear embossed it, the birds were drawn, The label was in my stash.  I fixed the tag to some hammered  and distressed card. The Tower of London is very precious to me, as I was born and grew up just a few hundred yards away, and we often used to play around there, and at the Tower, or go bathing at Queen Mary's beach by the Tower in the summer. When I see the Bridge I feel I am home.

I am linking to Moo Mania  - London

Today I walked to Schloss Kalkum and visited the ducks. I hope you can see how much better my eye looks today!

The ducks were, as always hungry, and enjoyed their bread and salad leaves.

And I found the wonderful flowering crab-apple bushes  in the hedge in front of the house where I live.

Here's hoping the sun will shine for you today! 
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh Valerie ..erstmal diese London Arbeit ist sensationell schön und dann die Fotos!
    Ich sehe wie viel weiter der Frühling bei Euch schon ist..
    aber er wird zu uns auch bald kommen, die kleinen Spitzen meiner Tulpen im Beet machen sich an die Arbeit...

    weiterhin gute Besserung für Dein Äuglein!
    Danke dass Du auch schon für MOO MANIA & MORE so eine tolle Inspiration gewerkelt hast!


  2. Lovely London tag, we both have our roots and hearts there. Great photos, too, your pictures are really good! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Great tag and special because we all know how much London means to you.
    Lovely photographs.

  4. That is a very special memory image for you, its a fantastic tag. Love the photos, looks like a lovely Spring Day.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Gorgeous image of the bridge and great tag, love the photos. glad your eye is still improving xx

  6. I like your tag which doesn't sound all that simple to make.
    The ducks must always be pleased to see you, salad leaves they say, yum, nobody else brings those.
    The boy ducks are looking spring fresh with their glossy green heads.

    1. They are greedy for any sort of food, but they LOOOOVE those salad leaves! I always save the outer leaves when I wash my lettuce so I have plenty to take for them!

  7. Enjoy your spring, we had to shovel snow today! Beautiful tag and photos!

  8. Wonderful London tag--the image is terrific.

    Bet the ducks cheered when they saw you again :)

    What beautiful photographs and the blossoms are such bright colours-a feast for the eyes. Talking of which--so pleased your eye is much better.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. I think they cheered when they saw the plastic bag of food in my hand....

  9. Love your London tag. Super photos too. x

  10. A lovely London tag Valerie and what fabulous colours the apple blossoms are. We had a lovely sunny (but still cold) weekend too, a bit overcast today but at least the days are getting longer now. Have a nice day! Xx

  11. A fabulous tag and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Wonderful tag of London! Your photos and walk are gorgeous! Glad you eye is healing along nicely! Enjoy the week!

  13. Hi Valerie, what a darling London tag. Love the image!! Your pics look so springy. Please send some warm air our way. We are only 14 degrees this morning and covered in ice. Really unusual for sunny Texas!

    1. If I could, I would - just read your blog, the weather does not sound like spring! Hope it will soon get better!

  14. Lovely to see Spring blooming somewhere, your photos are gorgeous! Love your tag, the bridge looks great on that background, fond memories for you I'm sure. Big hugs, ~Diane

  15. I love your tag Valerie, and your photographs are as beautiful as always. It really does look like Spring is coming your way. Glad your eye is feeling better too :-) xx

  16. So pleased your eye is looking a lot better Valerie :) Such a fabulous tag :)
    Please send us some of your sun I fed up with the rain :(
    Von ♥

  17. Wunderbares Werk... sieht toll aus! Sehr schöne Fotos ... bei dir ist der Frühling schon angekommen!
    Alles Gute weiterhin, LG, LonettA

  18. No Spring yet. Cold and damp but no snow thankfully. Our duckies won't eat bread but love all manner of vegetable trimmings....even squished tomatoes. They are always amusing to watch. xox

  19. You sound like you are doing so well, and the beautiful photos prove it! That tag is so pretty, too. When I visited England, we drove across the bridge which was just amazing!

  20. Oooh valerie,das tag sieht suuuper toll aus,und die Bilder sind wunderschön,der frühling ist bei dir angekommen,klasse.
    hier blüht es auch an allen ecken,nur vergesse ich immer den Fotoapparat um Bilder davon zu machen,und mein Handy ist nicht mehr wieder zu finden *grmpf+mein schatz hat mir gerade eins zum übergang vermacht *freu*
    hoffe deine Augen heilen gut und wünsche dir weiterhin gute Genesung.*knuddel*

    Alles Liebe Deine Jeannette

  21. Beautiful tag Valerie - you have talked about playing in London after WWII. What a different city it was then. I have loved every minute I have been lucky enough to spend in London. I have only been twice but those memories are very fresh.
    I am happy that your eye is getting better and better. My eyes must be getting worse because I cannot see the picture of your eye!

    sandy xx


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