Sunday 28 July 2013

Turning scraps into collage

Hi everybody!
It is still extremely hot here, the temps in my apartment are unbelievably high, and although we have had some storms it still hasn't cooled off as the weather-men predicted. Sigh!
I have had several nights where I couldn't sleep, so I got up and played with some of the many scraps flying about my table, and made a collage from them. The background has been made from a mix of paper and lace scraps, fixed to a partly peeled, painted and stamped square of corrugated cardboard. I have used a photo of Erika, a distant relation, who I looked after in the old people's home in the years before she died. It is a photo taken when she was a child, wearing a wonderful fur- trimmed winter outfit. It looks rather green here, which it is not, I think it must be the reflections from the glass casing of the frame. The buttons I have used were from her sewing box - which I still have, and the piece of broken jewelry was hers, too.

I have made some more collages which I will be showing in the course of the week.
Have a good Sunday, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Gorgeous use of your scraps Valerie so at least not being able to sleep had some great results.
    Hope it cools down for you soon.
    Thunder here last night too and loads of rain so slightly fresher this morning.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. What a lovely way to use up your scraps - it's beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. eine Traumarbeit Valerie! Himmlisch schön!

  4. What a lovely evocative piece, Valerie. I like the way you have used her buttons and jewelry along with the lady's photograph. Your studio must be like an Aladdin's cave of arty goodies. The rain is still bouncing off the ground here, I'll try to send some your way.

  5. A beautiful collage Valerie, I,love how you've used some of her personal bits and bobs. It's absolutely "dinging" down here, I'm not complaining, the gardens are desperately in need of a good drink! Xx

  6. Beautiful collage Valerie. I love that old photo. Just love that muff! We've gone from hot hot hot to wet wet wet! x

  7. Eine wunderschöne Arbeit, liebe Valerie! Gefällt mir sehr gut.

  8. I often can't sleep, but I assure you if I got up in the middle of the night, nothing I crafted would be this awesome!

  9. Lovely piece, the winter outfit belies the heat you are enduring!

  10. Gorgeous canvas and so many things to evoke the memories.
    We've had a period of cool this morning and a bit of the welcome rain. Its hot again now.
    Yvonne x

  11. extremely talented when u cant sleep......just like me!!! lol
    try to stay cool and keep on designing.
    xo milissa

  12. Wonderful collage Valerie and full of treasured items and memories. It seems as if I always throw away that which I should keep and keep those thing that I should have thrown away!!! Sorry about your weather - hope it cools down soon.
    Again and really neat collage!

  13. It is incredible that you managed to create this during the night when you couldn't sleep.
    Valerie I absolutely love this. This is right up my street. Amazing texture and details and the beautiful photograph - this is so fabulous.

  14. Das ist ja wunderschön gestaltet - einfach traumhaft!!!

  15. What a fantastic collage Valerie. Some people just have the knack, and you are on of them :0) x

  16. Very interesting collage, Valerie. Love the way you put pieces together. hugs, Donna

  17. Terrific collage Valerie with so much of interest on it. A wonderful way to use up scraps and special photos.

    I hope it has cooled down a bit by now

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. Oooh I so agree with you about the heat, although we've had rain it hasn't cooled down that much! I am in awe at the marvellous thoughtfulness of this piece of art Val. You have made a keepsake of this lady that will trigger memories of her for years to come. Beautiful!

  19. Gorgeous photograph, she was beautiful. Love that you put her with her treasures and the whole piece is stunning, just stunning! ~Diane

  20. Lovely use of scraps, Valerie! Wonderful collage! Oh I so hear you about the heat and not being able to sleep or not very well! Hope it cools down for you quickly! Hugs!

  21. Another beauty! Love the layering and how you used that glass pendant as photo frame.

  22. ** FANTASTIC!! **

    LOVE what you did with your scraps, Valerie. wonderful collage pieces :]

  23. Oh! I so love this - soooooo pretty!!!


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