Saturday 13 July 2013

Paper Saturdays - More Word Birds

Hi everybody. 
It's Saturday, so time to link up with Paper Saturdays.

I have another flock of birds to share with you today.

'Birds of a feather flock together'

Have a great day, and a good weekend!
Take care, and thanks for coming by.


  1. Lovely birds again! I made some here with the kids last week, we all had fun, and my Mom was really happy when the kids took them to her! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful birds! The black one is my favorite but all are so wonderful, especially together.

  3. OOoh Valerie,die Birds sind ja ganz entzückend,ich finde die form der Birds sooo klasse,und das papier was du verwendest hast dafür ist total klasse,sag gibt es dafür irgendwo eine Anleitung,oder sind die frei Hand gemacht??Würde sowas auch gern mal probieren.
    ganz lieben dank auch für deine netten Worte zu meiner Page,das macht mir mut weiter zu machen,Dankeschööööön ,du liebe.

    Wünsch Dir ein schönes creatives entspanntes WE :-) GLG Jeannette

  4. Die Anleitung ist auf meinem blog vom letzten Sonntag!

  5. Your birdies are so very appealing! I really must try some. Haven't printed out your template yet, but I will today. hugs, Donna

  6. They are delightful and all dressed up I might add!

  7. Which is more than you could say for me, slouching around home in my old baggies today!

  8. your birds are so charming and well made!

  9. They all look great, love the bling .
    I can see these making great Xmas tree decorations as well.
    Yvonne x

  10. I made some for a friend in red and gold for her Xmas tree, and they looked very pretty!

  11. Awww.. everything about these little fellas have me smiling..


  12. Ahh, how tweet! I haven't had chance to create any yet, but they are on the list and have been cut-out and await the necessary actions ;) What do you do with so many Valerie? Just curious ;) Mo x

  13. They fly away to nice people....

  14. More beautiful word birds, better keep the windows closed they may all fly off! ~Diane

  15. These birds are vbery elegant this week, I made three this week and alas they flew away, so Ill have to make more! Wonderful!

  16. Hi Valerie, just doing a catch up as we've been away for a few days for a family wedding. I love these gorgeous birds all dressed up for a night on the town! Love the idea of the Christmas birds too. Xx

  17. These are just the cutest! I think they would make cute place cards or even note cards!

  18. I wonder what they chirruping about in their little circle. Love all of them but the one with the embossed effect really took my eye.

    Enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. Great work, Val, I love those birds, they are really pretty - I still have 2 red and black ones you sent me years back! Hugs, Barb

  20. These would make a wonderful mobile, something I am planning for Paper Saterdays soon. I am glad you made some more they look great!

  21. Wonder what they are all saying to each other!

  22. Wonderful birds. Your sense of colour is perfect. I love them.


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