Tuesday 30 July 2013

New Challenge at try it on Tuesday - Collage 'Zachor'

Hi everybody!
I have given this collage the title of 'Zachor' - remember, which is the word written in Hebrew letters.
The lady shown here is Erika, the same lady who was shown on my collage from Sunday when she  was a child.
As this photo was taken she was living in South America - her family were forced by the Nazis to 'sell' their house and business and leave Germany - the alternative would have been concentration camp. They were allowed to buy their tickets and take 10 Marks each, the rest of the money was confiscated.  But they were still thankful to find a safe land, even if they did have to start from scratch there. Later in her life she lived in Israel, before coming back to Germany, which she always regarded as her home.

I know these are things we often do not want to think about, but I think it is important not to forget.
I used some carboard, partly peeled, then painted and stamped for the background, lots of scraps, some stamped paper strips, lace and netting. And some pieces of old passports and letters. The beads have been made from rolled up strips of dictionary paper.

This is My DT piece for Try It On Tuesday. The challenge runs for 2 weeks, so you have plenty of time to try a collage with script on it.

Thanks for looking, have a great day, and take care!


  1. A wonderful piece telling a very poignant story! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Although sad, this is a beautiful piece, and you are right, it is very important to remember. I like the way you have used your materials here, very sympathetic to the subject of your artwork and I like the paper beads with text, they fit in perfectly here.

  3. eine traumhafte Collage Valerie! Vintage, Scrapbooking und Zeitgeschichte auf´s Schönste vereint! Es ist eine tolle Idee so ein Kunstwerk gegen das Vergessen zu schaffen... wir können mit unseren Arbeiten nicht nur für uns selbst etwas tun, wir können auch kleine Mahnmale schaffen gegen das Vergessen!

    Ich denke dieses Thema mit der Script Collage Kombination könnte auch was für mich sein diesmal.. werd sehen, vielleicht kann ich etwas mit der neuen Art Journal Journey Aufgabe kombinieren?!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt
    von Susi


    1. Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn Du mitspielst, und bin sicher, dass Du etwas ganz besonderes machst!

  4. This is so beautiful Valerie, I love how you've used all the elements and you're so right, we mustn't forget.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Beautiful collage and such an interesting story. Such inhumanity.

  6. Such a beautiful way to honour the past. It's amazing she wanted to come back to Germany. I agree - reminders like this are so important. It's a beautiful and touching piece, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  7. A touching story Valerie and a beautiful collage 'tied up with string'. Xx

  8. Thank you for telling the story of the amazing woman and her family. The gorgeous collage hanging is a wonderful way to evoke memories of past times.Yes we should remember.
    Yvonne x

  9. Oh wowwwww, das ist total schön! Da gibt es richtig viel zu sehen. Klasse!

    LG Carola

  10. So many things to say - I wonder if this little box is big enough. Erika sure was pretty. You are absolutely right, we must not forget. It is a part of our shared history. Unfortunately, the world has learned little as we witness the events around the globe.
    I love your paper beads. A nice addition to anything your make. Honestly Valerie, you design wonderful colleges. So many elements and after reading your post, each and every bit on this college seems to carry a bit of history with it. Wonderful Valerie!!!

  11. Wonderful pieces! Great vintage feel. :)

  12. A fantastic collage piece, Valerie! I especially love the paper beads!

    Claudia x

  13. Valerie - you are right - there are those who contend that the genocide of WWII was either exaggerated or completely false. And many of those who went through it are now dead. Beautiful pieces!

  14. A beautiful collage, made very personal with the story, and you're right, its something no one should forget.
    Avril xx

  15. Beautiful piece Valerie, good to remind us too, we should never forget. I read another comment saying she was surprised Erica wanted to come back, and although I think that is a first reaction for all of us, we must remember that this was the regime or government that was inhumane, not the country. Although I disagree greatly with the politics of my country, it is politics and not my country. Looking at Germany gives me hope that things can be turned around for the better someday. ~Diane

  16. Bad me as I am falling behind again on blog visiting! That previous post, I adore and what a great family picture! Sure makes a creation so much more personal! This is gorgeous and so heartfelt! You are so right and we must remember and learn and evolve into better human beings! Sometimes, I am just so sad over events and many times those that one individual can do to another living being! Hugs!

  17. So much thought went into making this Valerie and the history behind it must never be forgotten.

    Just playing catch-up as the room with the computer and crafting stuff is still in chaos.

    Love Chrissie x

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. I cannot imagine what it is like to be a refugee, never mind to be faced with such a horrific option. We can only hope this lady and others like her did not suffer from survivor guilt their survival was a gift to the future and should be treasured every bit a much as the memory of those whose obscene treatment is incomprehensible. Your collage is a very powerful work and tribute to them all. XOXO Zoe

  19. wow, love this and the story behind it too! Awesome rolled paper beads! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥ ( fellow DT member )

  20. WOnderful collage. Love your wire wrapped paper beads.

  21. So meaningful, and beautiful in its own right. Hugs to you.


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