Monday 1 July 2013

Art Journal Journey - Architecture

The new challenge over at Art Journal Journey is architecture. My first thoughts when I heard this were Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. They were perhaps more famous for other things they created, but both were very involved with the architecture of their day. These pages are perhaps more a hommage to them than pure architecture.
I started by gluing part of a serviette with Michelangelo's famous hands of God and man, and gave the rest of the pages some matching colours, before building them up with various layers using stamping, tissue transfers. stencils etc. The quote is one from Leonardo. I did my best to copy the signatures of the two artists. I am not really satisfied with the end results, some parts turned out as I wanted, others not, but that's life. That just inspires to try again!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Your pages are great - love the colours, and the theme, and how the pictures all blend and flow into each other! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wahnsinn! das ist sowas von genial Valerie..ich bin hin und weg !

    Liebe, lieben Dank für diesesn sensationell schönen Beitrag!

    xxx Susi-- die grade mit den Challenges Mix it Monthly, SOC und MOO MANIA
    herumspielt.. oh Gott manchmal weiss ich gar nicht was ich zuerst machen soll...geht es Dir auch so?

  3. Terrific pages Valerie, hugs Annette x

  4. I really love these pages! Great work!

  5. Wow,wahnsinnig tolle seiten valerie,der geniale hintergrund mit den motiven harmoniert sehr,sehr schön,einfach wunderschöön.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Fabulous pages. I love how you brought them both together here. I also love the quote.

  7. Hi Valerie. This is amazing. Love it!

  8. beautiful pages, I was a fan of Michelangelo in high school.

  9. Wow das ist ein Traum!!!!!

  10. Amazing pages Valerie and so good to see how you built them up.

    Have a terrific day

    Love Chrissie x

  11. Stunning journal pages, Val, just love them - wonderful colours and images, so much to see! Hugs, Barb

  12. What size is your journal book? The stamps look so large, however I know what can be deceiving. Of course, I love the pages - your layering is superb. I always feel like I could crawl into your pages and be a part of them. Beautiful colours too - befitting the subject and the times. hugs, Donna

    1. It's just a bit bigger than A4, so a double spread is double A4, which makes it A3 - I think!

  13. Awesome pages, love how you add the layers and bring them alive with colour, images and details.
    Yvonne x

  14. Love the depth you have achieved Valerie :) super page
    Von ♥

  15. Great pages Valerie. So much interest :0)

  16. Wow...what a beautiful page, love the text!!

  17. Fabulous pages Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. Wow Valerie, this is moving! What a stunning piece, totally breath taking! ~Diane

  19. Big piece and full of yummy details! Da Vinci is one of my favorite artists and it always make me smile, seeing his drawings :) very inspiring piece :) will see what I can create ♥ Conny ♥
    Mix It Monthly

  20. uupps englisch...hihi, manchmal merk ich schon garnicht mehr, dass ich in englisch schreibe ;)...naja und im Laufe der Zeit finde ich es sogar manchmal echt leichter, die schöne Kunst hier auf all den Blogs in englisch zu umschreiben, da es da doch wirklich mehr Wörter gibt, die beschreiben, was ich das nicht ein bischen seltsam ;)

    1. Absolutely not! Ich write in der language die mir just einfalls!

  21. A4, A3, I have never known what these sizes mean. Will have to look it up! And I have no idea what a serviette is!! I know nothing at all about these techniques but am determined to start leaning instead of so much looking! What a brave lass you are to mix the masters - weren't Michelangelo and da Vinci peers? This is fabulous work Valerie - Michelangelo is one of my favorites. I lived in Italy and saw a lot of his paintings and sculptures. So amazing!!

  22. your pages are beautiful with so much depth and interest
    you must be very pleased with how they turned out!

  23. Beautiful! And the colours go so well with the subject.

  24. this is stunning! Love it!
    Groetjes karin


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