Thursday 4 July 2013

Paint Party Friday and More

Hi everybody, time for another Paint Party, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. And it's also week three of Summer of Colour, hosted by Kristin. And there's a new challenge at Piaroms's 'Mix it Monthly', so I have been busy trying to do something for all of these challenges. And I did my alpha page for the challenge at the Craft Barn. This week has not been easy, as I had very painful and shaky hands again, which was not a big help. But I tried my best, things just take much longer.

Conny at Mix it Monthly gave us a 'recipe' this time - seaside, blue, sand, violet, seagulls, wood and a verse to accompany it. I altered a wooden IKEA picture frame, which I painted with acrylics in blue and violet. The sand has been made from torn paper, and the fence from a thin piece of wood, which I cut with a TH fence die. It crumbled a bit, so it's turned into a rickety fence, but I did give it a coat of white paint. The background is painted paper.  I added paper bunting, a cut out ship, a fishing net and a few other bits and bobs.

And my verse? 'I do love to be beside the seaside!' 
Also linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show, anything goes, and to 
Altered eclectics, anything goes

For Summer of Colour I have made a journal page, with which I am not satisfied, but at least it's the right colours - pale pink and charcoal grey.  The background was painted with left over colours in the course of the last 2 weeks. I think I will try to do something more with it, but not this week.

And last but not least, my 'B' page for the Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn. I chose Beloved, and have added a quote  from the Song of Solomon 6:3, which I have written in Hebrew and English. I do like the way this one turned out, so that's something! The background was wiped with a little gesso to tone it down, and I left it that way as I decided to keep it black and white.

If you stayed with me to the end, congratulations!

Here's wishing you all a happy weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow Valerie - you make beautiful art even wih poorly hands! Awesomeness is your middle name I reckon. I think your picture frame is fabulous; I love the rickety picket fence :0)

  2. What to say? One piece is lovelier than the other. Your picture frame is a dream, your journal page witty, and your alpha page extraordinarily good! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love all 3 projects! The beach hut scene is great fun & I love the way you have used the pink &grey. I, 've struggled for inspiration on this colour combo! Hebrew? That's very cool! Ali x

    1. I found the colour combo very difficult too!

  4. Three fabulous projects, loved the beach frame with the shells and boat beside it. As always you have added wonderful words and quotes that go so well with your Fab creations. Hope the hands feel less painful soon.
    Yvonne x

  5. Beautiful work, I can almost hear the seaguls =). Your SOC piece is stunning.

  6. nice work on all the challenges! Happy PPF and SOC!

  7. Loving all your projects especially the altered frame, so fab, hugs Annette x

  8. Valerie if you could see me here dance the happy dance :D such an amazing piece! Tells from your love of the sea ♥♥♥ I love everything: the frame, the cute lil house (I could buy it immediatelly and live in it ;) the sweet fence, the waterdrops, the little flags...I could go on and on...thank you so much to be part of
    Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  9. You are one busy lady! Love all of your beautiful pieces!

  10. Love all your work. Awesome. Love the seagulls. Very nice picket fence. Love it! Great job friend. Take care and have a wonderful day. Happy PPF and more.

  11. Valerie I don't know where to start. First what have I missed? What do you mean painful and shaky hands? Well you are making some amazing things. I love your dictionary page -- I think I have told you before but your Hebrew writing is artwork within itself! Beautiful page!!! Your "The First Me" journal page is very intriguing. Last but not least - your seaside scene is fantastic. What beautiful colors. I think a fence at the beach would show some decay! I do hope that your hands get better!

  12. All three projects were wonderful. Your pink and gray page turned out great.

  13. Stunning projects.

    The holiday scene is amazing with so much work on it and I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you to make with your shaky hands.

    The wonderful Dare to be Different page doesn't need anything adding it is so much fun just as it is I reckon.

    What a wonderful word Beloved is and you have captured it so well.

    It would take me a week to think of the ideas let alone put them onto paper lol.

    Have good day Valerie

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Wow Valerie, You have been so creative this week and met each challenge with wonderful art and imagination:) I like the SoC piece "Steam Punk" piece, the lady is so different! I love her. Your 'B' page is such a lovely romantic theme and the silhouette is beautiful and delicate. Lastly, your "Mix it up monthly" piece makes me want to visit the coast! I love the colours and the little birds sitting on top of the frame:) One more thing... there is s surprise for you over on my blog!!!

  15. Wonderful Artworks! Especially I like the first. It has so beautiful and light colors. Can I ask, what size Your painting is, that first, I mean.

    All are beautiful and You have amaising ideas. Great!
    Greetings from Finland. I am with this PPF-challenge the first time.

  16. Hi! It's 18x13cms including the frame, a standard one from IKEA.

  17. It's easy to stay to the end with you!! Your by the sea is so fun...great idea with the picture frame!!Did you have a start the car moment??Love the ikea commercial!!

    I love your soc... the saying is right up my alley and I love the old fashioned print!! Very nice...and the third one is so unique too!! I could see it as a poster or in a magazine!!

    I have two soc I'm not happy with but I plan to replace them so I know how you feel!

    Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. Fabulous work Valerie - I love the image and sentiment on your pink journal page.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Great seaside-themed piece, I love the 3d look to it and the colours are so summery! Thanks for joining us for this week's Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!

  20. All gorgeous, Valerie. Love all the detail you have used in your sea side piece. Perfect. The journal page is very interesting - love the lady. And of course, the Song of Solomon is exquisite. Great work - so much interest in each piece. hugs, Donna

  21. you always approach each challenge with a fresh eye and find a creative solution... the picture frame is fab but they all are... very cool ...xx

  22. all of your pieces are so gorgeous, it was a treat to the eyes to see them all! I hadn't heard about your pain and shaky hands, but I'm praying for you now and hope you will be well soon. xoxo

  23. Thank you Debbie, that is so kind of you!

  24. Oh I do love to be beside the seaside too Val... and I adore your altered frame... and LOVE both your art journal pages... gorgeous work...

    Jenny ♥

  25. I agree, dear Valerie! Wonderful, wonderful artwork to see again. The Colors from the first one are amazing and I love this so. Your seccond one for SOC is gorgeous! HPPF and hugs

  26. Simply marvelous seascape. A big seagull, a bitsy fisher cottage, perfect. xox

  27. So prolific!
    Really love your seascape artwork and all its dimensions!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  28. Gorgeous picture frame, the rickety fence is perfect, so is the beautiful sea gull and starfish! Your journal pages are equally awesome and so inspiring! Gorgeous images on that too. ~Diane

  29. these are all great! i especially like your Summer of Color collage!! very cute :)

  30. Fantastic frame - I feel I could just walk right in there :-)
    Love the Song of Solomon piece - fabulous :-D
    Happy PPF

    IKE x #33

  31. Wonderful art. The sea collage is amazing. Really does capture the sea.
    Have a very nice weekend

  32. I loved all the projects - the beach scene is especially wonderful. The rickety fence supplies just the right touch. Just lovely - HPPF

  33. Your beach scene is stunning...but I really LOVE the way you photographed it with the shells and boat. very creataive.

  34. Great SOC page and Alpha page, I guess your desk is somewhere too. Thanks for visiting me BJ

  35. Gorgeous work - I love all of it, but particularly the pink and grey - you've done a fab job on that colour scheme - I love it! Thanks for dropping by my desk, hope you have a great week.

  36. Where do you find the time! Lovely work ツ

  37. Love, love the mix it mothly piece! The 3D effect is great!

  38. What a variety of makes today Valerie love each one of them :)
    Von ♥

  39. Love these! Your PPF piece is wonderful with that sweet fence and banner... love the beach hut, too. Great pages as well!

  40. Oh Valerie these are fantastic projects!!! LOVE the seaside project, and your SOC piece, and that silhouette page is wonderful too. You're so talented!

  41. I need to find an ocean since I want to go to the beach after seeing your altered frame! Wonderful!

  42. Know what you mean, no sea near here either, the next seaside is in Holland!

  43. I love your beachy scene Valerie-Jael, and your pages are wonderful!
    Happy PPF!
    Alison x

  44. Such nice work, Valerie! The rickety fence fits perfectly with your seaside vignette! I hope your hand pain settles down again. Enjoy the weekend! I also loved the patriotic pop-up card in the last post! And the little town looks so picturesque, too!

  45. Good lord, your sea piece is awesome!!! Beautifully assembled!!!
    I enjoyed seeing your summer of color too!
    Fun visit here!!

  46. Fabulous projects, love the alpha page great word, love the silhouette and the black and white page.

    Sylv xx

  47. I haven't even though about the mix it monthly challenge yet I love your entry a lot Dxx

  48. Beautiful frame, you are so good and talented with decorating projects. Well done Valerie and thank you for sharing

  49. Wow, wonderful work this week. I love your SOC-piece!

  50. I think you should be very pleased with how they all turned out Valerie! I love the 'beach' piece - so vibrant it makes you smile and think of lovely summer days. Your 'Summer of colour' piece is amazing with that gorgeous lady image. How clever that you can add the wording in Hebrew to your Craft Barn piece too. I love that you stayed with the monochrome paletter - it works perfectly.

  51. I love them all, but especially love how your SOC piece turned out! It is just beautiful and so creative! I really LOVE that quote, too!

  52. Love them all Valerie... I could smell the sea in the first one!

    Love your steampunkish SOC piece, great quote!

    Karen x

  53. Love each and every one but especially love your beach piece for mix it monthly, fantastic!! HPPF!

  54. Wow, a page FULL of wonderful art! I love every one of them. AND I adore your birds above too! BIG smile to you:-)

  55. I love all 3 projects, including the one you're not so sure about. I am visiting from entering The Craft Barn Challenge and I have to say that one is my favourite. I love the Song of Solomon and I adore your black and white design. The Hebrew looks beautiful too. Julie Ann xx

  56. Fabulous Frame and with the weather we are finally having here in the UK very apt. Thanks for joining us at Altered Eclectics, hope to see more of your work. Jacqui - DT altered eclectics

  57. are so talented..what a fantastic journey here today, I have enjoyed my visit..such super gorgeous art and magical creations..stunning!

  58. There's lots of fantastic art here and I am especially taken with your seaside piece with all the details - the beach hut and the seagulls and the bunting and the white rickety fence and the way you have used the Ikea frame and just everything and the seaside colours - yes I do like it very much.

  59. Three fabulous pieces. I especially love the image you used for the SOC colour challenge. Very inspiring work!!

  60. Three very different pieces and I love them all - maybe my favourite is the seagull as it reminds me of Cornwall :o)

  61. Wonderful pieces, dear Valerie - and I have no favorite. They are all so special. The silhouette has something special, and the colors for the Monthly Challenge Mix are just awesome. Hugs Erika

  62. The altered frame is fantastic. I love al the intricate pieces of it. Blessings, Janet PPF

  63. FAbulous work!!!
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn,

  64. I love all the detailing in your piece for Mix It Monthly - July! I also love the silhouettes in your last piece, and am very impressed with your Hebrew calligraphic skills. Blessings!

  65. Your seaside picture is lovely! I like the steampunk one and the last one too. I don't think I've ever seen 'I am my Beloved is my beloved is mine" illustrated any better!


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