Saturday 5 January 2013

This and That....

Hi you all. Here in Germany it is wet, wet, wet. The skies are grey, the trees are dripping, and the birds were all sitting dismally on their branches, looking very fed up. I decided to stay home and do some crafting. As this week was wet everyday, I got a lot of crafting and reading done.
In my Christmas parcel from my dear friend  Diane, I found a batch of lovely little tins waiting to be altered. 

One had already been beautifully altered by Diane, using a Gecko Galz image:

I love altering tins, so inspired by Diane's good example, I got to work. I covered the lid with a scrap of paper, and added an epoxy image.

Then I made a little concertina book from a strip of the same paper. I distressed and stamped the paper from both sides, but it is not showing up well on the darker side. I added various images of vintage ladies dancing and moving themselves into artful poses:

I added my text to the lighter side:

And fixed a ribbon into the base of the tin to hold the book:

Then I decided to add some crackle around the image using a crackle stamp, and varnished it over a couple of times to make it more durable.

I made a lot more, too, but I will keep it for another day! Take care, have a good weekend, and thanks for coming by!


  1. You create such GORGEOUS things, Valerie! Beautiful!

  2. I LOVE this little book-in-a-tin, what a great idea! And the one your friend made is gorgeous,too, she was very kind to send you those tins! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie, I now and then stop by on your blog and what so I see today - this altered tin! For three or four days I think about doing something similar as a photo album as a present for my aunt. I shall definitely do it now that I saw your tin.

    All the best for 2013 for you too!

  4. you have such a gift, very clever lady you are, beautiful beautiful creations!

  5. YOU. ARE. GOOD. May I come over and play please? Beautiful gift, beautiful result of your efforts. I have never altered a tin. I do have one. I sit and stare at it -- it stares back and that's as far as it ever goes. :o) hugs, Donna

  6. You are always so productive! and you make such pretty things.


  7. Stunning tin produce some awesome things.
    Hugs xx

  8. Happy New Year to you and yours! I took a long break over the holiday but I'm back and catching up with people.
    The tin you received from Di is gorgeous - what a wonderful surprise.
    Your tin is beautifully vintage and I love it!

  9. Little in size but not little in the WOW factor! This is amazing! So much creativity in a little tin!

  10. Awesome! I really like the enclosure. We are warming up again here in NY, but I am not complaining! Looking forward to seeing your other tins.

  11. Wonderful project, love how you decorated the tin and the fold out book inside.
    Yvonne xx

  12. such a wonderful idea and yours turned out beautiful. love your PPF post too~

  13. I hope the sun shines for you soon Valerie though it is so lovely to see how you have filled your time.

    This tin is so special and can't wait to see more of them.

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. What a lovely gift from Diane and your altered tin is just gorgeous - inside and out! I've never altered a tin before either, you're creating such beautiful, inspirational pieces at the moment Valerie. Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  15. AWESOME!Very pretty,love your tin and your book of cards is beautiful...

  16. This little tine is just gorgeous, and the little book inside, too! Hugs, Barb

  17. Happy New Year Valerie. Hope all is well. Fantastic tin book. They are such wonderful keepsakes.
    Take care, Florence xx

  18. You made such a beautiful tin, and the book inside is an excellent idea, they both look splendid! I knew you would find something special to make with them! Diane


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