Wednesday 9 January 2013

Tag Tuesday Tag and more....

I have a mixed bag to show you today. My Tag Tuesday tag is a day late. This time we are making alphabet tags for the first half of the year. My lady is holding a card which says - 'A is for adventure - dare to be different!'

I had a go at making postcards from paint-chip cards. I am not so sure if I like them or not, but it's always worth trying. 
For the first one I just used a die-cut word and a strip of paper lace from a Martha Stewart punch, and clear varnished it. It's a bit too minimalist for my taste!

I like this one better, especially the quote from Mahatma Gandhi.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, have fun and thanks for visiting!


  1. great try on this ! Like your results!

  2. Love what you have made! The paint chip cards are a great idea, what fun! Hugs, Sarah

  3. I love the heart tag best as well, Valerie, however I think the paint chips have great possibilities. hugs, Donna

  4. Playing with the paint chip cards... much more fun than decorating!!!

    Love your tag..... she is cool love the Zetti style legs!!!

    Karen x

  5. Nice A tag to start with! I love that you can recycle the paint chip cards this way too! Nice job.

  6. 'morning! I am also not a minimalist ..have seen great things with paint chips but not from me LOL Love your "A" tag and the quote! Hugs,

  7. Three beautiful 'wordy' creations. Xx

  8. All wonderful , it is a change to be minimal but it does make you focus on the true meaning of the word.
    Yvonne x

  9. Love all of them Valerie, you are always so creative, even your minimalist is not that minimal, looks fab! Great quote on #2 and love the legs on #1, fabulous trio! ~Diane

  10. Hi Valerie. Hope you are doing well. Excellent tags and that quote from Gandhi goes straight to the heart. It sounds like my husband who doesn't speak much but when he does it is from the heart. Love it! Thanks and now it's time for coffee...or tea.:)

  11. Our minds are thinking alike...I just picked up a bunch of paint chips while I was out shopping yesterday! Now, just have to figure out what to do with them!

  12. I want her tights! Those are the greatest statement ever!

  13. Lovely work again, if I had legs like the lady in your tag I would wear those stockings, too! Hugs, Barb

  14. Love that sentiment with the adorable heart! Valerie, you really know how to decorate a paint chip! Love these! Hugs!

  15. Wonderful work Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Hello Valerie
    Love your Tuesday Tag!! :]
    Lovely collage elements, you do wonderful work.
    Take care. ~xx

  17. Great tag--love the legs on that gal! Your paint chip creations remind me to use things I forgot about--love the quote!

  18. These are so cool and love the stockings in the first one :)

  19. Valerie der Tuesday Tag ist einfach wundervoll, ich liebe ihren Rock ;) und diese frechen Strümpfe!!

  20. Wonderful! Love those stripey leggings. :)

  21. love the landscape, also your tags, fun to visit you!


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