Thursday 8 February 2024


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday again - well it will be in a few hours- which brings us another day closer to the weekend! I had a lot to do these past 2 days, once again with appointments, bad weather and a general feeling of ' When will it be spring'? I have seen the first few flowers trying to poke out their little heads, and the buds on the trees are getting bigger, so I'm trying to keep hopeful.

Today I have another piece for Vicki's 'light' challenge at AJJ. It has been put together digitally from 3 of my photos, as I was thinking about the quote 'There is no darkness without light'. That's me in the photo:

Today is Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF, so I have some faces for you! They were all made  a few years back during a free weekend class, where we were encouraged to make strange faces on scraps of newspaper - this was great fun! I can't remember who organised that weekend, but it was wonderful!

Then I used each of the faces as part of a collage:

And of course, I have some funnies / thinkies for you!

So, breathe out, I'm finished!

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Ohhh I love all the art here today. The light is fabulous and all of those faces on newpaper. What great fun. I am always so impressed with your talent. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Great journal page and love all the strange faces art-enjoy the weekend.
    Carol x

  3. Amazing art Valerie, I love all the faces and that fab shadow!

  4. Hi Val, love that shadow photo, and those faces are such fun! Great funnies, too! I hope you have a quiet day tomorrow, take it easy! Here it was quiet today, so I got lots a cooking done. Have a lovely Friday, take it easy, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, have a great day and a happy weekend! Hugs to you all!

  5. I love all those faces and how you placed them in photos or collages. Very creative and so much fun!. I absolutely LOVE the quote from Hemingway - how true it is too! Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of crafty creativity.

    1. Thanks so much, happy Friday, hugs! I love that quote, too!

  6. I think we're all suffering from too much winter. How long though before we're complaining it's too hot? I don't know about you but as I get older I can't take the heat.

    1. Well, I can't take the heat, the cold gives me a lot of pains, and rain is just depressing. Apart from that I have no problems with the weather! Hugs!

  7. Wonderful faces and art. Thanks for the thinkies.

  8. The faces are all so interesting and fun to look at and the funnies are funny!!

  9. Wow all of your faces are amazing-you are so good with your painting of faces. great funnies too-happy weekend-still spring weather here hugs Kathy

  10. Light and shadow is fantastic!!! And i luv all all the faces.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.
    Have a nice weekend Valerie.


  11. The shadows are a great take on the light theme, Valerie. And your faces are all wundebar! Did I spell that right, lol? Have a great weekend, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! It's wunderbar! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  12. Twoje prace są niezwykłe, twarze namalowane na gazecie to super pomysł. To prawda nie ma takiej ciemności by nie możnaby znaleźć światełka nadziei.Udanego weekendu:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Sometimes we need to search for the light, but it's there! Hugs!

  13. ...I love long shadows! Hemingway was spot one!

    1. Long shadows fascinate me, too! Happy weekend!

  14. Your creativity and whimsicality are on full display here, Valerie, and you have made full use of those newspaper heads. I suppose this is why conventional newspapers must keep on publishing. In addition of course one needs material to line litter boxes and food waste containers. It’s hard to do that with an iPad! There are long shadows and then there are long shadows! Your legs would stretch from Balconia to Berlin! If you could add a long neck (for which you are renowned) you’d go all the way to The Baltic! If I were given to fantasizing, imagine what I could conjure up for a woman with long legs and a long neck. I should probably not go there! I actually visited the doctor recently for a suspicious mole, but was shunted off to a nurse practitioner who told me that it is fine, merely part of the barnacles of life. In that case, as I have aged, a few barnacles have attached themselves to me! Do you think it’s because they know a good substrate when they see one? I’m going with that. Say hello to Happy Heike for me and enjoy the weekend which is about to envelope all of us. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. I love playing about and using whatever I have to hand to draw and paint on, and it's interesting to see that each of these little scribble drawings has it's own character, it's fun to watch them develop! And as you say, with an iPad it wouldx be rather impossible. Shadow photos are always fun, and I can never resist taking them if the time is right. And yes, long necks are also on my programme! So you had a suspicious mole, too? ! These things seem to grab onto us as we get older. Getting old is not for dummies! I now have a new smartphone, and It tweets like a bird when I get a message, I like it, but I see people looking around to find the bird.... Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to you and Miriam xxxxxxxxx

  15. The newspaper faces are so much fun! I really love the face with the Victorian dress.

  16. Using a shadow is a great idea of for AJJ. This is so true about light and darkness. And what a super collection of faces. I remember many of these, but they are fun to see again. I hope you're busy week hasn't worn you out too much and you have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Shadows and light and darkness are wonderful themes. Glad you like my little faces, I always have fun when I have time to scribble! Hugs! Enjoy your weekend.

  17. Those faces and collages look like fun. It works for me. It's perpetual summer in Hawaii.

    1. At the moment it's just sort of depressing here, cold and wet all day! At the weekend I hope I can stay home and paint! Hugs!

  18. I love how you collaged your newspaper faces -- terrific art!

  19. It looks like the newspaper faces were fun to make. Have a good weekend.

  20. I too will welcome Spring. Just to see the leaves coming on the trees and the sunlight shining through the window, instead of this gloom will make me feel better. I look forward to seeing your photographs as you always do some lovely inspirational ones.
    Like the piece for AJJ. I love how you have interpreted light and dark and the cobbles beneath your shadow, very tactile looking.
    The journey with your portraits was really enjoyable and it was nice to recognise one or two of them.
    Great funnies as always.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope you get a restful weekend

    1. Thanks so much, Neet! I love when spring comes, but today we had a mild and sunny day, which was much appreciated. I went out for lunch with Heike, and we enjoyed our little outing. I love the cobbles here, but they are not always easy to walk on! Have a great weekend, take care, hope you soon feel better!

  21. That's an interesting collection of faces, love how you used them too. Loving the funnies, moles are so sweet but just wish they would find somewhere else to dig rather than our garden! Take care and have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Moles are really sweet, I always think of the Wind in the Willows! Have a great weekend!

  22. I really like the faces, on the news paper print.

  23. The art today is so fun and creative, Valerie.
    And as always, I enjoyed the funnies and thinkies.

    Hugs and blessings

  24. Cool and creative selection of artwork! Lots of my spring bulbs are coming through here too, I hope we don't a harsh Feb frost to damage theme which can sometimes happen. Have a good weekend. Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle! Hope your bulbs do well, and that no frost comes their way!

  25. this photos with a shade looks great;)

  26. your photo of the shadow is very dramatic and beautiful. Have a great weekend.
    best, mae at

  27. Love the way you incorporated the faces. The memes are great.
    Hugs, Sandra

  28. Great mixmedia job👏👏👏💐☺️ congrats
    Happy week, hugs from Chile

  29. I do like your faces.

    All the best Jan

  30. That's a clever use of light and shade, loving the mellow glow around the shadow.
    I remember those faces, can not remember who the tutor was or what taster course it was but you have made much better use of yours than I did of mine. Fabulous work.
    Late visit from me, it's been a very eventful week (sadly) with my Mom...
    Take care of yourself Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I had great fun with those faces I must try to find out who took the course, it was such fun! Have a great week, hope your Mum is soon feeling better. Hugs, Valerie

  31. The photo of the shadow and how you've incorporated it with the theme is just brilliant! I absolutely LOVE this idea! The quote is done perfectly with it as well! Your faces look amazing and I especially love the ones over the book pages! I've always been afraid to do faces....maybe someday I will conquer it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Vicki! You can't mess up faces like these. Just try and have fun! Hugs!

  32. I love this page Valerie- that was a perfect place to take a shadow photo! Your faces are fabulous- I remember you doing them ! Love the cat box! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks, sometimes everything is just perfect for a photo! Hugs!


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