Friday 28 January 2022


Hi Everybody! 

It's Friday and that means the weekend is on its way 
Just a short post today as I am very tired and need to get to bed. This Post is meant for Paint Party Friday and AJJ. The third eye represents wisdom:

And I have another steampunk tag for my challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I saw this ship chugging by and thought of Christine in Canada:

Some memes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I hope you will soon be feeling better.

    Your friend,
    mae at

  2. Hope you get plenty of rest and soon feel rejuvenated.

  3. Hope you have more energy soon Valerie, lovely art works and memes. I am with the cat.

    1. Oh yes, I'm, with the cat, too!Have a great weekend!

  4. I love the idea of a third eye, maybe one on the back of my head. It's a great piece. Thanks for sharing at AJJ, especially since you haven't been 100% up to snuff lately. I do hope that changes and you feel better soon. Nice tag too. Get some rest and take care dear Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, eyes in the back of the head would be useful!Have a great weekend!

  5. Ein tolles Symbol das dritte Auge und deine Kunstwerrke sind wieder so schön geworden.
    Ich wünsche dir baldige Besserung!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  6. Hope you feel better soon Valerie, thanks for thinking of me when you saw the Christine boat haha. That 2nd meme speaks to me especially in the winter months.

    1. Wouldn't it be nice if you could really sail along the Rhine! Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep and are feeling a bit refreshed this morning. Love the picture, I could do with a few extra eyes to look after my brood! Have a nice day, take care, and don't try to do more than your body can! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  8. Sorry to read you are not on top form Valerie I've missed seeing your artwork, it keeps inspired. A beautiful painted face with it's extra delightful eye, makes me want to get out a large canvas and throw some acrylics around.. but not today.
    Fabulous steampunk tag and I especially Love that *Sometimes* quote it's very close to my heart. Take care of yourself lovely Hugs Tracey xx

  9. Hi Valerie! I was sorry to read that you were feeling tired - hope you slept well and are restored! I love your gorgeous art - the third eye for wisdom is perfect on your beautiful face, and your sentiment is beautiful, too. And your steampunk tag is amazing! Loved the photos and your 2 memes. (Yes, sometimes I wish I could turn back time to simpler days when love was what mattered most . . .) Thank you for sharing your beautiful post! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. I am being treated in a clinic just now and some of the treatments and exams are hard. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  10. My goodness, Valerie, Miriam keeps a close watch on me with just two eyes, so I am certainly happy that she doesn't have three, especially if one were in the back of her head. On second thoughts, maybe she does! She is the domestic surveillance monitor! We are all very sad that you are not feeling well. Obviously that's why you are staying at the clinic, but we had all hoped that you would bounce back quickly, and that doesn't seem to be happening. It makes me very thankful that I have been pretty healthy for most of my life. At the end of February I will be seventy-nine years old but I can still lead a birding trip on a 10k walk and my brain is still active too. I still teach and I still learn. There is much to celebrate in that. And speaking of leading bird walks I will be doing it again tomorrow. I have none planned for February and I am already getting inquiries about where we will be going! These people are so demanding! I hope that you make the turn for the better soon dear Valerie. I think of you often. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Ah yes, women with 3 eyes must strike dead into every man's heart! I like the description of domestic surveillance monitor, too funny! I'm happy for you that you are still so fit at your advanced age where so many men descend into senility, that's good to hear. I think the bird walks keep you happy and healthy and that's good. We went for a walk long the Rhine this afternoon and watched the sun going down, that was lovely! I'm glad your fellow birders know how good your walks are and always clamour for more! Have you seen Lily this week? Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    2. We just returned from visiting Lily at her house. She has mastered more words every time we see her.

    3. How lovely, she is a clever child!

  11. I especially love that blue squiggly background on your face painting. And that cat meme is so spot on. I should print it out and put it on my fridge! I'm glad that you have the clinic where you can be well cared for. It feels like awhile and I'm sorry about that. I'm glad, though, that you can get some very good rest and I think that's important to healing, both body and mind. Please take care -- we're all on your side!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. That cat meme is really good, it's a keeper! Have a great day, hugs!

  12. Neat I would have thought of Christine too! :) Your art piece is very pretty!

  13. My third eye needs development. Or maybe awakening.

    1. Oh yes, I think my third eye is very short sighted!

  14. I like the 2nd art piece. Nice memes. Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. You know I like multiple eyes in art and this is amazing. I love the cabochon you used in the second piece. Very pretty. Have a great day.

  16. I follow Christine, too! You rock, because you are awesome!!!

  17. Feel better real soon ~ Xo ~ Dynamic artwork and lovely photography ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Have a wonderful weekend Valerie. Thanks for droppingby my blog. Love your wisdom girl today

    much love...

  19. Third eye is a fab and meaningful painting- I love the style of it. Your steampunk tag is cool! Sorry you haven't been feeling so well. I hope you are now getting more rest and sleep. Take, and get well soon! XO

  20. Beautiful art Valerie! I love your found text.
    Have a good evening and a restful sleep.

  21. Hope you are feeling better soon. I love the tag and memes.

  22. A lovely painting of the girl with all her eyes wide open.
    I love the poem too.
    Wise words on the beautiful steam punk tag; they would do wonders for people on a billboard, I think.
    I hope you are feeling better, Valerie.
    (Having a few computer issues, I hope you don't get two of these.)

    1. Thanks Dixie! I am feeling less tired, so that's a good sign! I often have blogger issues! Take care!

  23. I feel bad that you don't feel better. I wish there was something I could do for you.

    WOW, that is one amazing lady, Valerie. What a lot of eyes she has. I especially like your steampunk tag. It is fun and beautiful at the same time.

    the memes were great. I think Squiggles would disagree with the cat, because I put him on a diet and he hates it and would never do it on his own or even WANT to.

    Feel better soon, dear.

  24. I think there are times when a third eye could be handy!

    I do hope you feel better soon, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie, fabulous art and photos and I do hope you will be feeling better soon.
    Take care and be safe.
    Yvonne xx

  26. I think my comment disappeared - it said Blogger was refusing to connect. Here goes:
    I can relate to that cat!
    Love your tag and your lady reminds me of when I was at school and the kids would ask how I knew they were talking when I had my head down reading from a book. I told them I had eyes in the top of my head. A bit higher than your lady and not the same wonderful hair as she has but it did remind me of those days.
    Sorry you are not feeling well, hope you start to feel the benefit of the treatment you are receiving soon.
    Gentle hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Blogger is making a lot of problems just now! As a teacher I would always have welcomed extra eyes and ears! Have a great week, hugs!

  27. Your face with the third eye is sooo interesting and thought provoking. Wow. Beautiful photos and great funnies/memes. Take care of yourself sweet Valerie. Hugz


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