Saturday 27 March 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! I am slowly feeling more 'normal', whatever that might be, and as we had lots of sunshine I was able to take a walk and snap some photos with my phone. I'm still rather slow, but it will improve!

For Sheila's single flower theme at AJJ I have another hybrid journal page. I used a ready painted background and some painted bottles cut from an old painting. The lettering, bubbles and flower were added digitally:


And I have another tag for Michele's 'mostly monochrome' challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And these are the photos taken on my mostly sunny walk today:

There was a lot going on at the market:

Lots of trees are blossoming:

Spring in the shop windows:

I went into the Basilika and lit a candle:

Lots of spring flowers:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the colorful journal page, so pretty. I'm so glad you are feeling well enough to get our to walk and take photos. It sure looks like spring has arrived! Keep being good to yourself and take plenty of time to rest. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha! It's so good to get out and enjoy the sunshine!

  2. Glad you are up and about Valerie! Love the spring flowers, my favourite time of year. Your art is beautiful too!

    1. Thanks Christine, it's good to be feeling better, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Bless you, glad to read you are feeling better and enjoying your walk. Beautiful photos and wow your artwork, just LOVE it. xx

    1. Thanks so much Annie, have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You live in such a neat area-lots of nature an old buildings-love seeing it.
    Your journal page for single flower is beautiful-I would frame that one for sure.
    Glad you are feeling better no too hugs happy weekend

    1. Thanks Kathy, it is a pretty place here, and a good place to live! have a great weekend!

  5. Schön wie es blüht bei dir die Bäume und richtiges Frühlingswetter, herrliche Fotos von deinem Spaziergang. Deine Journalseite mit der einzelne Blume ist wunderschön mit den verschiedenen Flaschen und diese intensive Farbe. Süss dein Tag mit dem Hund.
    Pass auf dich auf und weiterhin gute Besserung
    Schönes Wochenende dir, lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke, es ist schön wieder rauszukommen. Dir ein schönes und hoffentlich sonniges Wochenende! Bleib gesund!

  6. Thanks Laurie. I do indeed love coloured glass, and have a lot here! Ut's good to be feeling more positive! Have a great weekende!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! So good to see you up and about again, enjoy your walks but please, don't overdo things! I'm so happy you are feeling more yourself again, and hope that the remaining problems will soon disappear, too. Here everything is okay, big hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I am being careful, and enjoying feeling a bit better and the new freedom it's bringing me! Hugs!

  8. Hello Valerie, how good that you are out and about again and I did enjoy all these lovely bright fresh photographs.
    The single flower on your painting is beautiful and a lovely blue-green colour. It would be a great addition to my blue and yellow flowerbed in the garden. Good fun to see all the coloured bottles too.
    Thanks very much for another painting for our theme at AJJ.

    1. Thanks Sheila, glad you like my flower! Have a great weekend!

  9. You must be thrilled to be out and about again. Yes, go easy, it takes a while to regain strength.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I have to take it slowly! Have a great weekend!

  10. The artwork with the bottles is quite lovely, Valerie. A friend of mine's daughter had a phase when she collected old bottles. I think she always thought she would find something of great value, or a message, but she never did of course. Me, I collect new ones - always with wine inside! That same daughter of my friend, who used to sit on my knee as a very little girl, now has a PhD in molecular genetics and is married with a child of her own. In such manner the world turns. I am delighted that you were able to get out for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. I never thought of you as someone who would visit a basilica and light a candle, but if it helps get you through the day, go for it! The weekend is here so perhaps you will be out and about again in bright sunshine, new leaves, buds, flowers and with birds to serenade you. A slow pace is an advantage under those circumstances! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! I collect glass vases and objects, and had a phase where I painted lots of bottles....Glass is always beautiful! Your way to collect bottles is much more pragmatic - cheers! Time marches on but the memories remain, sometimes I can't believe that I have got so old! I often go into the Basilica, it's a beautiful and very ancient place with good vibes, and I often just sit there for a while. The candle lighting surprised me, too, I just felt like it! Today we have dark clouds, high winds and showers of hail and snow, crazy! Just got back from a morning walk. Have a great weekend, enjoy some of your wine! Hugs to you both!

  11. Lovely page. I like the chipped paint effect on your tag. I'm glad you're starting to feel better.


  12. Beautiful spring photos. Spring is beautiful even in a pandemic. Your works are wonderful. Have a nice weekend:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Spring seems to be even more lovely this year! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  13. What a great walk Valerie. Better slow and out to walk than not going because you can't go your regular speed. I'm going back to the beach today as my road is extremely muddy. Congrats on starting to feel better. I love the bottles with flower too. It is interesting how there are so many varieties of single flowers. And nice tag too. I love the dog! Hope you enjoy your weekend my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Enjoy your day at the beach, it sounds good, wish I could go with you! It's bad weather here today, very stormy, so just had a short walk through the fields behind the house. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Hi! Terrific post ~ SO many pretty signs of Spring :) I'm so glad your home and doing well and enjoying the sunshine!!

  15. Lovely art work and simply wonderful photos. Don't over due it. Just take each day a little at a time.

  16. Valerie, your painting is fabulous! I love it. The bottles are awesome. Everything together is so pleasing and colorful and cheerful. I really love it. I wish it were in my journal. The monochrome tag is also a delight. I can just imagine the doggie getting all tangled up in the strings. Your photos are fantastic. You live in a great area with loads of photo opportunities. I’m so jealous!

    1. Thanks Annie, I love everything with glass. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  17. Delicious eye candy. So nice to see that you can get outside for the lovely walks and photos. Looks very Springy. Take care.

  18. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! Glad you were able to get out for a walk again.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, it's so good to be able to get out again!

  19. I am so glad you were able to get out for a walk. Love all the plants, flowers, and trees that are starting to bloom. Such a beautiful and hopeful time of year. Thanks for sharing all these pictures with us! Love your art pieces as well! Beautiful!

    Have a safe and happy weekend!

  20. Good for you walking again and I always love your pictures. People in coats so it still must be chilly there.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy, it's not warm yet! Have a great Weekend!

  21. It's great to see that you are out and about Valerie. Your photo's are lovely it's good to see that Spring is on it's way. Our Spring flowers are out too but it's so cold here - brrrr. I love your artworks, fabulous colours and such a cute dog! Take care and have a very happy weekend xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It's really cold Here today, and stormy! Have a great weekend!

  22. Very interesting post :) Have a nice weekend ;)

  23. Such a beautiful page, loving all those colourful bottles! The little dog on your tag is adorable too 😀. So glad to hear that you are getting back to normal and have resumed your walks, it's always a pleasure to walk with you and those spring views and flowers are amazing 😁. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it's good to be feeling better again! Have a great Weekend!

  24. Two beautiful hybrid pieces. Love the photos you took and glad you are getting better. Hugs Anesha

  25. Hello dear Valerie what a beautiful post, I love your single flower piece and all the gorgeous Spring photos, it’s like a wonderful breath of fresh air here! Thanks so much for your kind comment too, always much appreciated.
    Take care, sorry to hear you have been unwell but hopefully you are well on the way to feeling better soon now with each new Spring day.

    1. Thanks Kat, spring is a wonderful time! Stay Safe and well!

  26. Beautiful blooming trees - spring is already in sight!

  27. Lovely page, lovely tag, lovely photographs, lovely post.

    We too have had some good spring weather, long may it last!
    Take care, continue to look after yourself.

    All the best Jan

  28. Great you have been able to get out for a walk, lovely to see spring coming. Love the tag with the dog and the piece with the flower. Keep safe and well.

  29. i love your bottles and your latest monochrome tag! have a wonderful week! xo

  30. Your art is wonderful. I enjoyed the pictures-what a lovely walk you had! So glad you are feeling better!

  31. Cute art, Valerie! I am glad your health is improving. You live in such a lovely environment.

  32. I really love both of your pages today. And your walking photos make me happy -- it means you are out and walking. I'm just thrilled that you are feeling closer to "normal" again. That makes me smile. Big!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! It's still a long way Back to normal, but I am getting there!

  33. Love your single flower and your beautiful vases. That tag is high energy and fun too. So glad you are feeling "normal" again. I have been working so much it has been hard to keep up with everyone and I need to get back to normal too. Love all your pictures and it was so nice to read through your post, see what you have been up to and drink my coffee. Waving at you from across the pond! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, the last couple of weeks were very hard, but I think I'm through the worst and getting back on track! Waving back, enjoy your coffee!

  34. I love those glass bottles. You did a terrific job on them, capturing their translucency.

  35. I'm glad you had sunshine. It's always mood-enhancing :) What a pleasant walk! So many blooms. I'm noticing those pretty flower mugs in the shop window.

  36. I am so happy to hear you are making headway Valerie. With Spring in the air the only way is up! Loved your gorgeous artwork today and your amazing photos. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Pinky, especially for your Support and prayers!

  37. GORGEOUS post Valerie! And LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your art journal bird!!! Awesomesauce!!!! Have a super start to Spring! ((HUG)S) Helen

  38. Love this single flower page! Your monochrome tag is such fun! Great photos of your area, glad you can getup and about again. Love the signs of Spring! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, everything feels better with spring on the way!

  39. Your photos just blew me away today. luv that bottle art. Beautiful bold tags.
    Happy Tuesday

    my Week 2 is HERE


  40. I love your bottles and puppy! Great art! Your photos are always so special to me! Thank you for taking them! Big Hugs!


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