Monday 8 March 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Here it was very cold but with sunshine all day, so just right for walking!

Today I have a piece to share for Sheila's single flower challenge at AJJ:

And some of the single flowers I have taken pics of in the past days:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
My drink is almost always cappuccino, so here some memories from the good old days:

Last week I baked cinnamon rolls at the clinic, they didn't last long!

Yesterday I baked a banana, chocolate chip and walnut cake. I forgot to take a pic, and by the time I remembered, it was too late, all gone!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful page, love your single flowers. You are such a good baker Valerie, yum!

  2. Happy Monday and Happy New Week Wishes too.

    I love your art page and also your single picture flowers.
    Your cinnamon rolls look wonderful :)

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  3. fantastic art as always and I really love all the beautiful flowers. Your cinnamon rolls look absolutely amazing, I wish I could reach through my computer screen and grab one!

    1. Thanks Martha, I wish I could have beamed you one!

  4. This is a great page Valerie. I like how you used that flower. Very clever. Its nice your clinic has these fresh flowers. That's a spirit booster. And your cinnamon roles look really yummy. I can see why they disappeared so quickly. Hope you have a great start to the new week and happy early T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. We Made 3 trays of the rolls and they were gone in a few minutes!

  5. So much happiness but my eyes zeroed right in on the coffee! I love your single roses - especially the red one by the door :) GORGEOUS and colorful craft project - she reminds me of the 80's girls you see in the videos! YUMMY cinnamon rolls! Hugs!

  6. Sounds like your baking is much appreciated at the clinic.
    Beautiful flower photos, love the red one glowing in the light there.
    Another beautiful art piece too Valerie.

  7. With all your baking they won't want you to leave! They might offer you a job in the kitchen, Head Baker! Seeing your simple pleasures of a cappuccino in a café, who would have thought these strange days would just keep rolling along? Hugs, Deb

    1. I enjoy baking, and have lots of people here who like eating!

  8. What a fabulous journal page for Sheila's theme at AJJ. I absolutely love her hair. And I like how you positioned the flower. Speaking of flowers, those you photographed from the clinic are stunning. It must be fun to be surrounded by such beauty. And the clinic is going to be sad when you go home because you contribute SO much, like the cinnamon rolls.

    Oh for those days again when we could go out like you did when you took photos of your cappuccinos in the village. It seems SO long ago since this pandemic started and yet, it's only been a year. Thanks for sharing these photos of drinks from days gone by with us for T this Tuesday. Yes, I will link you, dear.

    1. Thanks E, that's kind of you! This pandemic really seems to have lasted forever! See you later at T!

  9. Beautiful post and gorgeous lady with the sweet flower.....your gorgeous photos are just that , gorgeous...sending hugs. xxx

  10. What a nice lady with an amazing flower!
    Your banana, chocolate chip and walnut cake must have been a real treat!
    Have a very good week, Gorgeous! Hugs!

  11. Love your art piece, great vibrant colours. Beautiful flowers. Can't wait to go out for coffee with friends. Have a great day. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha- Going out is something we all miss!

  12. This is so dramatic with the lady in black, the colourful background and the flower looking just like its beautiful self.
    Great photos of the cafe past, this cafe looks delightful, and bright and airy.
    Your cinnamon rolls look delicious.
    Thanks very much for your Single Flowers, both arty and real.

  13. Single flowers in many variations, Valerie, and all beautiful, from your artwork to the real things. Wouldn't it have been fortuitous in the image above where there are two flowers in the vase next to your cup if there had been only one? This week you will return home and I hope that the long stay in the clinic has left you refreshed and reinvigorated, ready to face the world with new determination, free from the demons both physical and mental that might have tormented you in the past. Spring has arrived and with it the annual surge in hope that accompanies warm sun, gentle breezes and long hours of light. May you be well, my dear friend. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! I was looking forward to going home, but on Thursday I will be transferred to another department of the hospital as my pancreas is still making problems and I may have to be operated on. So I will have to be patient for a few days more! Not good news, but what has to be done has to be done! Take care, hugs to you both!

  14. Excellent post! I love your flowers, the coffee, and the rolls. You are quite the baker!


  15. Beautiful works and photos of flowers. Today, Women's Day, I wish you a lot of joy and health :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, good wishes and good health to you and all women today!

  16. Beautiful lady. Beautiful flower. Beautiful art and photos, Beautiful blogger.
    A very pleasant way to begin my day.

    Thank you and Hus 🌷

    1. Should be "Hugs" of course :)

    2. Thanks Jan, hugs are always good! Have a great day!

  17. Das passt zum Frauentag auch dazu die schöne Journalseite!
    Die goldigen einzelnen Blumen in den Vasen und leckere Zimtchnecken und Kuchen, da warst du aber fleissig beim backen.
    Ich war froh dass endlich heute die Sonne geschienen den Morgen lang.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Tag
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Backen macht mir immer Freude! Dir auch einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  18. coffee and flowers:) so perfect :)

  19. Beautiful blooms and a great piece of art Valerie!
    Have a nice evening,
    Alison xx

  20. What a stunning page! I like the way you showed the flower :)

  21. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the colorful background! Your cinnamon rolls look delicious!
    Take care, hugs Tammy

  22. Beautiful art, lovely coffee house, and oohhh yeahh on the Cinnamon rolls.

  23. Wonderful page! Loving the rainbow of colours in the background 😀. The single flower photos are gorgeous as are those coffees. I would love a cinnamon roll with my cuppa and it sounds like you've been baking up a storm - so yummy! Take care and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I love baking! Have a great week!

  24. You have been busy baking. I can see why those cinnamon rolls would be gone. They look delicious! Lovely flowers. And that single flower looks great on your journal page.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. Your flower photos are making me hungry. Too late to snack!

  26. Hi Valerie, beautiful flower art and photos-all very pretty and makes me anxious for spring flowers blooming. Your baking looks yummy Happy T

  27. Morning Valerie, what a lovely piece of artwork and all the photos of the flowers too, gorgeous colours.
    Cinnamon rolls look delicious, I've been baking more than normal although I really don't think I should, now trying to lose some weight!!!!
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan. I think we all need to lose weight in these Covid times! Happy T Day!

  28. Your single flowers are delightful both as an element in your art and as a focal point in a vase. Sweet! Your cinnamon rolls look delicious. Happy T Tuesday!

  29. Your art is so fab- and striking!! Gorgeous flower photos too. And of course, you must have SO many cappuccino photos that'll keep you going for many more T days ;) Happy T day wishes!

    1. Thanks Linda, I still have plenty Photos, that's true!

  30. ohhhhh those cups of cappuccino are beautiful and the cinnamon rolls too! The single bloom photos are lovely ~ especially the white rose and the tulip with the brick patio..took my breath away :)

    1. Thanks Karen, that the view from my window here!

  31. What a beautiful page Valerie! Your photos of those flowers are beautiful, especially the rose! Ah! Those coffees, I'm looking forward to sitting in cafes to drink my coffees, just as I'm sure you are!
    Take care, very belated T Day wishes, Chrisx

  32. I was not expecting what came before my eyes as I scrolled down your page but what a beautiful page it is. I love the face with the wild hair and then the single flower head beneath it. Absolutely fabulous!
    So enjoyed the flower you took photographs of. I love tulips and even as they open and begin to "flop" I find them beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Tulips are very special, I love taking pics in all stages.

  33. I love your happy art piece!!! I love the flower pictures!! You are such a great baker!! My mouth is watering! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Sweetie, I will make those cinnamon rolls again soon!


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