Tuesday 9 March 2021

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

I have been looking forward to going home on Thursday, but instead I will be transferred to a different clinic in the hospital for further treatment of my pancreas, and perhaps for an OP, I will let you know more when I can!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Pinky is hosting, and has chosen the theme of 'things with wings', a great theme for this time of year when nature is waking up again. As always, tags of all formats are welcome, and Pinky has created 2 wonderful tags to inspire you, which you can see and admire  on our blog.

I made a tag with a  bee queen:

Some photos fitting to the theme:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So sorry to hear you can't go home on Thursday Valerie. I hope the new clinic helps and you won't need an OP. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I am loving the latest tag too. It feels like good weather and summer.Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, good weather and summer are what we need!

  2. Valerie so sorry to hear you need to stay longer, I do hope all goes well and your op is not necessary.
    Beautiful and colourful post and keep the chin up with positive thoughts. xxx

    1. Thanks Annie, I hope it will only be a few days!

  3. Sending good wishes for you Valerie, thanks for the update. Cute bee themed tag and photos today.

  4. Fantastic art and photos Valerie. I'm sorry you might not be able to go home quite yet. By OP do you mean possible out patient instead of having to stay there?

  5. I'm so sorry that you are unable to leave as soon as you planned -- I know how much you were looking forward to it, but of course you want to go home well and if that means a bit more time, so be it. I'm glad for the update. I'm hoping you won't need surgery and that all will be well. I'll hold you close in my thoughts.

  6. Well, not what you wanted to hear, but if it's all in the cause of making you well, then you are getting the treatment you need. Holding you in a Reiki bubble of healing light. Sending hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I love the Idea of your Reiki bubble.

  7. My hardworking bee!
    Fantastic art and photos, my Gorgeous!
    If I could, I would have wrapped you in a warm blanket to protect and heal you! But I can't, I fold my hands to pray for you and send you healing hugs! xoxo

  8. NOw i want summer and miss the bees humming..thank you lol lol love your beequeen to.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I wish your health would improve quickly. These photos and works are beautiful. Lots of health.

  11. Liebe Valerie
    ich wünsche dir alles gute und werde an dich denken für die Op und drücke dich sehr lieb.
    Deine Kunst ist vom feinsten und mich begeistert sie wieder wie goldig es geworden ist. Es erinnert mich an dich Valerie die Bienenkönigin!!!!
    Also werde gesund und bleib munter auch wenn du da durch musst jetzt!
    Eine herzliche drückende Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke! Als Bienenkönigin hätte ich bestimmt Spaß! Bleib gesund!

  12. Sorry to hear you will not be going home. Hope they operation, if you have it will fix the problem. Love the tag. Sending hugs. Anesha

  13. I'll keep you in my thoughts that you get well soon. Your Queen Bee tag is lovely. I was thinking it would make an awesome wrapper for home-made soap with honey. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ, I hope it heals quickly, too, I want to go home!

  14. I love your bee theme. Oh, I do hope your pancreas crisis clears up, Valerie. But, meanwhile, it seems they are treating you well over there. Take care.

    1. Thanks Glenda, the treatment Here is really good.

  15. Such bad news about your possible OP, dear Valerie. However, I love the bee inspired tag and the lovely bee photos, too. Please take care of yourself dear friend.

  16. Sending prayers and good wishes. Hope you get to go home soon
    Thanks for today's lovely Tuesday tag


  17. bees are very helpful creatures:)

  18. Lovely tag, we sure need the bees. Wishing you all the best Valerie with your move and for a speedy recovery.

  19. Lovely tag and beautiful photographs.

    So sorry that you will not be going home.
    Hoping you may not need an operation.
    Sending healing thoughts and good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. Gorgeous tag and photos Valerie! Sorry to hear you don't get to go home, sending big hugs and prayers!
    Take care, Tammy

  21. What wonderful photos! And I love that piece. I could see it being used in a gazillion ads.

  22. I've been MIA so I'll work my way backwards ~ Love the new theme and your tag. I hope your testing goes well with encouraging results :)

  23. Beautiful photos and a great tag Valerie!
    So sorry to hear that your going home has been delayed again.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, it is as if is, but not always what we want!

  24. I'm sorry to hear your homecoming has been postponed but hope they get the situation under control soon. Those bee closeups are stunning!

  25. Oh Valerie, so sorry to see you are not going home yet. Hope that specialist treatment will work and you will be home soon! Love the tag and those beautiful photos! Take care, hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, sooner or later I will get home!

  26. Valery, I am sorry for the disappointment of not going home as expected. However, it sounds like you are being well cared for and your art shows your strength and courage. These photos are amazing. Be well.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I am in good hands and soon I can go home!

  27. Oh Valery I am so sad to hear your news but no point in coming out only to get ill and have to go back. Hopefully this will do the trick and you will be back out with your camera again in no time. I love your gorgeous tag, so much to see and your photos are AMAZING!!! Take care my friend xxx

    1. Thanks Pinky, glad you like the tag and bed photos!

  28. i adore your tag so much, what a clever idea you came up with! i am sending all the healthful and healing wishes that you can be well and go home. sending love. xo

  29. I truly love your art piece and the bee photos!! You are always in my prayers!! Big Hugs and lots of love!


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