Monday 29 March 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it has been cold and very windy, and there were even some hail showers yesterday. But I got out for a walk through the fields on both days, and that's good!

Some spring tulips painted on a textured and collaged background:

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

Today I am sharing photos of a visit to a 'Chocolate Café' in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf, taken in the week before Easter in 2017. It is possible to drink coffee or tea there, but even I couldn't resist the delicious hot chocolate they were serving:

And yes, the home-made cake was delicious, too!

White hot chocolate:

"Give in to your hunger for chocolate without having a complex or false feelings of being guilty. Remember, no sensible human being is without a spark of madness!"

It was impossible to leave without buying delicious chocolate to take home:

A chocolate fountain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art Valerie and a chocolate café? Yes please!!!

    1. I hope I can go there again when Covid is over!

  2. Happy Monday Wishes :)

    Your tulips look great, lovely colours.
    Enjoyed seeing your photographs, that chocolate fountain looks amazing.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  3. Beautiful vase full of wonderful tulips....loved your pics too.xx

  4. Beautiful tulip art and love all that yummy chocolate!

  5. How wonderful this is! I love all the beautiful colors and the texture - sensational tulips! Beautiful coffee shop - this week we plan to visit on that just opened by my house!

  6. Yum indeed! Have a great week!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! That chocolate cafe is indeed a wonderful place, I hope it survives the lockdowns and that we can visit there again! All is well here. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, look after yourself, hugs to all and thanks for the card!

  8. What's not to love about a vase of tulips? A good, not too sweet, white hot chocolate is amazing. I think Whittard's of Chelsea makes a deliciously Christmas spice one, and the Hotel Chocolat is one of the best too. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I had a white one, and it had added cinnamon in it, sooooo good! Have a great week!

  9. "No sensible human being is without a spark of madness". Hah! There have been times when I thought I had a raging inferno, never mind a puny spark! It has been good madness though; the madness of enjoying life to the fullest! And I have no doubt that the embers are still burning brightly even if the full burst of the flames is now subdued. It was a good choice to have the hot chocolate, Valerie, even though you are a certifiable coffeeaholic. In an establishment such as that where chocolate oozes from the walls almost, you know they will do it well. And to leave without taking some home would be pure folly. Better make sure not to go there too often, however! Tulips are indeed symbolic of spring, but we don't have them here yet. There are many croci and daffodils are coming right behind, but for tulips it will be a little longer. The weather has turned cold again too. There is even a little snow outside which crept up on us during the night. This is the nature of March. Never believe what it promises early on! It is as fickle as a spouse! Stay well, stay warm, drink coffee, walk often, enjoy nature and be bad if you choose! Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Thanks David, I think we all have at least one spark of madness within us, and it's good so. Without it their would be no creativity or enthusiasm. I am looking forward to visiting there again when Covid spares us! The trees are all blossoming here, the gardens full of tulips, I found violets in the woods and the neighbour's magnolia tree is blooming, too. Today is warm here, but for Easter it will get cold again, poor bunnies! I am looking forward to the time when I have enough energy to be bad again! Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  10. Your tulips are lovely. Tulips are such cheerful flowers. That chocolate shop looks marvelous. We have something like that here on Prince Edward Island. It's called "Anne's Chocolate Shop". (Anne of Green Gables)

    1. Thanks Teresa. I loved Anne of Green Gables, I still have the books here!

  11. Your tulip piece is lovely, and so seasonal :) Happy T Day!

  12. Your tulips are amazing are really love this piece
    ah now I need to look for some chocolate lol I have never seen hot white chocolate before sounds good

    1. Thanks Kathy. The white chocolate with cinnamon was wonderful! Try it if you get a chance! Have a great week!

    2. thanks I will look for a recipe

  13. chocolate and coffee - the perfect Monday:D

  14. Beautiful tulip art and great photos Valerie!
    After a cold and windy weekend, it's been beautiful here today. Hope it was the same for you.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Same weather here! Have a great week!

  15. The tulips are fabulous! I just love how you did the stem and the water looks so good!

  16. I love your tulips Valerie, such a wonderful texture on your collage. That chocolate cafe looks amazing, I would have to have one of everything! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I'm sure you would enjoy that chocolte cafe, it's paradise!

  17. The chocolate fountain looks fabulous... I always wish I could just stick my finger in the flowing chocolate and then eat it from my hand, but that would be anti-social!

    be well... mae at

    1. I know what you mean....It is very tempting indeed!

  18. Your tulip piece of lovely Valerie. The texture background adds so much depth and detail to the piece. And I remember the chocolate shop. It looks as yummy today as it did then. Glad yo hear you got out for a walk, and I hope your temperature warms up a bit. Have a wonderful T day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I am looking forward to visiting the chocolate shop again some time!

  19. Lovely tulips! I like the little angel looking down on all of you eating or drinking your chocolate. Windy here, too. 40 plus winds per hours. There are fires in some fields and some are without power because of downed lines. Dangerous. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon, the angel was sweet! Sorry about the winds and fires, stay safe!

  20. beautiful tulip art! What a nice treat to enjoy a hot chocolate in such a charming place. It must feel so good to be out walking-at home. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! It's a great place to visit. And it's good to be back home and out and about!

  21. That mixed media tulip picture is lovely.
    I love the photos of your hot chocolate. YUM! It looks like a great place to visit.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! Have a happy T Day and a great week!

  22. Your tulips are beautiful, I’ve had white chocolate in a drink, sounds delicious although I have to really be in the mood for hot chocolate as I find it very filling although I love chocolate, who doesn’t, LoL
    Have a great week, Happy T Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks J! It is indeed filling, but very good! Happy T Day, hugs!

  23. Love your textured vase with flowers - beautiful!

    The chocolate pictures are amazing - such a treat. I would be in trouble there!!!!


    1. Thanks Nancy. I tricked myself at the chocolate shop, I just too a small amount of money with me, so I couldn't go mad and try everything! Have a great day!

  24. Fabulous tulips Valerie! My spark of madness is still enjoying chocolate while having Diabetes - I don't eat it often but when I do I really enjoy it - a block of chocolate lasts for weeks. That chocolate shop really might really spark my temptation though! Happy T day,Hugs, Chris

    1. I think we all have such a Spark of Madness!

  25. Beautiful tulips. Love the texture on the background. Chocolate is definitely a weakness of mine. I would have had to purchase something as well.
    Happy T day

    1. Thanks Halle. Good chocolate is always a pleasure!

  26. The tulips you painted are so pretty. Flowers or chocolate? I'll take the chocolate, please. The shop must smell so delicious. Happy T Day

    1. Difficult decision to choose between tulips and chocolate, I would take both. The Shop smelt divine!

  27. Your art work is so delightful Valerie - as I love color, your vase with flowers is right up my alley. As I have said so many times, I love your visits in the area of Germany that you live. My own private travelogue that I share with 400 some other people!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. Glad you like wandering with me! Stay safe and well!

  28. Beautiful tulips (I love tulips).That is nice enough to hang on the wall!
    Oh I remember this post! (Has it been that long?) What a lovely place! And it has me reaching for my hidden stash of chocolate!
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. You have a hidden stash of chocolate, too?! Enjoy!

  29. The background on your page looks so amazing and I love the tulips that you painted too 😀. That cafe looks like a wonderful place especially at Easter time with all those chocolates - very yummy! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  30. Love the textures and colours in this piece. Hugs Anesha

  31. OMG I would dive my face into that chocolate fountain lol...What a lovely little café! And the serving cups are so dainty and pretty! Your painted tulips are lovely Valerie! :)

    1. It was certainly tempting and smelt soooo good!

  32. Lovely textures and tulips. have a lovely Easter.
    Hugs Wendy

  33. Your tulips are super, I love the texture on them. Oh wow the chocolate shop looks fantastic. I could almost smell the chocolate through the screen!! Happy PPf, Hazel(Didos) x

  34. Beautiful tulips! I want to go to the chocolate cafe! LOL! Big Hugs!


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