Saturday 24 October 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Our heating has been repaired, but is still not working as it should - they are looking into it....

I am sharing 2 more spreads from my junk journal, I am having fun making these spreads:

I am linking to AJJ, Chris' 'hold the line' challenge

And some autumnal photos.

Sunset at the Rhine:

Misty mornings:

Winged friends in Hofgarten:

By the lake:

Various gulls:

I'll be back on Monday:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful spreads and autumn photos. We had a misty morning today as it was unseasonably warm, just for one day.

  2. Wow these pages are amazing. The photos are too. I really like the misty mornings.

  3. So glad your heat is finally almost kinda fixed. I hope whatever the problem is gets figured out soon. Love your junk journal spread and the photos are beautiful. Really great bird captures!

    1. Thanks Martha. I think the biggest problem is the administration! Stay safe!

  4. Good morning Val, hope you slept well. Love your beautiful journal spreads again, gorgeous colours and all very harmonious. Great photos, too. Have a fun day, take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Thanks a lot. You all have a great weekend, too, I'm planning on a quiet one. Hugs to all!

  5. Very interesting photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  6. So happy and relieved your heating is finally sorted. Enjoy it and keep toasty warm, my friend. Some fabulously moody skies and treescapes there.
    Stay safe and well
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! It's not toasty warm yet, but at least a bit warm! Have a good and safe day!

  7. Ach Valerie das sind wieder so fanatasievolle Arbeiten, wundervoll!!!!
    Die Fotos sind verträumt mit dem Nebel und mit dem untergehenden Sonnenlicht so wie die Möwen und Taube.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. You have fun making your journals and I love to 'study' them, great pages. xx

  9. Love your journal pages, the colours and the layers of interest. Great work. Glad you got some heating back. Beautiful photos. Enjoy your weekend. x

  10. Great post VJ...have a nice weekend

  11. This is really a bird post, Valerie, what with the crow dominating your junk journal entries and the fabulous coverage of the gulls and pigeons along the Rhine. I think we will have to replace bastelmania with ornithologia in your blog title. i am pleased to know that you have the heat back on, but it challenges my faith in modern workers to know that it is still not working correctly. You would think that these guys (I am assuming they are guys) would be heating and air conditioning technicians who do this all the time, wouldn't you? Yesterday, here in balmy southern Ontario, you didn't need heat. The temperature soared to twenty-five degrees, unheard of near the end of October. Often in early November we have the first snow! Had a great walk with Heather and Lily yesterday, but couldn't relocate the owl for them. I suspect that it is still in the vicinity but has moved back from the path a little farther, and is in denser cover. There will be other chances, I am sure. Europe seems to be getting a second wave of Coronavirus in a big way, especially France and Britain from what I read and hear on the news. I hope it stays away from Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and that you will remain safe. We think of you often. Hugs from across the miles. David (Somehow hugs from across the kilometres doesn't seem right, does it?)

    1. Hi David, greeting to Canada from across the kilometres, miles, yards or whatever! I saw lots of birds these past days, the gulls have taken over the jetty again - good that it's not the pleasure-boat season! The Corona numbers are going up dramatically, I try not to go into town more than necessary and walk through the fields instead. Most people are sensible, but some still see no reason for wearing masks....It was a trifle warmer here yesterday, too, but it's cold and wet and grey again today. People are hoarding toilet paper and long-life milk again, but don't bother with masks. Strange, huh? I think the admin of our apartment house tries to get everything done cheaply, which explains a lot. Last year the heating went off on the 1st of November - they had forgotten to buy oil for it! Sorry you didn't see the owl, but I'm sure you enjoyed your walk with lovely Lily anyway. Have a good weekend, stay safe! Hugs to you and M!

  12. These 2 spreads are very cool Valerie. The first one is even a bit spooky. In parts. That sweet girl on the gears and clock is certainly not. And I just love the eyes you drew on that tree in the second one. Vision is a cool idea. I like it. Glad to heating is "fixed" as far as it is, and hopefully they will work the bugs out ASAP. I like the early morning photos that look almost black and white, well not that early with the time the sun rises now. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  13. You're enjoying making these pages and I am definitely enjoying seeing them! I love that crow on the first spread - the little girl is right to keep her eye on him! Brilliant pages for my theme! I love the photos, the gulls look nothing like the greedy ones we get here! The sunset pics are absolutely wonderful! Enjoy your weekend, Chirsx

    1. Thanks Chris! Don't be deceived. the gulls practice looking innocent but steal from people who are walking along with something edible in their hands! But they are lovely to look at! Have a good and safe weekend!

  14. I love these journal pages Valerie, you can see the fun that you are having making them. I'm glad your heating is fixed(ish) as the temperatures are certainly dropping. Take care and have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, you have a great Weekend, too. Stay safe!

  15. A fabulous pair of art journal spreads Valerie, and beautiful Autumn photos!
    Hope you're having a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  16. Your fall photos and that mist, they're very atmospheric. I love the view of the lake through the tree branches. Nice framing :)

    1. Thanks, I love walking through the mist. Have a great Weekend!

  17. Hi Val, Bill again. Lovely Post and Photos!

  18. Sorry to hear about the heating. Hope it functions well soon. Your misty mornings are misty indeed.

  19. Great spooky spreads, Valerie. I can imagine the two kids' parents - no, older brothers - reading scary horror stories to them. Just look at those expressions. I hope your heating get sorted out soon. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, have a great weekend! Stay safe!

  20. Wonderful junks journal pages. I hope your heating is sorted out quick smart. Always enjoy your photos.

  21. I am late again. What can I say, other than I can't seem to catch up. Your two spreads are incredible. I love the little girl on the gears and the little boy on the other page. These are both so cleverly created and I'm delighted they are inspirations for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    My favorite photos are the slightly scary clouds over the Rhine. Beautiful.

  22. Wow, I loved all these photos! They are beautiful!

  23. Not good when the heating doesn't work properly! Hope all will be well with it now.
    Great selection of photographs, I always enjoy seeing them.

    All the best Jan

  24. Wow, Valerie, your junk journal pages are really interesting and thought-provoking. Lots of cool details and the words are perfect. I thought of how we do have such a fear of the future and try to push it way but it steals our joy in today and pain makes that all worse (physical and mental). Very well done.

    Your pictures are so pretty. You really do live in a magical place! Or maybe, it looks magical through your eyes because you can see magic...

    Many hugz and hope you get your heat fixed quickly.

    1. Thanks Nancy. It's hard to find words to describe how we all feel just now. And we need to look for magic! Have a great week, stay safe!

  25. Your spreads are really impressive. Once again, I love the backgrounds and the images are perfect. Gorgeous birds, Valerie.


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