Friday 2 October 2020


 Hi Everybody!

Where did the week go? I don't know. I remember it being Monday and then all of a sudden it's Friday! Today it's Paint Party Friday, and I'm sharing one of the pieces made this week at Tamara'a Lifebook taster course, which is fun, but a lot of work. The first exercise was to paint this wise fox. It's painted on A4 water colour paper with water-colours, sharpies, gouche and ink-pens. I had fun with this one! 'Just do it' is the motto I chose for myself for these 2 weeks - not picking and choosing, just doing! I am also linking to Chris' 'hold the line' challenge at AJJ as there are lots of lines in my fox:

As always I enjoy taking pics of everything around me, and although we have had some much needed rain this week, we've had some wonderful sunrise and moon scenes to enjoy!

The moon yesterday evening:

Yesterday's sunrise:

Autumn is creeping in:

And I found a disused nest in the hedge:

This was the sunrise this morning (Thursday):

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely photos, fall is definitely creeping in. Beautiful mixed media fox, lots of lines for sure and love the orange.

    1. Thanks Christine, the fox was way out of my usual range, but great fun!

  2. I love your adorable colorful little fox! Beautiful photos too, love all the signs of fall. Enjoy the season!

    1. Thanks Martha, this is such a lovely time of the year!

  3. What a super fox, Valerie! I love that you already made it. I still have not found the time to watch all the videos! Congrats, my friend. And thank you for the lovely sunrises!

    1. Thanks Mia! The course is fun but vrey time consuming. Stay safe!

  4. I like taking pics too. It's interesting to see what other people see. That sunrise looks so tropical, like being on an AFrican savannah. And I just adore Ms Fox. She looks like a movie star in foxland. Or else she is a diva who likes bling. Very fu and clever my friend. Happy Friday. It was a fast week, wasn't it? Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. My fox does look like a diva, that's true. And time just flies. The sunrises this week were gorgeous, and the moon. Stay safe!

  5. Hi Valerie wow stunning pics my friend Thankyou for sharing them with us. Oh wow how cute is your cat and love the words,well done on your beautiful work my friend xx

  6. Such fabulous fall photos Valerie, and I love those sun and moon photos especially-great captures. Love your art-as always hugs Kathy

  7. Stunning autumnal colours wow, and your art work is equally as stunning. Yes I seem to be saying Have a lovely weekend all the time lately too. xxx Oh and in between the robotic garbo and all my mails going to spam now, life isn't so bad. xx

    1. Thanks Annie. I think time speeds up as we get older!

  8. Thanks Laurie. I saw a fox at the cemetery last week, too, I scared it! Have a safe day!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! I love your fox, so beautiful, and S loves it too, she's sitting here with me. Later we're all going out to buy shoes, what fun! Or not?! Great photos, too. Have a lovely day, stay safe! Hugs from us all!

    1. Hi Sarah, hope you all have BIG fun! Stay safe, and hope it's not too crowded. Give S a hug from me, I'll make her a fox card and send it!

  10. Wonderful photos again! And how fun! A dear FB friend painted the same fox! Love hers and I love yours, too. So cute and beautiful! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks. It's been fun seeing all the foxes at FB - all the same and all different at the same time!

  11. Wow! Your fox turned out beautifully Valerie! I started this one, but soon lost interest, it wasn't for me.
    Stunning sunrises and photos of Autumn too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It was hard, because it's not my thing, but I'm determined to try everything!

  12. Wow, I've missed a LOT. I love your adorable little fox. Actually NOT so little, but colorful and well defined. He also has an adorable face and lots of great lines that go well with Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    LOVE the bird's nest. It's my favorite today, but I also love the moon shots, too.

  13. Your weather is so much better than ours. More wildly wet and windy days ahead in west Wales. Love your Tam's Fox 🦊 I haven't watched that one yet. I loved yesterday's lesson from Eris Klein. Are you going to do the full year, do you know yet?
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Hi Deb! Sorry your weather is so wild, it's changeable here, but okay. I made the piece from Eris Klein yesterday, the lesson was good, my face wasn't! I would love to do the full year, but can't afford it. The taster is great fun, anyway! Have a good day, stay safe!

  14. Was für ein süsser wunderschöner und bunter gemalter Fuchs. Toll Valerie!
    Deine Naturfotos von den Sonnenaufgänge und dem Mond sind so schön und das gefundene Nest!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dies war etwas ganz neu für mich! Das Nest wird zur Zeit eingesrüht gegen eventuelle Ungeziefer, an es wird dann eine schöne Dekoration machen! Dir einen schönen Freitag!

  15. Your fox is such a happy cheerful piece Valerie - I love the colours and everything about it. I enjoy using Gouache too and was surprised to find acrylic based gouache as well as waterbased :)
    Always enjoy seeing your photos and beautiful scenery.
    Hope all well with you.
    Gill xx

    1. Thanks Gill, glad you like it! Habe you moved yet? Stay safe!

  16. I suppose this is foxy art from a foxy lady. And very well done too. He looks to be full of good cheer, panache and swagger, as befits a fox. Good job, Valerie. And I am quite delighted that you poked around in hedgerows to find a bird's nest too. I am not intimately familiar with the nests of European species, but based on its overall architecture, my guess would be European Blackbird. Can you even imagine the excitement when you locate the abodes of the very special birds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, that you alone have discovered, and for which you have become justifiably famous around the world. Now that will be an announcement of note. All of your sky shots are very dramatic and the benefit of being out and about as the sun comes up or goes down is clearly revealed here. Have a great day. Weekend is almost upon us! Big hugs. David

    1. Hi David, here Foxy Lady with funky feet! The nest has been sprayed to remove any unwanted inhabitants, and will then be brought in for decorative purposes. I will set off soon to find the nests of some of my Balconia-by-the-Rhine, but it could be a long journey through the woods of imagination and along the rivers of fantasy.... The sky has been wonderful all week, dark clouds add so much character. I am busy with my course again, it's a full time occupation this week and next. Have a great day, whatever you and your lovely Miriam get up to! Hugs to you both!

  17. Such a cute illustration! Love the vibrant colours. And such beautiful photos. Every photo looks like a reference photo. :)

    1. Thanks Tarang! The photos reference autumn! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  18. Love the fox! I’m having trouble leaving a comment. Hopefully this one goes through.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I've had problems today, too, I think Blogger has some problems! Stay safe!

  19. Really beautiful fox! I love all the photos. I enjoy taking photos all around me as well. Lovely post and happy Friday!

  20. Cute fox. Great photos, but the one that really got me was the thin, cloud. It looks like a quill in an inkwell! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks - I even make photos to suit your hobbies! You have a good one, too!

  21. I really like Tamara and your fox is WONDERFUL! the details!!! So special... it's meditative doing them. Your photos are great as always. Our moon has been red each night from smoke.

    1. Thanks LeeAnna! It's good to concentrate on things like this!

  22. Beautiful photos Valerie. Your cat creature is adorable
    Happy PPF


  23. I love that fox. So gorgeous. The color combination is stunning as is the drawing, itself. Love that moon, too.

  24. such a darling fox painting Valerie- love it!! I've just had time to watch a few of the vids but no time to play afterwards...yet. I hope to get to a few but time will tell- cuz yes, it is flying by! Gorgeous autumn photos and skies. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I have been spending all my time on this Lifebook course - lots to learn and time is flying with an enormous speed! Happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  25. I love your fox!!!! So sweet.
    Wonderful mother nature pictures as always. I especially love the big orange moon.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. The moon was just wonderful, I couldn't believe it when I saw this orange ball in the sky! Stay safe Sweetie!

  26. The Fox is awesome and what a wonderful series of photos of nature's treasures ~ Sweet nest photo ^_^

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. Last night's moon was a stunner, wasn't it! The fall colors are blooming more every day :) I like the colors in your fox art.

  28. What a beautiful fox. I love your new header too!

    1. Hi June, good to see you around again! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  29. Beautiful fox ~ I love the sparkle in her eyes and her tiny wings and happy smile ~ Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen, glad you liked my fox! Have a great weekend!

  30. This is the cutest cat. Fantastic colors. Yes the weeks are flying buy. Enjoy your weekend.

  31. WOW Valerie, I love that adorable fox! Gorgeous details and beautiful bright color, so cute! The orange moon and sunrise yesterday are absoltuley stunning photos. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy! The fox was fun to create. The moon and sunrise were spectacular. Have a great 👍 weekend, stay safe!

  32. I adore this friendly looking fox Valerie, a fabulous example of different kinds of lines for 'Hold the Line'.
    Your photos are wonderful, thee moon, the sun and those fabulous colours around your area! Have a great weekend, Chrisx

  33. Hi Valerie :)) I LOVE your fox, it's so beautiful and colourful! :) And your sunrise pictures are fabulous. Wasn't the Moon awesome last night??? Feels so autumny! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. Hope you're doing well, stay safe! Enjoy your weekend!

  34. I'm so glad you are embracing those taster courses with open arms Valerie, that truly is a fantastic fox. I know it can be hard to keep up with the taster courses but you will be extra proud when you see what you have achieve over the next couple of weeks. There are 2/3 artists in the taster that I have my eye on.. if I can just check what they display will be an achievement for me.. Off to see what's next now xx

    1. Thanks Tracy, I'm having fun. Some of the things are not really 'mine' and my creations are not always good, but I'm determined just to try everything and learn new things. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  35. I love the fox.

    Autumn is certainly creeping in, lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. The fox was fun to paint! Have a great evening, stay safe!

  36. That fox is so cuuuute. Autumn is embracing the nature as is evident by the beautiful clicks. Stay well.🙂

  37. Oh this is super, I love your fox, I joined paint party Friday with the same one, but love how different they have both turned out!! Your photos are stunning, Autumn in all her glory! Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel. I've enjoyed seeing all the different foxes, too! Have a great week!

  38. Late as usual with my visits, but I had to say how much I liked thia fabulous journal page and the photos.
    Take care.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I'm alwas happy when you visit, but son't worry about it. Hugs!

  39. Loving your fox and all your beautiful photos! Big Hugs!


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