Sunday 4 October 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Saturday was a public holiday here - the Day of German Unity - to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago. I had a quiet and restful day at home, with time for painting, cooking and an afternoon nap, so I enjoyed it. I have managed to keep up with all of the lessons at the Lifebook taster course,  which is fun. I have made some things which I would never have tried, and which I perhaps won't try again, but I learn something each time, and that's good.  I loved the lesson from Iris Fritschi-Cussons where we made textural, abstract flowers. I started out with a page from a fashion prospect, which I gessoed and sewed to an A3 sheet of painting paper. The background was given some colour with neocolour crayons and  scribbly flowers were made with lots of paint. At the end I dribbled the white lines with acrylic paint in a fine tip applicator and added the sentiment. And I am linking to Art Journal journey where Chris' challenge is 'hold the line':

Then I had the feeling that something was missing, so late at night I did some sewing around the flowers, and then I liked it better!

On Saturday morning I didn't really want to leave my bed, but then I saw this when I opened my window:

Social distancing:

Another happy magpie:

My balcony flowers are on the way out:

Pigeons on the castle ruins:

There are always musicians along the Rhine and at various places in the town:

A cup of coffee at the market is always welcome:

Autumn leaves everywhere:

I always love teazels:

At the little farm:

Flowers by the stream:

And fungi:

Some photos altered in Tuxpi - I loved this little cutie:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It sounds like you are doing well on that taster's event. As I mentioned earlier, I've only seen ONE and it was so long, and I got nothing out of it. I have no time for these if they aren't going to teach me anything. However, I adore your flowers and even the sewing you did around them. There is SO much texture on them, too. They are a great addition to Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Love your sunrise photos and the cute little bird at the end. Have fun with that taster series.

    1. Hi E, thanks. I find I can always learn something, even if it's just what's NOT my thing! These flowers were great fun, one of my fave lessons. No nice sunrise today - well, if there was, I missed it, I slep an hour longer!

    2. I finally got around to viewing this taster lesson, too. This was one I might actually be able to create. Not like hers or yours, but similar at least. So far my fave has been by one of my favorite artists, Laly Mille (twinchies). I also enjoyed the dragonflies and the one that was abstract with the salt. I think I can almost do that one. I watched in "fast forward" mode and skipped all the questions and people talking.

      What got me, was when I saw all of these (before I watched the videos), how so many of them reminded me of the 100 faces project you and Susi did a few years ago. These I skipped, because there is NO way I can paint a face, no matter how good the instructions. It's just not in my wheelhouse. I prefer mixed media that doesn't include a whole lot of drawing. I KNOW you are going to love these, though.

    3. I skip some of the talk talk, too! The faces are not my fave, either!

  2. Oh I so ♥ those photos, very interesting and colourful, lovely bird in the nest.... great art work too my friend. Hope you are doing okay. Monte sends doggy hugs. xxx

  3. lovely art page. Wow is it 30 years since the wall fell? My late father brought home a piece of that wall when they visited shortly after. Fantastic sunrise and haha on the social distancing shot.

    1. Yes, 30 years, I can hardly believe it. I still remember that night so vividly. Stay safe!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep ad feel fit for anew day. We had a fun day yesterday, the littl'un didn't want to take off her new shoes to go to bed, so we had to pul them off after she was asleep! Love our beautiful art and photos, as always. Those abstract flowers are wonderful. Stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I can just imagine little S sleeping in her shoes, I never wanted to take off new shoes, either! Have a great day, hugs all round!

  5. Lovely art and some fascinating pictures...!

  6. Everything looking very nice! Thanks for sharing! Awesome pics! 👌👌👌 Have a wonderful day my friend! ☀️☀️☀️

  7. Toll deine Seite und fantasievoll! Das ausprobieren warum nicht da hast du wieder dazu gelernt. Ich merke dann immer gleich das ist für mich was oder nicht.
    Schön deine Fotos vom Wochenmarkt und die Sonne wie die Vögel. Der kleien Piepsmatz ist aber auch so goldig.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Es ist immer gut zu merken was wit mögen oder nicht, so können wir besser arbeiten. Dir einen schönen und gesunden Tag!

  8. That sunrise would have got me leaping {hobbling in reality} out of bed too. Some beautiful photos again, and I wish magpies didn't have such a bad rap, they are so magically coloured, like oil on water. Hope you are having a great weekend, hugs, Deb

  9. Thanks Deb. Leaping and springing have a different meaning as we get older. I love magpies, I had an injured magpie who 'hung out' on my balcony for months, very tame and always hungry! Have a wonderful day!

  10. Beautiful window view:0 Have a nice day :)

  11. Those red leaves look like a work of art. That wee yellow bird is as cute as they come. Sewing around the flowers was a definite improvement. Sounds like you had a nice day. I’m planning to have a relaxing time myself today.

    1. Thanks Teresa. That baby bird was really a cutie! Enjoy your relaxing day!

  12. Hello Valerie: It is good to take on-line courses. The brain needs constant stimulation and it is never too late to learn. I have taken a few and enjoyed them. A while ago it was a course on William Wordsworth, that great English poet, and another on secular humanism. One of our local universities runs a lifelong learning programme and I have taken a couple of courses there too, the most recent being an introduction to geology, an aspect of the natural world about which my knowledge was seriously inadequate - still is, but not quite as much. Your keen eyes have once again captured the sky in all its variable glory and I am glad that you stumbled out of bed to share it with us. What a handsome bird the Magpie is, and no doubt very common where you live. The young robin is cute with a capital C and I bet there were many oohs and aahs as people saw those pictures. The weekend will be drawing to a close where you live, and I hope it has been good for you, and restful. Miriam and I were supposed to meet young friends, and the parents of one of them, to give them Birding 101, but it is raining now, and predicted to rain all day, so I think we will need to call it off. Hugs from across the water. David

    1. Hi David, that's true. No matter how old we are, learning and playing are important and necessary. I can't imagine a day without them. I spent all morning on one of the pieces for the online course and then spilled water over I'm waiting for it to dry to see if I can still salvage it or not. These things happen! I'm having another restful day, and I really need it! Sorry your bird walk won't be possible, but have a nice day whatever you are up to! Hugs to you both!

  13. Uwielbiam sroki bo są mądre i piękne. W moim mieście jest ich mnóstwo . Wspaniale jest cieszyć się każda chwilą życia. Miłego tygodnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  14. Love your header! I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to get up, but to simply gaze at the glorious scenery right outside your window! Hope you're doing well and sending some hugs your way! RO

    1. Thanks Regina. It was indeed really beautiful! Have a great day!

  15. I'm glad you chose to get up so you could share all the beauty you found ~ I saved the farm wagon and the white flowers to pinterest ~ so pretty! Your little yellow feathered friend is adorable too ~ Enjoy your day! ~

    1. Thanks Karen, it makes me happy that you like my pics! That bird was an absolute cutie! Have a good and safe, new week!

  16. I liked the plain flowers your created, but when I saw the ones with the stitching. Wow! They really pop now. Gorgeous sunrise. The crows are real chatty and they look like musical notes on the tree branches. The little bird made me laugh. That's my morning face when I haven't had my cup of tea. 😺 Happy German Unity Day and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. Strange that a bit of stitching makes such a difference. Yes, we need our early morning tea of coffee to get happy!

  17. I'm with you, the stitching really makes the flowers very beautiful! Wow, that is a great piece. This class sounds great, and I know exactly what you mean about about maybe not doing a complete technique but learning some new things. Learning new things is always exciting. What a beautiful way to start your day. I'm glad you're having a nice weekend. Enjoy! Hugs-Erika

    1. THANKS Erika! Stitching does indeed make a difference, I've been at it again today on my new pieces. This course is like a full-time job! Stay safe, my friend!

  18. Nice to see that man playing the violin. But, here in Hawaii nobody would be wearing a suit like that. Tooooo hot!!! Haha

    1. It's cold and stormy here today, good weather for staying home!

  19. Really lovely page, full of colour and lovely textures. love that cute little bird. Have a great week. x

  20. These flowers look great, I don't think I will be trying all of the taster sessions, some appeal more than others but at least I may have time to have a go! It's a lovely entry for AJJ, I love the final touch of the sewing too! With a sunrise like this I would have been out of bed too. We are in the wrong position to see a sunrise and can only see a sunset through a gap, luckily we do get sun when it shines in all the rooms on the South side which even in Winter allows us to get some natural heat and light! Take Care, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I'm determined to try all the Lessons, but I've given up housew**k to make up for it. Have a great day!

  21. Thanks Laurie. I have collected lots of Teazels as winter decoration.

  22. Good morning, it's Sunday here. I do love the additional stitching-it makes it all come together somehow.
    I love your photos-always so peaceful and has me smiling-hugs Kathy

  23. You're right about the stitching, it really makes a difference to the flowers.
    Lovely photos and that's was a magnificent sunrise, definitely worth getting up for.
    Have a lovely evening.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Seeing the sunrise is always my incentive to remove myself from my warm bed! Have a great week!

  24. Gorgeous art Valerie! I loved Iris' class! Your added stitching looks great.
    Love the birds and flowers too.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I thought you would enjoy it as I watched it, it's certainly more up our street than some other things! Have a great, new week!

  25. Always enjoy seeing your art, I do like the colours and texture here.
    Great morning photographs, certainly worth an early rise from bed.

    Hope you've enjoyed your weekend, it's been very wet here in the UK.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. It's been wild, wet and windy, sometimes stormy here, too.

  26. Those extra stitches act as a great frame amazing what our rested minds come up with during the middle of the night, looks like a great class this one, i'm not familiar with Iris' work you are getting so much out of these Valerie.
    That a beautiful scene to wake up too, if only we could press the pause button..
    Catch up with you in the week, take care of yourself Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, a pause button would indeed be a splendid idea! Have a great, new week!

  27. It's hard for me to realize it's been 30 years. We sometimes get street musicians downtown but not many and not often and never out this way. I'd enjoy that :)

  28. I liked your late night addition to your piece.
    What an incredible sunrise - that would have put a happy spring in your step!

  29. Look at that sweet bird! It's charming and I love your treatments. Those flowers are lovely too. Happy New Week!

  30. Busy work week, not sure what creative stuff will get done this up coming week. My goal is to iron and cut my yellow fabric into strips. Buck board looks awsome.

  31. Love how you added the stitching to the flowers on this page Valerie. Super photos to look at as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  32. Thanks Yvonne. Have a good week, stay safe!

  33. Blimey where have those 30 years gone, it certainly doesn't seem that long ago that the wall came down! I love your flowers, such happy colours and textures and the stitching is perfect. You have some fabulous photos today, the social distancing birds made me laugh. Have a great week, Sue xx

  34. Such a beautiful post! Thank you! Big Hugs!


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