Monday 5 October 2020

New Challenge at More Mixed Media.

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I had a quiet and restful time at home, enjoyed doing my lessons at Tam's Lifebook taster course, cooked myself a good meal, and apart from that, enjoyed listening to audio books while crafting. After the stress of last week with too many appointments, changeable weather, tram and bus strikes and a freezer which gave up the ghost I NEEDED a quiet weekend. On Wednesday I opened the door to my freezer, which is above the fridge, and cold water poured out onto my head. I had to throw everything away, clean the kitchen and freezer and wait for someone to repair it. He put a new thermostat in and now it seems to be working normally again. But what an unpleasant shock!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. As always, our themes are anything mixed media goes, this time with optional orange. You have 4 weeks to join us, and there are prizes and badges up for grabs, so hope you will join us. I made an A3 mixed media piece, with a textured background, lots of colourful circles and autumnal decorations with flowers, twigs and birds. The flowers were collaged with napkin scraps. The text was added with a stencil. I am also linking to Chris' 'Hold the line' challenge at AJJ as there are lots of lines here:

I put new fat-balls and nuts out for the birds, the blue tits were delighted:
(The photo was taken through the window)

The bird tree:

A moon that would be good for Halloween:

Wet and misty mornings:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm sorry about your freezer :( That would be such a mess. I'm glad it could be repaired.

    We don't get either of those birds here, so I'm getting a kick out of your photos :) And I do like your atmospheric mist and Autumn color.

    1. Thanks Bad weather is mostly attractive for photos. Have a great week!

    2. And I wanted to say that 'mist' in German means 'manure', too funny!

  2. Ugh, a broken freezer is not pleasant at all! I'm sorry that the thawed water spilled down on you - what an unwelcome surprise.
    But I like your Mixed Media piece, especially the little robin and the hummingbirds. Very beautiful. I see that you have quite some fall colors - so pretty.

    1. This is a season I love for the changing colours and weather conditions, cold water pouring onto me from the freezer, less! Have a great week!

  3. Well, that was an unpleasant surprise with the freezer Valerie, glad its sorted now.
    I was intrigued with what the material was in your mixed media collage, and it was napkin scraps, clever... it has a beautiful texture, combined with the lovely colours.
    The bird tree is sweet, they too have a perfect vantage spot!
    I love the misty landscape photos. All the best xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The bird tree is always filled with birds. I never know why it always has to be that tree! Have a great week!

  4. Hi Valerie, how fabulous is the arty work and images and gorgeous colours, absolutely love this. xxx

  5. I am SO sorry about your freezer. That would be bad in any day or week but with everything else, it's just too much. I'm amazed you got any art up there at all! Well done. (That yellow bird -- wow!)

    1. Thanks Jeanie. It was sad to lose all the things I had saved in the freezer, and get rid of all the mess. Have a great week!

    2. That yellow bird is a black and white bird, a magpie, it just looks yellow because the setting sun is shining on it!

  6. Glad the freezer is fixed oh dear! At least it didn’t happen last week when it was so busy. Lovely mixed media and gorgeous photos.

    1. Thanks. Things like that are nasty, and very vexing. And especially when your're busy anyway....Have a great week!

  7. What an aggravation to have the freezer go, and lose all the food, too. Glad you were able to get it fixed. I like your upbeat page, the colors, and the robin. Wonderful photos. The little bird is really enjoying his treat. Hope this turns out to be a better week. Take care.

    1. Thanks, it was indeed. And so sad to have to throw everything away. Oh well, at least the kitchen got cleaned!

  8. Hi Val, sorry you had such a nasty surprise and just then when you were so busy. Glad you got it repaired, hope it will last now. I've got a hopeffully quiet Monday, so I'm looking forward to that! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot, have a great day and enjoy it being a quiet one! Stay safe!

  9. What a pain over your freezer. At least it's mended now. My washing machine is on its last legs here. Love your first wet and misty morning photo more than I can find words to say. The moon photos are special too. Have a great week, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Misty days are always wonderful
      Have a good start in the week!

  10. Good Morning Valerie..I have had a miserable night with very little sat down with my cup of tea and visited your blog to comment on your awesome make for MMM. Your blog post has really cheered me up, the beautiful photos of the birds and the gorgeous trees and leaves. Autumn has always been my favourite time of the year, being dull and wet here this morning and seeing your vibrant photos has cheered me up so much.
    Love your mixed media piece for MMM, the robin is just so sweet...xx

    1. Thanks sandie! Sorry you are feeling down. Look after yourself!

  11. Hi Valerie, its catch up again for me. Your page looks fantastic, bright, cheerful and it raises the spirits.
    I was pleased to read that your freezer problem is fixed, we do so rely on these kitchen extras.
    Hope it will be a better week for you.
    Stay safe,
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. We need bright and cheerful sometimes. Have a good week.

  12. Absolutely wonderful Valerie! Robins are always awesome, so friendly but with a threatening side to other male robins! This page is full of such lovely colours and details and that textured background is still one to try for me! Glad you got your freezer fixed but not what you want to happen at any time of the day! Enjoy today! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I think we can all be threatening when our food or families are threatened! Give that texture BG a try, it's very quick and easy! The freezer was a bummer, and I hated having to throw so much food away. Have a great week!

  13. I guess I could say that you are newly challenged every day, Valerie, but that might have the wrong connotation! And I had better not even touch fat balls! Perhaps there is a reason here, genteel souls that we are, that we refer to it as suet! And yesterday the suet I have hanging in the backyard was well patronized by woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees and even a Chipping Sparrow. Won't be long before I need to replace what is there now. Your chubby little robin (ooh, aah, shucks, golly and gee whiz) looks like he has been dining to excess on suet. It appears that he might have even swallowed a whole fat ball! It is good to read that you cooked yourself a good meal. I would imagine that when living alone it is easy not to do that. What a bummer about the freezer section of the refrigerator. i am sure that ice cold water would not have been your primary choice of shampoo! At least it was fixable and you didn't have to buy a whole new appliance. I just looked back at the artwork you have presented to us today. It really is a pleasing blend of colours it seems to me. You do have the eye for this, dahling! It is all quite divine! A new week has begun so I will have the pleasure of your daily offerings to look forward to. And just a heads up, in case I forget later. On 13 October I will be having cataract removal surgery on my left eye. I am nit sure how that will affect being at a computer for a couple of days afterwards, but if you don't hear from me you will know why. HUGS! HUGS! HUGS! David

    1. I am definitely newly challenged every day! And I absolutely love saying things like friggin' fat balls! And even worse words! Suet is soooooo boring! It was a real bummer with the freezer, so much went to waste. I like playing with colours, it makes me happy! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for your cataract OP, I'm sure it will go well! You will probably be advised to reduce computer time and reading for a couple of days. Hugs to you and M, take care!

  14. Oh no about the freezer. That happened to me with my basement full upright freezer in the summer of 2019. There was so much to throw out and clean up. And then of course things need to be replaced. Hope you have gotten that squared away as who needs that bother? Especially with everything else going on? And I love the latest art. A circle (at least it outside) is made of a curved line, right? And I had to go out and get birdseed yesterday (as well as some bird suet). My winter birds are back in full along with all their friends right now. Usually there is a whole group waiting for me to put out my feeders each morning. (Have to take them in, bears are still around.) Hope your week starts off in a better way! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it was very hard, and it certainly didn't help that it all happened last week....When my neighbour comes back from his vacations I can stock up again. Circles are curved and unending lines, that's why I love them so. At the moment it's mostly blue-tits and finches at my feeders, and sometimes the blackbird and magpie. This week has to be better!

  15. A beautiful page Valerie, I love the colours and sweet robin.
    Lovely photos too, I have to put out fat balls nearly every day, the starlings and tits are so hungry. Not to mention the magpies and woodpecker!
    Have a wonderful week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Those birds are hungry little beasties, aren't they? But I love to watch them tucking in! Have a great week, stay safe!

  16. Love the journal page! I am also doing Tam's taster lessons. Have watched, but no time to try yet. I will certainly check out the lines challenge you mentioned.

    Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Suzette, will pop over and visit you later! Have a great week!

  17. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely piece today, my wife was Indian, she would have loved it. Bill

    1. Thanks Bill, kind of you to visit again. Have a great week!

  18. Oh, I hope your woes with the freezer are over. Nothing worse than thawed food. Love your art, love your photos. Life is good.

    1. Thanks, I hope so, too. Everything I have is really old, so I need to keep my fingers crossed!!

  19. What a gorgeous page with that sweet bird. Your mention of fat balls reminds me that I should start thinking about making some batches of suet cake for our birdies outside. Before we know it, they will have a hard time finding food. I made some last winter and it was fun to watch the chickadees, starlings, crows and pigeons gobbling it up. I will need to get a big bag of seeds and jumbo jars of peanut butter to feed them all. I wonder if a few cardinals will visit as well.

  20. Thanks Teresa. That will make the birds happy. I love watching them feeding and listening to their excited squeaks and trills. Have a wonderful week, look after yourself!

  21. Beautiful page Valerie, I love all of the colorful circles and the gorgeous collaged flowers! Stunning photos, autumn is is so beautiful. Glad you got your freezer fixed right away, not a fun thing to deal with. Take care and enjoy your week.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you Like the page. Autumn is my fave season. I could have done without that freezer catastrophy, though! Have a good week!

  22. This is absolutely incredible, Valerie. I love how you were able to meld the napkin with the artwork without it showing. This is incredible. I really love the little bird on the branch, too. It's a great entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    One of these days, I'm going to join More Mixed Media. I read the rules and I think I should try to remember to link if I ever get anything orange this month.

    My hands down favorite photos today are of the mist. They are incredible and decidedly beautiful.

    NOt sure I mentioned about the freezer before, but I saw it on your blog earlier, and I feel for you. Mine is making all kinds of noise, so I suspect it will give up sooner rather than later. I can't complain, though. I've had this since 1994 and it was used when I got it.

    1. W Elizabeth! I use gel medium to affix the napkins and this way they melt into the paper. People always think might am crazy taking pics of the mist, but I love it. You can join in MMM with any mixed media piece, the colour part is always optional.

    2. That should be 'Hi' and not 'w'!!

  23. thank you for those amazing photos:)

  24. Love your new Autumnal header.
    Sorry about your freezer, but pleased it's now fixed.
    Lovely art and great photographs.
    A nice post to start the new week.

    All the best Jan

  25. OMG!!!Your art is gorgeous Valerie!!!
    I love your autumn header and of course your other photos dear talented lady!!!
    Sorry to hear about your freezer... hopefully the repair operation was successful and will stay that way.

    Hugs ☕🍁🎃

    1. Thanks Ja, much appreciated! Have a wonderful week!

  26. Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear about your freezer and the water coming out. Stinks to have to throw away food- but I am glad it is fixed now.

    Beautiful artwork and I love the pictures. So much to enjoy here on your blog. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks Jess, it was indeed a cold and wet shock, and so much waste, it made me feel bad! Have a great week, stay safe!

  27. my goodness that freezer water would have been a shocking way to start the day!! Good it could be fixed though. Beautiful art work once again love the cute little bird and always enjoy your photos.

    1. Shocking indeed when cold water and mushy packets fall down on you! Have a safe day!

  28. Such lovely textures in your robin page - I completely agree, robins are awesome! I'm really enjoying seeing the birds at the feeders here - it's a nice way to take a break from the clearing and sorting. There are really very few songbirds in the Czech Republic (the Russians went on using DDT for far longer than we did in the west and it killed huge swathes of the bird population... they're gradually recovering their numbers now and I intend to do everything I can once I'm there, with feeding and birdhouses and water to build those numbers even more quickly!). Magical mushroom and leaf photos - such a glow - and as always I love the skies/tree silhouettes.
    Alison x

  29. Oh not, that is not what you want when you open your freezer and such a shame that you had to throw everything away. I love your artwork, there's just something so special about Robins isn't there. I always enjoy watching the birds on our feeders, though they always let us know when they need topping up - they stare very loudly lol. Take care, Sue xx

    1. It was a nasty, if galvanising shock! Birds can certainly speak their minds!

  30. I stopped taking drinks of anything into my craft room a while ago - how can a small amount of Apple juice go so far? I love how your little fox has made another appearance on your tag and I love the journal page - a great entry for 'Hold the Line' I liked the London photos but your Autumn views are great - love the black seed heads against the grasses especially. Cappuccino and pastry or chocolate bar - yes please! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. I have a non spill drinking thingy, I will Use it there in future. Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Stay Safe!

  31. Love all the autumnal scenes you have given us Valerie. I love the colours of autumn and even the misty mornings now i don't have to get up and drive in them.
    I love your page, so full of colour and the little bird and the leaves are beautiful, Did you draw and paint them yourself?
    I notice you have some of your texture on that page and it is something i will try again. I was thinking it would look really good in patches dotted here and there throughout a page. Watch out, I might surprise you with it one day.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  32. The moon picture is my favorite - could be in movie! So cool. The misty pictures are fab too. Darling little bird - such lovely colors.

    Your page is beautiful with the flowers, birds, and lovely colors. It goes well with your pictures too.

    Delightful post as always! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, you kind words are cheering me up on this cold and blustery day! Stay safe!

  33. I am so sorry about your freezer! Love your art piece and the quote! Cool moon picture! Love the bird and the nuts! Big Hugs!


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