Wednesday 14 October 2020

Midweek Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! Here the time is going by too quickly again. Yesterday I got caught out in the rain, and it really came down hard, so I was soaked by the time I got home, and had a soak in a hot bath to warm up again. And I have put my warm quilt on the bed again - we are still without heating, the spare parts for the heating have been ordered by the house admin, but are probably being transported by snail mail - snails with sore feet!

Some of the teachers at Lifebook offered free lessons on top of the LB ones, and this is a series of Halloween collages I made after watching Melanie River's lesson on making little collaged pieces. She also gives hints on resources that one can use, free images on the net etc. I used hammered cardstock in A5. I am  linking to Chris' challenge at AJJ and Simon Monday challenge, spooky:

Some more photos from Wolfgangs vacation:

He met this dapper lady driving a tractor, and she allowed him to take pictures of her. Afterwards, the owner of the hotel where he was staying told him that she is his aunt and is 90 years old! That lady has attitude! 

Yesterday we went shopping at ALDI, but beforehand W had to collect his glasses from the opticians's in a neighbouring town - Ratingen - and I had 10 minutes to race around and take photos till he was finished. This is the main street:

I love this statue in front of the Church:

The Church looks like a fortress:

I'm not sure who this is supposed to be:

A bas relief of the town:

I will show the rest of the photos tomorrow, I managed quite a lot in my ten minutes!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your latest art and I love the old lady on the tractor too, she rules! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos :)

    1. Thanks Martha, she's really a grand old dame! Stay safe!

  2. Lovely page and that lady on the tractor looks fantastic at 90!

  3. Lovely post..especially i loved the Church, the sculpture and the street clicks

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you feel better than I do this morning, I've woken up grumpy and with a bad headache, not the sort of day I like. I just hope it gets better! Love your Spooky collages, they're great. Wonderful photos, too. That old lady is walking wonder! Wow! Enjoy your day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, good morning to you, too. Hope you are soon feeling better, Sweetie, look after yourself. Hope your day will not be too strenuous!! Hugs to all!

  5. A lovely outing for you and a treat for us with your pictures. That last sculpture is quite disturbing. Hallowe'en colours are simply glorious, aren't they? Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, it was great to get out and see something else! That last picture was really strange, I'll try to find out what it is! Have a good and safe day!

  6. Morning Valerie, I see how much you have enjoyed LB it really does light our creative way. Love your Halloween collage the purple streaks give a sense of movement to the raven. The stature of the three children made me smile thinking of my three babies, how I miss them all in one place. The kneeing statue is so powerful, now that would make great art in a journal!! Thank you for your well wishes, off to help Mom now, more changes and restrictions our way, hope you are keeping well & safe. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I have joined a few other classes in the meantime, all online and free, and this does me good, a bit better than being alone 24/7. Take care of yourself, stay safe, hugs!

  7. My goodness, it looks whoever the statue is depicting suffered greatly! I really enjoy the Halloween look that you designed. Very nice. I sure hope I'm out and about like that at 90! Very cool that you have an Aldi's. There is one about 7 minutes away from me and I shop there often for sparkling water, fruits and veggies, and their hamburgers are fabulous! I sure hope the heat gets fixed quickly at your home, and hate that you have to go through that. Sending some hugs your way! RO

    1. Thanks Ro, some warm hugs would be good! We have ALDI everywhere here, it's good and cheaper than many other stores. That statue is very intriguing, I must try to find out more about it. Stay safe, hugs!

  8. I love this purple on your work!

  9. Cool and interesting art. I hope you get your heat soon. Hugs, Teresa

  10. Thanks Teresa. It's still cold.... Have a great week!

  11. Sorry about your heat. At least you had hot water. Small compensation for the cold, wet weather, though.

    Spooky fun for Halloween. Lovely painting, too. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme, too. I'm glad you had time to watch even MORE of these freebies. I'm still trying to get through the original tasters. Can't seem to catch up, though.

    Wolfgang's photos are great and that woman on the tractor looks like she could do just about anything she put her mind to. That must be a HUGE vineyard, too.

    Loved the photos you took yourself. The statue of the children was fabulous. Probably my favorite photos today. I'm impressed you got so many photos taken in such a short length of time. I know it can be done, though, since I also have been on time constraints in the past.

    1. Thanks E! t's still so cold here, and the weather is cold, wet and windy - ah well, sooner or later it will be repaired. Glad you liked the pics, it's a pretty place. That old lady is really wonderful, I can't imagine sitting myself on a tractor with 90! I've been watching my freebie videos today, there are so many good ones, pity that the day just has 24 hours....stay well!

  12. So sorry that your heating isn't repaired yet - the nights are definitely getting colder, good idea to put a quilt on your bed.
    That page is fabulous, great colours and image. Thank you so much for linking again to my AJJ theme.
    Wolfgang visited a wonderful area and that lady sounds as though she is like my Gran used to be!
    So pleased to see Ratingen again - it does look to be a really interesting place to visit - I wonder if we will ever visit your area - a train journey around Germany would be fabulous - I have only ever visited Berlin but hubby used to go regularly on road trips! Enjoy the rest of your week - some not so good things coming up for us! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. It's a good place to visit, and areas like the lower Rhine valley, where I live, are flat and easy to walk around, and have lots of lovely things to see! Have a great week!

  13. You both got some great shots. Hats off to his aunt. Wow.
    Love the blues, purples and birds in your pieces.
    Hope they get your heat on soon. Stay warm.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I Hop we geht the heat Back soon, too! Stay Safe!

  14. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the bright Halloween colors! Fabulous pictures, I love that church, what an amazing structure!! I hope you get your heat back soon and send some rain our way :) Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I don't Like getting soaked but we need the rain so badly. Take care and have a great week!💖😁💖

  15. Great page. Sorry to hear you don't have heating, hope it's sorted soon. Have a good weekend. Anesha x

  16. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Love the Halloween paintings, and the Photos.

  17. Great colours in your art work Valerie. Wolfgang stayed in a beautiful place. You visited a lovely town, that statue person looks sad. I hope the hearing is fixed and back working for you very soon.

  18. What gorgeous journal pages and the photos are so very lovely too!

    1. Thanks Lisabella, much appreciated. have a great week!

  19. I'm a little late getting by today. I love seeing these crows. What great images. I love the spooky effect. Perfect for AJJ also. And those are super travel photos. That lady on the tractor is fabulous. I hope I can be doing something similar if and when I get to be 90. And that statue of the curled over figure at the church is quite striking. Hope it was a great day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. That lady really is something, isn't she, what a wonderful attitude!

  20. Toll dein neusten Bild mit dem Rabe passt zu der Jahreszeit!
    Die Alte Dame finde ich klasse ach herrlich wie sie da oben tront auf dem Traktor!Tolle Fotos sind das alle!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die alte Dame ist echt eine Wucht!

  21. Fabulous art, I love the colours Valerie.
    And great photos, that lady looks like a great character.
    Alison xx

  22. I thought I had left a comment here, but my head went missing again. A great post with fantastic art and photos Valerie. I hope to get round to having a look at the free lessons you have been mentioning recently. Its good to have dreams to help get through the day.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think you did leave a comment, but a bunch of comments disappeared yesterday and only some re-appeared - don't ask me, ask blogger! Yes, we need dreams, and some nice art lessons and ideas. Stay safe!

  23. So sorry to hear about your heating. How many days is that now? It is certainly the time of year that you need to be having heating on and I can imagine how cold you must have felt when you got in wet through. A nice warm bath was the only thing you could do to get some heat back into your body. I would be wearing my padded ski suit indoors if I was affected like this.
    BTW how are you feeling now - are you much better?
    What lovely pictures you have painted with that bird as the main feature. I love the colours you chose for your spooky pictures. Purple is such an atmospheric colour isn't it. Hope the war tones of the orange helped you feel a bit warmer in yourself.
    Some gorgeous photographs again Valerie, and that lady at 90 looks very elegant. It must be the way of life and the air of the countryside that is doing her good. Long may she continue to live life to the full. I hope she reaches 100.
    That makes me realise that Covid is taking away my bucket list and I am growing older each day and one day will not be able to achieve all that I had written down. So it is particularly lovely for me to see so much of the area surrounding one of my favourite places virtually with you and your photographs. Thank you!
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I am still not feeling really good, and don't like being alone 24/7. Cold, damp weather does not help my aches and pains either, and no heating is the icing on the cake! Crafting has to keep me warm these days. I enjoyed the Lifebook taster sessions, it was good to pass the time. Stay safe and well!

  24. These pictures are beautiful ;) Have a nice day :)

  25. I love your Halloween piece these birds really do look menacing don't they! Lovely photo's too, I want to be the lady on the tractor. Take care and stay warm xx

    1. Ha ha. I want to ride tractor, too, but now! Stay safe!

  26. That kid statue is so cute! She is 90 years old? WOW!!! Love your black bird art piece! Big Hugs!

  27. Wolfgang's vacation pix were fabulous. I'd love to visit there -- and to the charming Rotingen where you maxed out your photo time with some wonderful captures. All beautiful.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Ratingen it is a pretty town. You would love it. Have a good week!


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