Wednesday 7 October 2020

Midweek Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had a quiet day with time for walks and playing in my arty kitchen, so that was good!

One of my fave lessons at Lifebook up till now was the one with Laly Mille where we made twinchies:

We started out my making a collage and then painting over it with gesso and then acrylics. The last layer was texture, which I added with gold structure paste through a stencil:

The finished painting was then cut into strips, like these:

And then chopped into Twinchies:

I then did some stamping with some mini stamps and chose which ones I wanted to combine to a journal page:

And here it is:

I am linking to Chris' 'hold the line' challenge at AJJ

The remaining twinchies will be used in other projects

And some seasonal photos taken here:

Several trees are being felled as they are not any longer safe:

Autumn leaves and autumn crocuses:

This house by the Rhine is divided up into assisted living apartments:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your twinchies are lovely-looked like a very fun art project.
    Gorgeous fall photos-I really enjoy seeing them hugs

    1. It was indeed fun. Have a great day, stay safe!

  2. A sweet collection of Twinchies and gorgeous fall photos! The hot sweaty summer is long gone.

    1. Thanks Christine. Yes, summer's gone, back to woolies, wellies and puddle walking!

  3. What a charming garden by that cottage in the second of the photo walk pix! And I love the twinchies -- they're really cute!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. There are some lovely houses here. Stay safe!

  4. I love your twinchies!
    What fun!!
    Your autumn photos are so beautiful 🍂🍁☕

    Hugs 🎃

  5. Interesting twinchies, lovely and you must have a heap of patience to make them. Gorgeous photos. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, Patience is something I always need to look fo!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I love your Twinchies today, they are beautiful. And wonderful photos, too. We've got no big plans today, so perhaps it wil be a quiet one at home - that would be nice! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Enjoy your quiet day. Here it will be arting and walkies!

  7. Laly is one of my favorite artists. I love all her art and works. She is such a creative person and doesn't always draw realism, but often uses abstracts in her work. I'm so glad you made the twinchies. When I have more time, I'll be doing the same. This is wonderful and perfect for Chris's theme, too.

    Wow, the leaves have truly turned colors in your world. I love seeing photos of all the reds and oranges. Our trees don't turn like that. You found some incredible beauties on your walk today, dear.

    1. Thanks E. Laly's tutorial was fun, and Twichies can be used in lots of projects. Here it is starting to look and feel like real autumn, and today is cold, wet and windy to match!

  8. I love all the autumn pictures.
    And your stamping and art, is wonderful.
    You're such a bright jewel and creative soul.
    Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

    1. Thanks Ivy! Nice to see you again! Boogie boogie all day, that's the way!

  9. I love Laly Mille. She's got such a gentleness in the way she communicates her passion for art. In some of your super photos I can see the tinges of Autumn in the air. My favourite season of all. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I loved her quiet and soothing ways, too. Autumn is definitely here, it's cold, wet and windy and I enjoyed splashing through the puddles in my wellies. People probably think I'm crazy - perhaps I am - but hey, who cares? Have a great day!

  10. Another great post VJ . super creativity with the collage art

  11. Your twinchies and your photos are breathtaking!
    Hello my dear Valerie! How are you?
    I'm back! I can't resist! I missed blogging so much!
    Enjoy you day!

    1. Hi Ella, good to see you back again - stay with us!! Stay well and safe!

  12. LOVE your twinchies piece Valerie. That is a cool technique and your page is amazing! I love the technique. Your back is beautiful. It's beautiful for AJJ. And I enjoyed your walk photos. I've been walking a lot the last couple of days with my daughter, about twice as much as normal for me. Hope your week is going well.

    1. Thanks Erika. It was really cool to make, and I had fun. Glad you got out walking with your daughter. I just had fun splashing through the puddles, so good to have some real rain again! Have a great day!

  13. Diese twinchies Bilder sind interessant und schön und anders, was du alles so machst ist grossartig mit dieser Technik.
    Wie bei dir alles schon Herbstlich ist *wow* bei mir noch nicht, noch nicht mal Nebel haben wir hier diese Woche. Die Sonne hat geschienen und zwischen drin mal kurz gergent aber sonst noch weit weg so komme ich mir von dem Herbstgefühl.
    Klasse Fotos sind das und ich wünsche dir weiter hin viel Spass und schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Manche Bäume sind ganz herbstlich, andere sind noch grün. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  14. Your twinchies are really cool. It sounds similar to the process I use to make bookmarks. I do the background on a large sheet of watercolour paper, then chop it up and detail each piece.

    1. Thanks Teresa, it's a fun technique and I will use it again.

  15. This seems like a more rectilinear approach than is usual for you, Valerie, and it looks a little like the view from a window - very appealing. And here I have learned another piece of esoteric jargon - twinchies. Before long I will have a whole new vocabulary at my disposal and if I tell a femme fatale at a cocktail party that I admire her twinchies, she will not reach the conclusion that I am speaking of agreeable aspects of her anatomy! The coloured leaves scattered on the lawn look wonderful. What a contrast between the green grass and the autumn foliage. The house by the Rhine, now divided up into apartments is reminiscent of similar developments here. There is a tourist attraction in Toronto called Casa Loma, and the area is characterized by grand, old homes which have been similarly converted. I once visited someone in such a location. The apartment was lovely, but the sound proofing left a lot to be desired. It is mid week already. I hope that everything has been going well for you. Hugs, hugs, hugs. David

    1. Hi David. I want to know the reaction if you every tell a lady you are admiring her Twinchies! Autumn is a lovely time, I never tire of the leaves and flowers. Most of the houses in the Close next to the Basilica are now accommodation for older people and one house is a hospice. It's a lovely place to live, very peaceful and calming. This week is flying by, the art course takes up a lot of time, so I spend my time painting and listening to audio nooks, punctuated by walks through the rain and puddles. Yes, real puddles, what a joy! Have a good day, take care. Hugs. to you both!

  16. Anothwr beautiful idea,they look so pretty! I live the pink flowers on ypur photos, stay safe and healthy everyone!

    1. Thanks Natalia! Have a great day, keep safe, keep cooking!

  17. Beautiful Twinchies. I like the ones with the heart and hand stamp. The colors looks so beautiful in your area. I was surprised by the crocus. I have only seen them at Spring. I really like how they looks with the grass and leaves. Take care and have a good day.

    1. The Twinchies were fun to make, and good for using up some of the scraps I always have flying around. Enjoy your day, stay safe!

  18. It looks like you had a lot of fun with your art on this great page and you have some pieces still to use. The twinchies all look fantastic.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I have indeed been having fun! Have a good week!😁💖

  19. I love the twinchies! I'd heard of inchies but don't remember these. Cool! The Autumn color is gorgeous there.

    1. Thanks. Twinchies are easier for me to handle.

  20. I love you journal page made out of twinchies ~ Terrific colors and images. You really are all into the Fall season with the leaves and the flowers ~ I've never heard of fall crocus, only spring blooms so you taught me something new. I love the coats on the horses ~ it shows they are well loved. Wonderful photos ~ Enjoy it all!

    1. Thanks Karen! I Love the autumn crocuses. Have a great week, hugs!

  21. Love the twinchies.
    Those folks take such good care of their horses. Warms my heart.

    1. Thanks Sandra. They do care for their horses well, they always Look good!

  22. Really lovely. That first photo is stunning. Enjoy your day.

  23. Beautiful autumn photos, and your twinchies look amazing Valerie!
    Alison xx

  24. Your Twinchies are so beautiful and fun Valerie, I love the colors and gorgeous gold embossing paste! Awesome photos with stunning autumn colors!
    Take care, Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy.The Twinchies were fun to make, too. Have a great week! Stay safe!

  25. autumn on your photos is so pretty:)

  26. Evening Valerie sorry i'm late getting here had to be out early to take Mom to an appointment this morning so missed my early catch up. Just scrolled and saw how much you are enjoying the LB taster, I can recognise every artists influence but I have to say I have a fondness for Laly. It's so much easier to make inches/twinchies as a masterboard first, i've meticulously cut them up previously and decorated them one by one... hard work. Love what you made and with left overs too, you'll put them to good use I know. Beautiful courtyard surrounding the apartments, my kind of gardening hee hee.. Have a great evening & i'll catch you very soon. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Hi Tracey! You are so good to your Mom and your family, respect! Yes, I'm enjoying the taster very much, it does me good to try new things instead of following the usual familiar paths! Have a good week, look after yourself!

  27. Fabulous inchies and I love how you turned some into a wonderful journal page! I have still to try this, I think I'll have to stop going out for walks!Thanks so much for linking to my theme at AJJ.
    I love those photos - such glorious colour around at the moment ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I still get 2 walks in each day, but I've given up housew**k and cooking!

  28. Your twinchies are great, so are your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  29. Great twinchies, that reminds me many moons ago we made fabric twinchies and inchies at quilting group, they were fun. Wonderful autumn photos from your walks, the assisted apartments courtyard looks lovely.

  30. Thanks, little things can be good! Stay safe!

  31. Those assisted living houses look very nice, as do all of your photos. At first glance I thought the horse at the front of the one with the horses had a white mask over his head then I realised it was another horse behind him.
    Love your chosen inchies and what a lovely way to arrive at them - I hope you use all the others too as they are all really nice.
    I used to do cards with say nine inchies on to make up the image and I always enjoyed them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Inchies and Twinchies are fun, and I am looking forward to playing around with them, it's a good way to use things up

  32. I love the idea of twinchies. I am going to have to try this! Yours made an awesome page! Love the gold and the word vision. We all need our vision, we need more vision, and vision drives us. Very deep.

    Wow - I so want to visit your area one day. So many beautiful things.

    1. Thanks Nancy, Vision is my fave stamp, and I use it a lot, just because it is so important not just to see, but to have vision and insight and understanding! Stay safe, my friend!

  33. Such a fun art project!!! I really think you should make a book, with all your photos! Big Hugs!


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