Friday 28 February 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend - have a good one! I had a busy couple of days here, there was always something to do and I'm not sure I really got anything finished! Anyway, I'm having a rest at the weekend and not doing anything.... I went shopping with my neighbour yesterday and people were stockpiling food and goods as if there's no tomorrow. Two men were almost fighting over a box of milk cartons. We have been told to make sure we have enough supplies to cover a couple of weeks in case the corona virus spreads more and people need to stay at home in quarantine. But people are buying enough for months. Still, perhaps it makes them feel safer....I always have a store cupboard with supplies, and just bought my usual groceries etc, so I'm sure it will be enough. And yes, I have enough coffee for quite some time, but that's normal!

For Sandie's 'Paris' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag using elements from Serif and me, showing lots of tourist places, but with Paris at the front. It looks like the statue of Liberty has a heart for Paris, too!

For Elizabeth's 'hearts' challenge at AJJ I have one last piece. I used an image from the Graphics Fairy, which I digitally cut apart so I could fit the heart between the couple and the background - it sounds complicated, but it wasn't!

And some photos of this past week. We had very mixed weather, sometimes sunshine, but mostly rain and even snow:

I brought daffodils home again:

They started opening up as soon as I put them into the vase:


And even a bit of snow on my clover. But by the time I was ready to go out, it had all been washed away by the rain, which didn't stop for 2 days:

Today we had some sun again:

The magnolias will soon be blooming:

Our ferry is back. It has been MIA for 2 months. They always take 2 weeks holiday over Christmas and the New Year, but this time it was 2 months. Perhaps they needed to work on the ferry!

The daffodils and crocuses are blooming everywhere, and today I saw my first tulips outside:

I always love watching men at work:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Liebe Valerie, wunderschön und so bezuabernd aussehen dein Journal zum Thema Herz und so wie dein Tag Paris.
    Sehr schöne Fotos von dem Wetter das so unterschiedlich ist.
    Die Narzissen sind schön. Bei mir ist es auch die Leute kaufen wie verrückt Lebensmittel ein. Ich habe immer Grundnahrung im Haus schon wegen dem Sturm immer zu.
    Ich bin gespannt wie es weiter geht mit dem Virus.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks Elke. Leute sind manchmal unvernünftig, wir werden es nicht ändern!

  2. Hi Val, good evening! Glad you had good weather today. It was cloudy here, but at least it didn't rain, so that's something! Love your new creations, the tag is such fun, and the young couple look so in love. They will learn! Oh, I am feeling wicked today, must be the weather. Lovely photos, too, you definitely have more spring than we do, that's a fact. My little garden is still bare - or did I just forget to plant anything?! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. What a sweet arrangement for the couple in your art :)

    Snow?! Lovely! It is encouraging to see the spring flowers in bloom outside :)

    1. Thanks so much! I love looking at snow, but that's it!

  4. Beautiful digital tag and page! The couple with the hearts look so romantic 😀. We had snow yesterday but only for about 10 mins then it was sunny again. Wow, it looks like spring is well on its way from looking at your fabulous photos. The daffodils look so pretty too! Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Thanks Jo, we seem to be getting the same weather.

  6. I was super impressed with your tag. I love how you added and layered digital pieces over the map of France. You have created a rare beauty.

    I could NEVER create anything like that couple in front of that heart. Shucks, I couldn't PHYSICALLY cut and paste that heart, much less digitally. This is a real favorite this month, Thanks for once again sharing your incredible art using my theme at Art Journal Journey. I certainly appreciate all the support.

    1. Thanks E, I had fun creating things this month!

  7. Gorgeous tag and page. Sorry to learn of the stock piling, we are in terrible times and have to keep our cool. Luckily I never got around to clearing my freezer.

    1. Thanks Christine. The times are certainly hard Just now.

  8. It's all very nice, but I love that heart art the most.

  9. It may be true ... the Statue of Liberty loves Paris! The French had given the Statue of Liberty to the Americans!
    De page and the tag are gorgeous!
    Very nice pictures and the daffodils are beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Wishing you a very nice weekend!

    1. Yes, it fits! Thanks and have a great evening!

  10. I just read the same message about having supplies for 2 weeks. It makes sense as a general rule of thumb- you never know when you will get sick or hurt and won't be able to get to the store.

    Beautiful pieces!

    Wow! You really did have all kinds of weather. So hopeful and pretty seeing the flowers starting to come out.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Jess. It always make sense to have some extra supplies.

  11. I don't know where my head is, but once I got more much needed coffee, I realized I hadn't mentioned how much I LOVED the photo of the old castle ground and the rusty statue. Loved the scale of this, too.

    1. Coffee always helps! I love our castle ruins and never tire of seeing it.

  12. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and the Paris piece is really cleverly created. Great photos as always and lovely to see the flowers blooming. No snow here just lots of rain!
    Amazing to hear about the shoppers fighting over things. Not that bad here yet although I'm sure it won't be long! In my case, I've always got plenty of dried and canned goods so would be fine for a couple of weeks apart from milk and veg.
    Have a lovely weekend, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. Hope things don't get too bad here or wherever!

  13. Zapasy zawsze watro mieć , szczególnie kawy. Piękne prace i fotografie . Miłego weekend :)

  14. Beautiful art work Valerie, we have been having rushes in supermarkets here too, mostly for hand sanitiser. Your weather is a real mix at present isn't it, so nice to see the spring flowers.

    1. Thanks. The weather has been totally crazy, but at least not boring!

  15. I think things will get worse before they get better with the Coronavirus. Your art is beautiful. Of course the Statue of Liberty has a soft spot in her heart for Paris, after all she was a gift to the USA from France. 😊 So nice to see the daffs and tulips poking their heads above ground. Have a relaxing weekend.

    1. Thanks. You may be right there! We all need to be careful just now!

  16. As always, you take such interesting photos. Your vintage couple is lovely and that tag is marvellous. I can imagine it distinguishing a piece of luggage for a special trip. Any plans? :) hugs, Teresa

  17. That virus is scary. I think people panic. Love your newest tag and AJJ page. Thanks for joining us. Hope you get a relaxing weekend. Enjoy. Hugs Erika

    1. Yes, it is, but panic doesn't help! You have good weekend, too!

  18. Love your tag. Hope you have a great weekend. It has been raining a lot here.

    1. Thanks. It seems to be the rainy season just now!💖

  19. Snow, romance and wonderful art work...can't ask for much more.xx

  20. Thanks Annie, have a great Weekend 😁

  21. Lovely creations ~ so colorful and delightful nature photography ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. love this post! You really did have mixed weather - I really enjoyed all of the pictures. The vase you have your daffodils in is gorgeous!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. It was mixed again today, sunny this morning and a raging storm this afternoon!

  23. great digital art pieces! I keep going back over the photos ~ I love the crocus, the color is so vibrant & beautiful. I think the castle is so intriguing too ~ Enjoy the sun & stay healthy ~

    1. Thanks Karen. The castle is always fascinating, so much history!

  24. Another great gathering of images, clever how the statue of Liberty lasso's the word Paris. It would take me all week to work out how to place those digi images. I'm enjoying taking a closer look at everyone's tag.
    The weather was glorious this morning but the winds so fierce and cold, each day I open the curtains it gives me a different picture of the world.
    The floods in the Uk/Midlands have taken priority over CoVid-19 the poor people that have lost everything i'd hope the government would have something in place if it ever comes to people bulk buying foods.
    Makes me happy to see the signs of spring and colour amongst the greenery, maybe if we all think positive thoughts the seasons will get back to where they belong.
    Sending Hugs this weekend Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! It's good to see spring, but we need positive actions to get the climate back on track, time is running out!

  25. Wonderful art projects Valerie and thank you for linking to AJJ and sharing your work there. I loved the photos as well.
    I hope you will be safe and the scare of the virus in many countries, here as well is in the news in nearly all the broadcasts.It would be the fresh vegetables and milk that would be hardest to store.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. The virus is really scary, I hope we all come through it!

  26. Ja,Ingo wollte Desinfektionsmittel kaufe (Himmel, wasch dir die Hände, geht auch!!)
    ... Nix, alles leer. Albern.
    Aber... er hat Kaffee gekauft ;-) (Der war auch alle).

    Ach, Paris. Vielleicht sollte ich noch mal hin? Ich war 14, Anno Knups. Es stank und da war "Kacke" überall (so wie hier heute noch).
    Heute... würde ich Geld haben. Mir ein Glas Wein gönnen, so wir auf deinem Tag.
    Und plötzlich möchte ich nach Paris!
    (Oder Rouen, vielleicht lebt da meine zweite Liebe noch? Er hat dort Medizin studiert... sein Name war Thomas. Himmel. Heissen alle so?!)

    Dein zweites Werk ist auch sehr schön. So "ruhig". So "sicher".

    Das Wetter war.. IST! hier auch verrückt!
    Dir eine schönen Sonntag, GlG, Iris

  27. Danke. Ja, Kaffee ist für mich wichtiger als Desinfektionsmittel, wie du sagst, man kann die Hände waschen.

  28. Two beautiful pieces Valerie, so romantic! I think we are sharing the same weather and shopping situations - the shelves in the supermarkets are really low, and peoples trollies are piled high! I'm really looking forward to Summer, when hopefull the storms and virus will be a thing of the past. Ever the optimist/ostrich with head in sand lol. Take care and have a lazy weekend, and a fun week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks. I'm sure that being optimistic and positive helps in many things, so stay that way!

  29. Love the elegant couple in the heart image. Also the tag brimming with travel and adventure.

  30. Beautiful artwork and photos Valerie!
    I can't believe people are stockpiling. I haven't noticed it here yet.
    Alison xx

  31. Lovely artwork today and there's so many lovely images on your tag Valerie, but none of them associated with love and romance like Paris. Love your romantic journal page, the heart background looks fabulous. Lovely to see the Spring flowers starting to bloom, they always brighten even the dullest of days. I was surprised to read that folks are panicking and stockpiling food, although it is concerning, fighting over supplies does seem a bit extreme! Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! I think panic makes people do strange things.

  32. Wow,the Paris work is so great, I love it! Have a lovely week ahead☺

  33. I loved all the art and the photos!

  34. Se ve todo genial! Muy bonitas las fotos! Que tengas feliz noche! 💗💗💗

    1. Muchas gracias Carolina! Que tengas una semana muy buena!

  35. I love both your tags but of course the Paris one tugs especially at my heart! And those daffodils. Splendid!

  36. your collaged paris tag is simply marvelous! all the good thing sin one package and perfectly put together! i love the lovey tag too. great art this week. stay safe. xo

  37. I see that the Canada Geese are still in charge of the river. All is well with the world!

    1. They are always contented, and love the high water we still have, the Rhine seems to be a great habitat for them.

  38. Wow, I thought Magnolias only grew here in the southern USA! Maybe only the Steel variety heeheehee Very cool. Great Paris tag and I do love that image from Graphics Fairy Karen and what you've done with it. Have a great week, Valerie! XXO

    1. We have lots of magnolias here, I love them. Thanks for your sweet comment!

  39. Fabulous photographs, I always enjoy seeing your selection :)

    All the best Jan

  40. We were late going shopping and were mystified by big gaps on shelves - we weren't that late!! This is what must be happening! We always have food in the freezer and cupboard, and yes coffee, that we buy if it's on offer! Your tag is simply (or rather not so simple) fabulous! Lovely photos and gorgeous looking skies! Hugs, Chrisx

  41. Loving the mixture of images for your tag Valerie, they look great...x


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