Monday 2 March 2020

T sTands for loTs of Things

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy and safe March, and that the Corona virus will not affect our lives too much.

Today is the 2nd of the month, so Elizabeth is once again hosting her 2nd on the 2nd link up. I have found 2 pieces made with images from me and Mischief Circus (Love is everything). Here I used 'my' head on a hand-painted background and added the figures and sentiment digitally:

For the 2nd piece for the 2nd on the 2nd (wonderful sentence! 😍) I printed out the figures and added them to an outline head on a painted and stenciled background. I think the messages in both of these pieces are important!

And  The Theme of Sandie's challenge aT Tag Tuesday is 'Paris',
and I have another Tag for it. And I hope to see more people joining in, you still have a good week to do so:

Yes, it's the same girl, my alter ego, reading a book and enjoying a cappuccino and a croissant! This is, of course, also meant for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang.

I saw these cups in one of the shops here in our little town:

A friend brought me a packet of chocolate biscuits last week. I have kept the gold foil as it will be used sooner or later for a journal page. And the cookies were delicious - and of course, we enjoyed coffee with them!

We had very changeable weather the whole week - heavy rain, hefty storms and winds and 2 dry and more or less sunny days. Anyway the rain often necessitated taking shelter in a cafe....

I was the only one there on this day except for the service personnel and they were standing at the window, watching the rain and debating whether they should bring in the tables or leave them outside:

These 'Berliner' - filled doughnuts are always served at carnival, and every baker's window is full of them. This is one of the customs I like....

Loved these quirky figures:

And as it hasn't really been cold, except on the day we got snow, the trees are blossoming. Yesterday we had 14° accompanied by pouring rain, hailstones and

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh so beautiful and colorful and wonderful messages of positivity! Each of the lovely sayings is an awesome reminder to love who we are :) I love the Berliner and the walking photos - beautiful blooms !Spring is in the air! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kel. We need to stay positive, especially in hard times!

  2. Hi Val, good morning. Love this post. I can remember you using these images, and the motivational quotes are fantastic. Wonderful photos, too, and glad you found enough coffee to keep yourself going! Have to take the kids to the doc's today for their check-ups. so it will be busy. Have a good one! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, good luck at the doc's with your kids!

  3. Auf den ersten Blick hat es mich an Matrjoschka-Puppen erinnert!
    Es ist wunderbar. Genau die Worte, die ich gerade brauche...

    Hmmm. Croissant! Oh! Ich hatte einen kleinen Kaffee am Sonntag.
    Naja. Von ALDI...

    Ach, herrjeh. Habt ihr auch die "back factory"? Ich denke jedesmal an Rücken! Und nen neuen könnte ich auch brauchen... (sind deine Finger OK?)
    Und? War Senf im Berliner?
    Ohhh Kirschblüten!
    Frühlingshafter GlG, Iris

    1. Die Belriner waren zum Glück ohne Senf....Meine Finger sind wieder sehr schlimm, muss wieder viel Cortison nehmen, that's life!

  4. I absolutely adore both your second looks. They are SO positive and that is what the world needs right now. There is so much negativity in the world and you have given us two very, very positive entries filled with hope and caring thoughts. These made me so happy and I'm thrilled you shared these with us as your second look on the 2nd.

    Your tag is adorable. I love the cappuccino and the croissant. They go nicely for T this Tuesday, too. Looks like both "coffee bars" are lovely. I don't think we have those here. At least not where I live. But I live in a much smaller city than you find on the east and west coasts.

    I thought those bunnies with their eggs were adorable. Looks like it's time to start thinking about Easter. I REALLY want one of those doughnuts. I love the fried ones like that. I'm not fond of the cake doughnuts. See! You DID find something to like about Carnival after all (grin)! Thanks so much for sharing these cappuccinos, the doughnuts, and the Easter bunnies with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks. I found it important to bring back something positive, we all need to stay positive to counteract all the negativity in the world just now. The doughnuts here are always fried, so lovely and full of calories....

  5. Lots of yum and fun on this post, the bunnies are adorable.xx

    1. Thanks Annie! Saw a real one this morning on my walk!

  6. Love your creations, great messages. Have a great day.

  7. Piękne sa twoje prace, fotografie i opowieści. Tez uwielbiam kawę i piękne filiżanki. Miłego tygodnia:)

    1. Thanks a lot. As you like coffee and pretty cups, you have good taste!

  8. It is wonderful to see this fabulous art piece again. I do love your heads. And it is great that you have cafes to duck into during the rain. Perfect for some coffee, and for sharing for T day.Smile. Sounds like life is going well. And that is a super new tag too. Happy early T day and happy March. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. What would I do without all these cafes? You have a great month, too!

  9. Good morning Valerie: Is this designed as a feminist theme? I notice that all the figures with the inspirational messages are girls/women. Surely males have the same inner need to feel worthwhile too.

    1. This was really made for a 'girls' theme. I'll make a masculine one soon, just for you, perhaps with a few Candada Geese, too- Although the geese don't need encouraging, they are always happy!

  10. Beautiful post Valerie, really loved the second look art pages as I had not seen those before, love your tag, and those yummy foods and spring photos Happy second on the 2nd and T Hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great day 😁💖😁

  11. I will take a Berliner! Beautiful art today Valerie! I hope they brought the tables inside where you decided to sit!

  12. Take your pick, they are all good 💖💖

  13. Wonderful art. The sentiment is something we all need to embrace, to encourage and build one another up instead of tearing down. Those cups are so pretty and the heart cookies would look pretty with them. I'm going shopping this morning and will have to not think about those donuts. So, what did the cafe staff do? Leave the tables out or did they bring them in? Happy 2nd and Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks. We do indeed need to build each other up. The cafe peeps moved the tables to the side where they were more sheltered!

  14. I love your 2nd on the 2nd pages. Both of them. And of course the message is so positive. It goes with spring. I am always much more positive in spring.
    The girl with the bike is lovely too. That's a girl I like: with a book and acappuccino.
    Blossom everywhere. I hope we don't get our winter in march or april! It happens sometimes. My birthday is at the end of March and sometimes we have snow on that day.
    I like the quirky rabbits/hares. And also the pretty mugs.
    How are your fingers? Your talk of positivity makes me wonder if things are worse...
    CU tomorrow,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Winter in spring often happens. My fingers have got very bad 👎 again and I am back on hugs doses of cortisone. And trying hard to stay positive!

  15. Valerie, I just love your posts. I am sorry you are on the cortisone again. Sending healing energy to you.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I am not happy with it but it's necessary!

  16. Those sweet cups would be wonderful for spring. I'd be sooo tempted :) The little cookies would be the perfect thing for a touch of sweetness with black coffee. Yummm. It sounds like March came in like a lion where you are! Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks, let's hope it goes out like a lamb!

  17. Love those cups …

    My good wishes for this new month :)

    All the best Jan

  18. Enjoyed your art and the photo's of the area in the rain. We just had the driest February on record here. March might give us a few drops though. I really like the china cups and the bunnies. Easter is a lovely time of year.

    1. Thanks Darla! We have had more rain in a few weeks than we had all last year.

  19. Your art is quite impressive. I like your imagination. Those pastries look delicious. I would not pass them up. Lol.

  20. I love all the bunnies and blooms and even your biscuit wrapper ~ Enjoy you day!

  21. Deine Kunst ist toll und auch die Sätze wie wichtig sie sind und deine Pariserin ist so süss vor dem Cafe sitzend! Das sidn wieder tolle kreative Werke von dir.
    Die Menschen horten auch bei uns, das ist schlimm. Ich habe immer mein normaler Vorrat im Schrank wenn Unwetter ist oder so wie im Winter wenns frostet aber dieses Jahr war nichts bei uns.
    Diese Berliner Vielzahl vermisse ich hier die können nur 3 Sorten machen und das wars.
    Schön wie der Baum blüht so weit ist es bei mir noch nicht.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start in den März!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Hier kriegt man schoen viele Berliner!

  22. Wonderful sentiments in your art work Valerie. I enjoy seeing glimpses of your town.

  23. I love how you wound all these disparate pieces together, Valerie. Yes, that is a wonderful sentence and I love all the phrases on the two pages you created.

    From many photos you share, I can see that the girl reading a book and enjoying a cappuccino and a croissant is your alter ego. She inspires me.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx1

  24. Valerie I love your colourful artwork, I’m hopeless at drawing faces, well anything really, I love the tag, so much detail.
    Over here they sell Berliners but they are chocolate covered and chocolate filled too, rather over the top unless you are in the mood! We love the jammy variety, the best we’ve had have been from Safeway in SF, it literally squirts everywhere.
    I love to see the blossom appearing, makes it feel as if spring is coming, the almonds trees are just finishing with their blossom here, they are a beautiful sight but we got back too late to capture it in all its glory.
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  25. Thanks J. Blossoming trees are always wonderful, sorry you missed the almond blossom, that must be a wonderful sight!

  26. Your faces are wonderful and I love that you did affirming words on all of them. WE need those words. Quirky figures are the best! We are all a bit quirky if you think about it - we just pretend or wish we were not. Fun pictures about town. I want those pretty mugs! Awesome post - thanks so much for sharing it all.

    1. Thanks. Keeping positive is so important for us all.

  27. Wonderful artwork and photos. I like seeing the blossoms on the trees. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. The first blossoms especially make me very happy. Saw lots more today.

  28. wonderful collage art and affirmations Valerie. Of course I love your Paris tag, and oh to be that woman sitting outside a French Café in Paris right now...
    pretty cups in the window display , and well, those filled donuts do look very tempting. Happy T day!

    1. Ah yes, wouldn't it be nice to meet up in Paris and enjoy some French delights!

  29. Such beautiful artwork and I'm loving the Paris tag, reminds me of springtime 😀. Those heart shaped biscuits look delicious, just the thing to have with your coffee! How lovely to see spring blossoms on the trees too - amazing 😁. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  30. Thanks Jo. Those biscuits were really delicious, they were dangerous!

  31. Fabulous 2nd Look Valerie - I love it when you use your heads!!! Aah Paris! I have started a tag but there it sits on my desk!!! Yours is fabulous once again! The biscuit wrapper looks so pretty and I am sure they went down well with coffee! It is great seeing the blossom and some of the trees with green buds now too! The Easter Bunnies made me smile! Chrisx

    1. Yes, my heads get used a lot! Hope you finish your Paris tag!

  32. your paris tag is perfect -- coffee and treats! the journal piece is just stunning. xo

  33. Beautiful hybrid art Valerie! xx

  34. Perfect Tag love that image of the girl sitting.
    Thank you so much for playing along with my theme xx

  35. Oh this weather is mental isn't it! We are having everything all in the same day. I love your ladies today - so creative! Take care, Sue xx

  36. Great second on the second post - those figures and faces are so full of character and personality - they look great in both pieces. I love the Parisian tag too - so colourful and light-hearted. I should like to be sitting where she is!
    Alison x

    1. Thaks Alison. I would like to be sitting there, too!

  37. There is so much positivity in all the awesome handiwork. Loved the use of colors and words that oozed positive energy. It is not easy to mix these colours together and get the statement out. Loved those doughnuts. It is a great season transformation from winter to the spring.

    1. Thanks Andrea. I think it is so important to be and stay positive in spite of all that is happening in the world.

  38. Hey Val! You seem to see the positive side to all things! And I have to appreciate your artistic side regarding the painting of your alter ego in Paris!


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