Friday 20 March 2020

Early weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well and safe. I'm sitting here in my ivory tower AKA my apartment, watching what's going on outside and not really enjoying not being able to go out. That's not true, I HATE it! But, I'm trying to make the best of it. Did more cleaning in 2 days than in the last 2 decades years months. And to keep myself moving, I've been running on the spot or through my apartment and managed 14000 steps yesterday. And I did 10 kilometer on my cross-trainer, so that was good. And every time I want a cup of coffee I make myself do 10 minutes gymnastics beforehand! Strict rules are sometimes necessary!

For Tag Tuesday I have one more tag for Pinky's feminine challenge. I am still hoping to see some more people joining in, perhaps one of those ladies - I won't mention names - who's always promising but never makes it!

This time I used a cut out image of Frida Kahlo. The tag and embellishments are from Serif, the background is hand-painted.

And I have a last piece for Eileen's green challenge at AJJ. My last entry used a pic of my great grandmother, so carrying on the family theme, I have this time  used a photo of my late husband as a boy with his grandmother, who really was his great love in life. And this is such a lovely photo of them both. I have used elements from Serif and me to make it:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

The Rhine is almost back in its bed, and the water on the fields is slowly disappearing. These were taken on Tuesday, so it should be even better now:

Everything is greening up and blooming:

Have a great day,  take care and stay safe.
And thanks, as always, for coming by!


  1. Deine Nachbarn müssen dich "hassen" - gehen nicht trampeln, OK? ;-)
    Donnerwetter, das sind Regeln in der Tat!

    Schönes Tribut für Frida.
    (Meine Omi hieß Frieda, und der Hund meiner Schwiegereltern auch...)

    Ja, mein Bruder liebte unsere Großmutter auch über alles.
    Hmmm Kirschblüten!! Schön, GlG, Iris

  2. Ich trample nicht, sondern schwebe leichtfüßig über den Boden 😁😁😁 - und die Dame unter mir ist echt taub, kommt sowieso Nix an! Ja, Männer und ihre Großmütter, huh? Bleib gesund!

    1. Ich wünschte, ich könnte ersteres über die über uns sagen! Die trampelt, da wackelt´s fast! Wäre ich taub, ich würds mitkriegen. Toll jetzt habe ich Grönemeyer im Ohr :-)

  3. Love that you used a picture of your late husband and his Grandmother. It came out lovely. I love the tag too - very beautifully done. I am in awe of your digital abilities BUT EVEN MORE IN AWE of your 14,000 steps! Love your caffeine governor ideal as well - I would not drink much if I had a rule like that. You have such a great way of thinking. Thanks for sharing all this!

    1. Thanks Nancy, I#m just trying to prevent myself drinking coffee all day out of boredom - I have to earn it!

  4. Hi Val, sorry you don't like being on your own and staying home, but it's necessary. I would so love to have a day alone at home, no kids, no hubby, no dream! Lovely art as always. and great photos. Take care of yourself. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sara, I know how you could do with a solitary day here and then to recover, sorry! Have a nice day, take care!

  5. Thanks for all the lovely art. Yes this lock down does have a cleaning craze effect on me as well

    much love...

    1. I'm glad some of us are cleaning and not just hoarding toilet paper! Stay safe!

  6. Love your tag. Lovely photos to brighten my day. Not much sunshine here but hoping it will be one it's way. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks Anesha! Hope the sun comes to you. It's very grey here, too. Look after yourself!

  7. It must be hard not to leave the apartment. Sometimes living in the country is not exciting, but I am glad to be able to go outside and walk at least. And so much cool art today. Nice FRida tag. It is so different from the one I made. And I also do like the AJJ piece. Thanks for joining us-I better write that before I forget. Your husband was cute in his outfit. His haircut almost looks modern like a lot of the kids at school would have. And good for you to get all those steps. Stay sane and keep moving. And healthy too of course. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, Peter was a cutie-pie! I'm trying to stay sane - Mens sana in corpere sano!

  8. Happy spring, dear lady!

    I suppose one thing this coronovirus will accomplish is folks the world over are madly cleaning their homes. Even though our heavy duty pollen season is just getting started, I couldn't even resist the urge to wash our windows. :) They already have a new layer of pollen dust on them again.

    Your hubby was a fine-looking little boy. I bet he grew into a fine-looking man, too.

    Take care. This, too, shall pass. Have a super weekend.

    1. Thanks Susan! Yes, this, too, shall pass. We need to remember that! Stay safe!

  9. oh my heart just melted-the collage of your husband and his grandmother is gorgeous!!!!!

    1. Thanks Debra. The photo of them both is so lovely, they were really one heart and one soul! Stay safe!

  10. ja das ist nicht .leicht für dich aber du tust vieles dass du nicht einrostest daheim. Hochachtung vor dir. Ich war 2 Stunden auf dem Fahrrad ohne Kontakt war ich froh.
    Das Tag mit Frida Kahlo ist wunderschön gestaltet gefällt mir sehr gut und dein anderes mit dem Ehemann und Grossmutter ist so goldig das Foto hab sie selig und mit all diese Gestaltungsachen ist es bezaubernd geworden.
    Schön dass du noch Fotos hast, herrlich der Frühling und so warm bei euch.
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Zeit und Geduld!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  11. Danke, liebe Elke! Es ist momentan für Niemand leicht. We müssen die Situation so wie sie ist akzeptieren. Geduld kann ich immer sehr gut gebrauchen, davon hab ich nie genug! Pass auf Dich auf!

  12. Fabulous tag and I'm loving your green page! You always incorporate your family photos so beautifully - perfect 😁. Wow, you are doing so well with your steps whilst staying indoors too! I enjoyed seeing all your gorgeous photos too. Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Stay safe and healthy! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Much appreciated - you stay safe, too!

  13. Your art is always outstandingly beautiful but this time even more so!
    The one with your late husband and his grandmother...precious, gorgeous and heart wrenching. It literally brought tears to my eyes.
    Your photos are always fine art in and of themselves.

    Beautifully done post Valerie.


    1. Thanks so much Jan. I love working with the old family photos.

  14. Lovely family art, so sorry you cannot go out too much to enjoy these blooms.

    1. Thanks Christine. I'm sorry, too, but it's necessary just now, so that's it!

  15. What a beautiful tag Valerie, I love how colorful it is and that awesome sentiment! Gorgeous page, I love that family photo especially of your husband when he was a boy, stunning elements too! Your photography is awesome as always, love the path through the trees, looks like my kind of walk. I'm still able to walk outside here in Colorado and enjoy my daily walks. That's awesome that you are exercising inside and making the best of the indoors. Take care and stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I love being outside and taking photos, and we have lots of nice shady trails here where it's fun to walk. You stay well and safe, too!

  16. You are going to wear out the floor in your apartment, Valerie. The people below you should be ready for a sudden invasion! Everything is looking very green and springlike there. Here too we are starting to see more and more signs, but you are still ahead of us. Go have another coffee - and you are hereby granted an intercontinental dispensation from having to exercise first! By order: Emperor David the Munificent.

    1. Thanks for the dispensation, your high-and-mighty-worship, I'm sitting here now drinking a 'free' coffee! Thanks for the smiles! Spring has really sprung here, that said, it's freezing today!

  17. What a perfect quote to go with your Frieda tag and I love the antique look of the page with your hubby and his grandma. So cute. Nice to see all the green and flowers and to know the river is receding. Take care.

  18. It's harder to stay in when the weather is luring us with sweet breezes and lovely flowers. I hope this is all just a memory while we can still enjoy the beauty of these warmer seasons :)

  19. Beautiful art and photos. Yep strict rules are good. I dance everyday you may like it too. It is called Body Groove. Very fun. Stay safe.

  20. Such a beautiful tag Valerie, I love the Frida image! Great page and photos too.
    We are still able to go walking, as long as we keep our distance from folks, but we are fortunate to have a garden for when that isn't possible.
    Take care,
    Alison xx

  21. I didn't know you had a late husband. That's a beautiful photo of him with his grandmother. Your exercising in your home inspires me. I need to exercise, too.

  22. Lovely art creations and wonderful Spring photos ~ gorgeous ~

    Keep Calm and Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Love the bright and bold tag, just perfect for Frida and I adore the green vintage page with the beautiful photo, your husband was a really cutie.
    Thanks for sharing your Spring photos, it's lovely to see everything greening up. The magnolia trees looks magnificent - my favourite.
    Stay safe and I'm impressed with your healthy routine, have a good weekend.
    Avril xx

  24. Your green page is awesome Valerie, I love how you add your own family photos and memories to the page, it is a perfect addition to Eileen's Art Journal Journey theme.
    I am also so impressed with the exercise steps you are still able to do in your home.
    I haven't thought about cleaning to pass the time and I must consider giving the craft room a good tidy out sometime. My time is all spoken for, looking after the OH.
    Look after yourself Valerie and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I'm sure you are kept very busy looking after your hubby. Just don't forget to take care of yourself!

  25. love love love your sweet Friday tag! perfect feminine beauty! also love the gorgeous historical journal page. such lovely art. stay healthy and strong! xo

  26. Wonderful page Valerie - I do love your pages that contain relatives! The Frida tags of course brilliant! Great photos once again! I am becoming really angry with folk who are going and stripping shelves in supermarkets! We couldn't get most things that were on our list the other day and are forced to go out tomorrow to get essentials that are close to running out! We can't get an online delivery until until 2nd April and certainly don't have a fridge or freezer big enough to store food until then - looks as though my sugar levels will go up if I dont get inventive- trying to get our heads around what to do if we don't strike lucky tomorrow! Hugs,Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Same story here, the shops are all empty of essentials - hard times! Stay safe!

  27. That's such a beautiful photo of your late husband and his gran. I'll bet they'd be so happy to see how you have interpreted it in your art today. We are lucky -- we can go out for walks; we just are supposed to stay far afield from others -- six feet. Rick can ride his bike. In fact, we are encouraged to do so. I wish you could, too. Thanks for the bloom photos. They're lovely.

    1. Enjoy your walks as long as you can, stay safe!

  28. I love the piece with your late husband as a boy! So sweet - a special treasure! I got so much work done at home the first few days - no alarms, no bedtime, I could just do what I wanted! We can still go outside for solitary activities, so I have been running (since my gym closed last Friday night). LOVE that sanity time - and I have been sketching with pen and ink most days I'm there. We live in the country, so we can really spread out, but it has rained so much that the ground is saturated! I love the image of you in your Ivory Tower! I spent hours last night on my balcony, enjoying the warm breezes, watching the stars, and drinking a glass of wine. It felt just like everything was right with the world! Stay healthy and safe, my friend!

    1. Thanks Tammie. Enjoy the time as best you can, it sounds like ou are making the most of it and that's great. Stay safe!

  29. It's hard to keep us busy and fit at home! :(
    Great photos!

  30. Good morning, Valerie!
    Frida Kahlo is even more beautiful! LOL
    We just have to sit inside ... and how much we must miss from all the beauty of this spring! Such a pity!
    Wishing you a great weekend!
    Take care of yourself!
    Hugs! 🤗

  31. Morning Valerie, not sure how I missed this post yesterday!! How beautiful the blossom is and seeing those fresh new sprigs ready to burst and shine. How nature must be enjoying the peacefulness as people are told to stay indoors.
    Adore your Frida tag, i've not had chance to even pop on over this fortnight shame on me, so tired trying to make sure both Mum's are well and have the basics, shopping has been awful when there is nothing left. How selfish some can be.
    Stay safe, keep creating and posting to let us know you are ok Valerie, we will ride through this storm.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Your mums are lucky they have you!💖💖💖

  32. Beautiful photos, thank you for them, cos we are stuck at home all the time now!

  33. Love the spring photos and your tags are just wonderful.
    Has your city put stay at home requirements into effect or are you being smartly cautious?

    1. We have been strongly advised not to go out unless it's absolutely necessary, and my doctor said I must stay home because of my auto-immune illness and age.

  34. Gorgeous green page, Valerie. Thank you for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Your makeshift routine to get in steps is inspiring! I was pretty good for a week, but it's hard to keep going all alone.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen, exercising alone at home is certainly not easy, but better than nothing!

  35. Hi there, fellow native. I just saw your reply at Jeanie’s and wandered over here to find, to my surprise, that you are writing from Germany. I am an ex Rheinlaenderin with lots of Heimweh.
    We here in the wilds of the West of England are also in lockdown now. I am lucky, I have a big garden and live in the most beautiful countryside. I also love reading, so I am not too unhappy about being unable to see my friends.
    I hope you can find something to occupy yourself; from the many lovely pictures here it seems you have an artistic streak. That must contribute to sanity in these difficult times?

  36. Hi Valerie! Your Frida tag is so beautiful, and a great idea to incorporate a pic of your family on this great page.
    I also do gymnastics at home.
    Take care of yourself!
    Hugs, Mar

    1. Hi Mar, nice to see you around again! Stay safe!

  37. Oh your art is so charming! I love it! The photos are so very pretty too.

  38. Catching up once again here, your art work is beautiful Valerie, love the piece with your late husband. It is lovely to see spring blooming, the new green of the trees and the flowers. Good also to see the Rhine has settled back to hear normal now.

  39. My state is not yet in total lockdown-right now since we have low cases we still can go to the grocery store, be in groups of 10 or less-I have left the house for two weeks now though.
    spring is in full bloom in your area ours is just beginning and still having cold weather days. I love your newest page for the green theme-really nice-and very special too-and I applaud you for keeping up with your exercise-I am soooo bad with that. Happy rest of the weekend hugs Kathy

    1. ooops I have not left the house

    2. Hope it stays that way for you. Enjoy your films. Stay safe!

  40. Oh your Frida piece is so fantastic! We're lucky in that the sun has been shining the last few days so at least we're able to enjoy our back yard and get out of the house some. Stay safe and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks! Hope the sun keeps shining for you. Stay safe!

  41. Like you, I haven't been outside for about a week. It doesn't bother me much tho., as I am a bit of a home-body. I have been binge-ing on Korean dramas on new hobby! I just adore your 2 tags. Excellent artworks. I also love the views of all the flowering/sprouting trees. Spring is around the corner!

    1. Thanks June! I am not a stay at home person, but I need to get used to it!

  42. twoje prace są piękne i pełne miłości. Wiosna przyszła do nas wcześniej ale jest piękna . Życzę dużo zdrowia:)

  43. Fabulous artwork Valerie, your Frida tag is so vibrant, and I love your husband with his grandmother. It's Mother's Day here today, so I visited my mum and we all sat in the garden a few yards apart. It's not ideal, but Mum and Dad are nearly 80 so better safe than sorry. It's back to staying at home tomorrow. It's such a shame that you can't get out for your walks as everywhere is looking so pretty now. Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

    1. YEs, it's difficult just now. It seems strange to have visitors sitting on the other side of the room of garden! Stay safe!

  44. I love your photos and your artwork:)

  45. It is eye opening how much we miss the great outdoors when we are so restricted Valerie. But go you doing all that indoor exercise! You have motivated me now!! I love your gorgeous tag and perfect quote! Please take care and don't be too hard on yourself.

    1. Thanks Pinky. I enjoy my sport, and don't like missing it out. But sometimes I am perhaps too strict!

  46. That's a really impressive level of indoor activity - well done! But I thought in Germany at the moment that you were allowed to go out as long as it's not more than two of you together. I would have thought some isolated walks in those empty country lanes with all that fresh air would be ideal to stay healthy. Or maybe you're in one of the states with stricter rules? How sad to miss all that springtime activity - your photos from last week are so beautiful.

    Great Frida tag too and such a wonderful layout with the family photo - the greens are so rich and the whole composition works beautifully to draw the eye in and around.
    Alison x

    1. We are allowed to go out for walks. I have to stay home as I have an auto-immune illness and am just plain old, which makes me an endangered species. Still, I can see the world from my balcony, and sooner or later, I hope to be able to go out again.


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