Thursday 19 March 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Light and Dark

Hi Everybody!

The corona crisis is getting worse from day to day, and so many people just haven't realised how serious the situation is. I hope they will soon come to their senses and start behaving  sensibly.

Rain's theme today is one that I like - light and dark. I spend a lot of time watching the skies, clouds, sunrise, sunset, stars, moon etc. My apartment faces east, so I get to see the sunrise everyday. Even if it wakes me early in summer, I just love it. When the sun has risen, the world is back in the light and I feel well.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday
Here are some of the pieces I made for this theme in past months:

The figure I used is called the Nightwatchman, and is on an ancient house in the little town of Kettwig on a steep street leading downwards.  I digitally cut him out to use in my art:

This tag was a photo taken at the Sea of Galilee:

The quote used here is from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:

An altered photo of street corner in East London:

The moon is one of my great loves in life:

And of course, I love being woken by the sunrise each day:

Here the sun looks like a glowing heart:

I saw this sunset from the window of my hospital room after I got my new knee:

Colourful shadows in the basilica:

And some of my fave quotes:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.    Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.      Martin Luther.King

  We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. ...

Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.   Anne Frank

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.   
Og Mandino

So, I think that was enough for today.

Have a great day, take care, stay safe.
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So many artistic wonders today. Great post.

  2. Artistic post and gorgeous pics, a bit down today so you have brightened me up.xx

  3. You are right, Valerie, it is past time to take CORVID-19 seriously. This virus is going to be with us for a while yet and it behooves all of us to do everything we can to protect ourselves, and others too. China seems to be getting it under control, and we can too. Stay safe.

  4. Hey Beautiful Soul! So happy to see you again! I have missed my bloggy friends!
    The Corvid-19 is serious!!! Please take care of yourself!
    I so have missed your beautiful art and your beautiful pictures! Thanks for the gorgeous post! Big Hugs!

  5. So many of these I have seen and they bring back fond memories. Others are new and fun to peruse. I absolutely adore all of them and the moon shots, too. I never thought of that, so IF I have time, I'll look for one of mine, too. Great inspiration and see you later at Rain's, dear friend. HOPE you stay well because I know what you mean about the people not seeming to take matter seriously.

    1. Thanks E. Yes, people are not realising how bad this is!

  6. Beautiful light and dark art Valerie. I hope everyone come to their senses. Enjoyed your quotes very much. I love the light too, facing east or south (like my house does) are my preferences.

  7. Such joyous photos, Valerie! I love the wonder of the night sky sand the moon and you've captured it wonderfully! Beautiful Night Watchman - so detailed and so much energy - he stands so still but says a lot at the same time! Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks. Sometimes we need to stand still and be strong and watchful!

  8. Thanks Laurie! We wil get through this!

  9. Morning Valerie, how are you keeping? What changes we are all experiencing in our lives right now, no matter where we are we are all as one. Think we all need a night watchman to keep us safe. A fabulous post, the light shines bright through the darkness.
    Trying to do my bit for those dear to me and stock them up for the weekend so I will be heading out soon. Hope you have someone watching over you? Sending creative Hugs your way Tracey xx
    P.S I'll catch up with you very soon & thank you as always for sharing so much light with us xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. You are so good to care for those near and dear to you. I manage quite well on my own, I am used to it! Stay safe!

  10. Liebe Valerie, ein bewundertwertes Posting mit all deinen Kunstwerken, ich liebe es an zusehen und mit deinen Worten und Zitaten dazu.
    Es kommt eine schwere Zeit auf uns zu und alle müssen an einen Strang ziehen ob sie wollen oder nicht.
    Ich wünsche dir alles gute und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke, die auch Alles Gute! Bleib gesund!

  11. Genau: Hirn einschalten und schon klappts!
    Ich verstehe, dass man Kinder schützen muss, aber dass die Erwachsenen so abdrehen.... Ingo ist zur Arbeit gefahren und ich muss gleich in die Stadt.
    Abstand halten, nicht etc etc....
    Sowas Verrücktes! Ich hätte mir das nie "träumen" lassen!

    Ja, ich freue mich auf die helle Jahreszeit!!!

    :-) Wir haben hier den Nachtwächter Hugo - ich glaube, da muss ich mal mit!
    Also nach dem Chaos, im Herbst...

    Weise Sprüche.

    Hast du mal bei William vorbeigeschaut? Er hatte den Mond ganz, ganz nah :-)

    GlG und einen schönen Tag dir. Nicht lachen: Auf zu Rossmann hat Ingo mich geschickt. Die kriegen angeblich Klopapier...

    1. Viel Glück beim Jagd auf dem kostbaren Papier....Ich hab damals Nachtwächter Touren in London mitgemacht, und hier in Zons, war lustig! Bleib gesund!

  12. We take the coronavirus very seriously ...
    We have been to the supermarket once in two weeks .. we are no longer young and both of us are also struggling with other health problems.
    A very artistic post and gorgeous pics for today! Thank you!
    I wish you the very best and stay healthy!
    Hugs! 🤗

    1. That's good! Thanks Ella, we need to be careful especially when we are old and have illnesses. Stay safe!

  13. Beautiful creations with light. Enjoy your sunshine. Be safe. x

  14. Valerie, your creations are so inspiring and uplifting. So well done as well. You have quoted some of my favorites: Harry Potter, Gandhi, and Helen Keller. Lovely pictures too - the moon is so such a beautiful thing. Lovely post - thanks so much for the inspiration.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Nancy. There are so many wise and good quotes to be inspired by, and which help us to reach out to the light.

  15. Wow! How cool is it that you get to see that the sun brightens your day as soon as you get up in the morning and it lightens up your room. What a wonderful blessing and a great way to motivate anyone. As always your artwork is just so creative and lovely. The message of lightness and darkness rings true and is so important. Stay safe and hope all is well! Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro! The morning sunrise and the view out of the window were the reason I chose this shabby and drafty old flat!

  16. I just can't stop admiring your pages and tags, Valerie! You are soooo talented, my dear friend.
    And I always love your photos. I llllllove photos of sky and moon too! But I think I need to buy a better photo machine. Hugs, sweetie.

  17. Valerie,

    Compared to other parts of the world, the US is just gearing up to the Coronavirus. Hopefully much has been learned in the early days that we can benefit from before things get out of hand. This certainly is a serious matter and it awful it takes something of this magnitude to get people's attention of how easily such things can spread. Unfortunately, there are still those who do not taking self-preventative measures to protect oneself from exposure. We still see people walking pass someone who did not cover their mouths when sneezing/coughing/clearing throat. They make no effort to take a different route away from the potential threat. All the hand sanitizer and washings in the world won't help if you breathe in the contaminate. Your post is point on even in darkness there is light, we just have to look for it and not let the dark swallow us up. I didn't share any artwork today but I was inspired to add a post with a similar themes as yours. Be healthy and well, dear heart! xx

    1. <this is so true. Some people either don't realise what they are doing, or they just don't care! Stay safe!

  18. LOVE LOVE LOVE all your quotes ~ getting my journal to write several down. You have beautiful art and photography as always ~ I love the moon too. I lived for 6 months away from the water, I came home and realized I hadn't seen the moon either. I was so depressed and realized I could never live away from the water again! I love the light of the sun and the moon ~ Stay well!

    1. Thanks Karen, much appreciated. I have an extra book for writing down quotes I find on the net or when I read books. I can understand you missing the water. I was born near the Thames in London, and have always lived in spitting distance of a river or stream, and I don't want to be without it.

  19. The nightwatchman is so cool! Your quotes are well-chosen, and I love the way your art highlights them. I love the MLK.Jr quote. Inspiration for these days. Thanks!

    1. Yes, he is cool, I fell in love with that statue as soon as I saw it, it was so impressive. Martin Luther King was indeed a great man. Stay safe!

  20. Gorgeous artwork and photos Valerie! I love that nightwatchman and that stunning background! The moon photos are amazing and the glowing heart sun is beautiful! The quotes are very uplifting, they made my day! :) Stay safe and healthy.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much Tammy. We need inspiration, light and beauty to tide us over these dark times! You stay safe, too!

  21. Absolutely stunning art and fantastic photos!
    The Night Watchman really jumped to it.

    Hugs 💮

    1. Thanks Jan. It is indeed a fantastic statue, glad you liked it.

  22. Hi Valerie :)) I love your Nightwatchman! Very cool! And that street corner in London...I am fascinated by such imagery...the cobblestone, the night, the lantern...very Jeckyll and Hydish! ;) Also reminds me of the Jack the Ripper scenes from the old movies, I love it! Your moon and sun photos are fantastic and yes! It looks like a heart glowing!!! Nice shot!!

    1. Thanks Rain. I grew up in Jack the Ripper land!

  23. I really love how you incorporated the metal piece from the building to your own art. It's perfect with the light and dark theme. Many gorgeous photos here but the one that really moved me was the stained glass reflection on the basilica floor. How beautiful.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Those colourful reflections always look like jewels.

  24. I love your artwork with those wonderful quotes Valerie! Beautiful photos too!
    Alison xx

  25. I love your artworks, they are so uplifting! I also love your moon photographs, they are so beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much! The moon is always so fascinating.

  26. Lovely interpretation of the theme. Fabulous moon photos, too.

  27. I love all the views of light. It is so nice to have light back more hours. It is something positive right now. Stay safe and healthy my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Light is always positive. Stay happy and positive!

  28. Your photos are outstanding. Light can drive out the darkness, but let's hope that love can drive out hate.

  29. Love the quotes on you art work.

  30. Lovely images! And I love being able to see your part of the world-it's so beautiful, and the houses are so different than here. I love that!!!

    1. Thanks. I love seeing how other people live, too!

  31. You are so good at mixing hybrid art with your actual pieces Valerie! And your photos are such a joy to view- so beautiful. happy PPF!

  32. Oh Valerie ... your posts are always full of beauty and wisdom. I so enjoy your choices and love the pictures especially of the moon ... I too am a moon lover, we have that in common. Hope you are staying home and being safe :) Till next week ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. The moon is really beautiful. Glad you are 'moon struck',too!

  33. I love that you've used the nightwatchman in your art. Beautiful photos.

  34. Beautiful Valerie, the art of course is having to compete with those wonderful photos, but I must say I really love how you used the Nightwatchman as your main image! I love seeing all your other hybrid pages together too! Chrisx

  35. I love what you did with the Nightwatchman! What a cool thing to have in your town - and what a great image to use in your art! I especially love the red backgrounds - they are so rich!!

  36. I love everything you shared this week, thank you. And that moon, wow! Happy PPF!

  37. What a wonderful post Valerie, fabulous art and stunning photographs too - you spoil us! take care, Sue xx

  38. An amazing post, Valerie - so full of beauty. Like you, I'm fascinated by those transitional times of day - sunrise, sunset, dawn, dusk, twilight - but also the joy of a blast of full on sunshine or bright moonlight. Each moment has its own special character. No surprise that one of my very first quotes stamp sets was "Darkness and Light". This has been a special post to me.
    Alison x

  39. You are very good at mixing colors, I really enjoy your art and your lovely shots!


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