Thursday 26 March 2020

In like a lion and out like a lamb - or the other way round! - Rain's Thursday art date

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit! We're living through strange and hard times just now, and isolation and no contact are rules which are hard to keep, but we have to endure it all just now in the hope that things will get better.
Here we had a mild and wet winter, and then an early spring in February. The big shock came in March, which came in like a bad tempered lion, bringing us rain, cold, gales and floods. Then the weather warmed up, the trees and flowers  bloomed and we thought spring had arrived. We've still got blue skies, and it's been drier, but very cold. And the last few days of March are going to be cold and wild, perhaps even with sleet and snow. So it looks like the lions will be back for the end of the month!

I made a photo-montage on a hand-painted background. The quote is from Isaiah:

This is a book I made using various mixed-media techniques back in 2009. I also wrote the poem.  This was my version of the quote in the first piece, turned into a fairy tale. And I hope that one day it will be true, for animals and for all the people in this world, that they learn to live together in peace and contentment:

And some photos from Pexels and me:

When I think of lions I always think of C.S. Lewis books about Narnia, where Aslan rules - this lion reminds me of him:

These ones look like playful pussy cats:

We have a lot of sheep here, which graze on the meadows and fields along the Rhine:

And a very short video taken last year:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sweet photo montage, and your book pages look like beautiful tapestries. The lambies are so cute and adorable. Take care.

  2. That is a wonderful book. I would love to see animals treated better and not hunted to extinction or near extinction. I am glad you shared it since I hadn't met you back in 2009. I bet Iris will love all those lion images too. And you new page is so true for March, but here our March started like the lamb and had a bit of lion the other day. Now we are back to the lamb. What a month. Stay healthy please. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. This has been a very mixed up month, and it's not done yet!

  3. Enjoyed your happy poem and video, lovely post with beautiful art too!

  4. Oh excellent post for TAD and in like a lamb out like a lion or is it the other way around??? Hope you are well. Elbow hugs N.

  5. Great post Valerie, the book you made is beautiful. Keep warm and safe in the coming cold weather.

  6. OH dear me, that little lamb with the pajamas! Your books is amazing - and I love the detail! Such a wonderful keepsake to look back on. I have a DT project coming up with Lion and the Lamb as the theme - so nice to see your take! Stay safe and stay indoors - it is indeed quite crazy! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kel! Looking forward to seeing your project! Stay safe!

  7. OMgoodness, Valerie. I adore your photo-montage. It is eye catching. Of course, I REALLY love your Fairy Tale book. This is grand. I love what you did and I absolutely LOVE that unicorn. This was a lovely book you created.

    Nice to see all the lions and lambs, too. BTW, March came in like a lamb here, but it's been like a lion ever since. I hope you are doing well today. I'm in catch up mode right now.

    1. Thanks E. I made a lot of books back then, but this was one of my faves. March has been changeable everywhere. Stay safe!

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    das sind wunderbare Seiten zu dem Thema und die digitale Fotos sind besonders wunderschön, Bezaubernde Fotos und klasse das Video mit den süssen Lämmer!
    Das ist dir wiedermal grossartig gelungen das Posting!
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Zeit und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. As strong as a lion and gentle as a lamb, that's us...great post.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Yes, we are strong and can be gentle, too!

  10. Wonderful artwork Valerie and if only the world could be like that. At least at the moment the strong are protecting the weaker with the distance rules.
    Thanks for all the wonderful photos too which made me smile.
    Fliss xx

    1. Danke Fliss! Let's hope that some people will at least learn something from this crisis.

  11. Schönes Banner :-)
    Ach, komm, jetzt gib nicht Heinrich die Schuld für das Wetter! ;-)
    Die Montage und das Buch sind toll. Wäre schön, wenn das wahr werden würde.
    Und der Löwe lacht doch eher. Hach, ich fühl mich ganz zu Hause und ohhhh, das Lämmchen! Und die schwarzen, so süß!
    Danke, das tat sehr gut!
    Hier weiter Husten und gestern 38,5C im Ohr. Man macht sich irgendwie dann doch Sorgen, wo man früher gesagt hätte, ach, naja.
    Auf dass es bald alles wieder im Lot ist, dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Gute Besserung, und ja, dass alles bald wieder im Lot ist und die Welt wird zum sicheren Ort!

  12. It is especially great, Valerie, that you have a creative mind during this period of enforced confinement, and you use it to its fullest. It is not a substitute for human contact, but it does help to make the hours go by more quickly than might otherwise be the case. Thank goodness for blogging too! Stay well! Stay cheerful!

    1. Thanks David. Hope you and Miriam are doing well, look after yourselves!

  13. wunderschöne tierbilder,das lämmchen würd ich gern streicheln.
    ich finde deine seiten der hammer,so genial,das einhorn hab ich auch.
    ich wünsch dir einen schönen tag.
    pass auf dich auf und bleib gesund.

    hugs jenny

    1. Hi Jeanette, great to see you around again. Das Einhorn ist sehr alt, aber ein Lieblingsstempel! Bleib gesund!

  14. Wow, what a wonderful creation, love your book and poem. Hope you are keeping your spirits up. Sending hugs.

    1. Thanks Anesha! I read a lot and enjoy being creative. I've even started doing housew**k!!

  15. We've been tying and breaking rainfall records here, but today it's sunny with a predicted high in the lower 80s F! I'm going to play on the patio. There's a lot needs doing out there :)

    I love your lions. They remind me of Aslan, too, and that other lion later on that says, "Did you hear what he said? _Us_ lions!" I can just hear the beaming joy in his voice :)

    Stay safe!

    1. Glad you have some good weather for a change, enjoy your time on the patio! That's a nice quote! Look after yourself!

  16. I love your book! Looks like bestseller material to me:)
    AND you have a new fun header. The video was fun too. Enjoyed the montage.
    YOU stay safe and healthy.

  17. Gorgeous creations Valerie!! I love the photo-montage and that fabulous quote and the book you made is stunning! Very happy photos today, I love the pictures of the sheep, they are so sweet, great video also! Take care and stay healthy!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love to visit the sheep, and miss them now that we have to stay home. Stay safe!

  18. I love all the art and especially the sheep! They are motivating me to felt one this week!

    1. Good idea, sheep are always so lovely! Stay safe!

  19. Your art of the lions and sheep is really nice. Interesting to know that sheep can graze in the area near the river.

    1. Yes, there are lots of sheep, cattle and horses grazing there.

  20. Your montage is lovely and oh how I love that gorgeous book!!!
    Everyone of your photos are a work of art!!!
    Wow! All those wonderful lions and lambs... amazing!
    Another fantastic post...thank you Valerie.


  21. Thanks so much Jan! Glad you enjoyed the post, I had fun putting it together! Keep healthy!

  22. Hi Val, I'm late again, sorry, my mum is once again to blame. She is really a handful just now, oh my! I LOVE your fun post with all the lions and lambs. And yes, that lion looks like Aslan. Your little book is gorgeous too, what a treasure! Take care and stay safe. All is well here, apart from the usual chaos, kids falling up and down stairs etc! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Sorry to hear it, I can imagine how things are. Being alone at home is definitely easier!

  23. Gorgeous lambs and lions Valerie, and I love your page with the Isaiah quote!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, that is one of my fave quotes.

  24. Love your art today!!!! The book is wonderful and I do so love the poem you wrote in it. A book I would love to read to the grand-kids. Always love seeing your photos ♥

    1. Thanks Carol. It's so good to see you around again. Stay safe!

  25. Valerie,

    March weather has mostly brought us rain. Today it's beautiful out but windy. In our city, we're under a 'Safe at Home' order. This means we can do essential stuff away from home - shopping, doctor appointments, and such. I'm sure at some point that'll change. It's very, very strange to live like this but we're not the first people to endure such a crisis and we won't be the last if the world stands long enough.

    I love your story book! Have you considered publishing it? It would make a wonderful children's book.

    Have a good day. Be safe and healthy, my friend. Blessings to you and yours!! xx

    1. Thanks Cathy. The weather has been crazy all over the world. I am hopeful that these hard times will soon pass. Glad you like the little book. Stay safe!

  26. Your book is a delight and so well done ... I agree, I hope I live to see peace on earth, but somehow, with the way things are today, I have my doubts. I love the majesty of the lions and the contrasting playfulness ...but the lambs ... so sweet. They looked like drawings in a children's book and the video at the end ... I found myself humming Baa Baa Black Sheep Have you any wool ... Ha! What fun Valerie. You always manage to bring a smile to my face even in these dire times. Speaking of dire times, I hope you are safe and well ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. I sometimes have my doubts, too, but we must try to remain hopeful and positive. Look after yourself!

  27. Ooh I love your art today Valerie, your poem is wonderful, maybe we humans would be a bit kinder too! The lambs look so cute, especially the one in the vest. Take care abd stay safe, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Yes, it would be good if people would start being nicer to each other, nature and animals. Stay safe!

  28. Beautiful springtime photos, seeing the lambs is always a joy , it means new life begins as well as spring finally arriving. Sadly we will just be seeing them in photos this year with all the restrictions that are in place.
    Your art page and book look gorgeous and I loved the pictures with the loving lion family.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It's sad missing the joys of spring just now, that's true. Stay safe!

  29. Lovely, lovely-all of it. Someday that verse in Isaiah will be true.

  30. Beautiful book pages. March is my birth month so I know that saying well. - Margy

  31. Thanks Marjy. My husband and daughter shared the same birthday in March - and mostly it rained!

  32. Hi Valerie :)) Firstly thanks so much for that video, I think I will die of cuteness from seeing those little lambs running so awkwardly!!! So cute!!! And my have treated us this week! A book!!!!!!!!!!!! And such beautiful poetry, images and ideas! You are one talented lassie! :) And you're inspiring me! I hope your March ends up more like a lamb. Our March came in like a lion on steroids and so far it seems we will have a more lamb-like end to the month, fingers crossed!! Oh Aslan...I didn't read the books but I saw the first movie and with Liam Neeson's voice attached to Aslan, I fell in love with that character! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. The baby lambs are always so cute!


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