Monday 3 February 2020

T sTands for This and ThaT on Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

The warm, wet and windy weekend is over and a new week has begun. The Rhine and the little stream next to the house are very full, and we have been promised more rain. But I don't mind being out in the rain in my waterproof clothes, I would just like a third hand to hold the umbrella while I take pics! From tomorrow we have been promised more wind and rain, but from the North, which will bring us colder temps and perhaps even snow, who knows?

For Wendy's black, white and red theme at Tag Tuesday I made another hybrid tag, using pics made with stencils and then digitally fitted into the 'film' :

It is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. As Elizabeth is also hosting AJJ  this month with hearts as her theme, I made a hybrid coffee journal page using elements from Mischief Circus (Itkupilli) and me:

Saw the old coffee pots and Meissen cups in the antique shop window:

And these pieces are on show in a thrift shop:

And a home-made cappuccino in my arty and rather untidy kitchen - looks like the paint-brushes are in the cup, but they were behind it!

And I had a coffee here and there at the bakery:

I went for a meal with Nathalie, we were hungry and ate the food before we could take a photo, but here's the Cola light we had with it:

And I got a wonderful surprise from CJ Kennedy, who sent me a beautiful, hand-made Chinese New Year card, with fantastic stamps and beautiful script - thanks so much! This made my day!

On Thursday evening after art group I walked through our little town and along the river as the rain had stopped for a few minutes:

Sunset in a puddle:

Decided to take another path home:

On the street where I live, almost home:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good Morning Val! Hope you are feeling better today. We all slept well here and things are starting to get back to normal, whatever that might be! Love your tag, you put such a fun collection of faces together - great selection! Beautiful journal page, too, and yes, your heart beats for coffee, that's for sure! Great pics with the sun, rain and atmospheric skies. My fave is the sunset in the puddle, fantastic! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Das ist super geworden! Und Frida sticht schön heraus!
    Ach, würde ich doch Kaffee mögen! Aber Hunger hab ich jetzt auch!
    Die Briefmarken sind toll! Und die Ratte :-) Und Regen, hach! GlG, Iris

    1. Danke. Dir Königin sieht immer gut aus in rot!

  3. wunderbar dein Tag R-W-S zu dem Thema das hast du grossartig ausgedacht und die Kaffeetante ist prima echt Fun liebe Valerie!
    Herrlich ich liebe deine Spaziergänge wie schön die Motive trotz Regen fotografiert hast und die Kaffeauswahl ist gross udn lecker!
    Klasse der Brief vom Neujahrsfest! Es ist so schade dass die in China dieses Mist Virus haben.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schöne Woche und machs dir gemütlich trotz all dem Regen von oben bei ist ist es nicht anders und überall steht das Wasser auf den Feldern und die Kanäle sind so überfüllt!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Ja, es ist traurig mit dem Virus in China, und ich hoffe sie finden bald eine gute Lösung / Vorbeugung. Ja, Deutschland ist momentan sehr nass, und ich hab meine Stiefeln noch dreckig vom Gestern!

  4. What a lovely surprise you received how nice. Love your creativity but sadly I do not look nice in red, blonde hair but pale it..xx

    1. Thanks, Annie, I know what you mean. Red can make people look very pale.

  5. I hope that the rising water levels don't cause flooding, Valerie, which seems to be happening in too many places far too frequently. Your coffees look delicious, as they always do, and having seen your mug I am thinking about whose ass I need to kick today! Miriam is sitting next to me, but she is more likely to kick mine!

    1. Good for Miriam, I'm glad to see you two have your priorities right! Thanks for the BIG smile! We often have floods here so I'm hoping it won't be too bad.

  6. I was going to add, I don't do crafts, but if you would like a nice card from Canada I would be happy to send one to you if you provide your address. My email: If the thought of a bought card is not appealing feel free to ignore this!

    1. David, that's a gorgeous idea, and I would be very happy to get a card all the way from Canada. I will mail you! Thanks for the offer!

  7. Lovely tag and page. You live in a beautiful place. Great photos.

  8. Your coffee page made me laugh. Heart beating coffee sounds like my Eldest. I'm glad the New Year's card arrived. You're always sending beautiful e-cards and comments on my blog. The card is just a small way to thank you. As always, I enjoy your walks. Pretty sunset in the puddle. With your waterproof gear on, did you splash in the puddle, too? 😺Happy T Day

    1. I must admit I do like splashing through puddles as long as nobody's watching! Thanks again, your little white rat is watching me type just now!

  9. Happy early T day Valerie. I love the tag and the way used the heart on your page. That is so you! Thanks for sharing that with us at Art Journal Journey. And I do love your photos. They look like you are walking on an April day. Oh April would be nice! They say we have snow/sleet and who knows what else coming at the end of this week. Nice card from CJ also. Have a wonderful day and hope your T day is also a good one. Hugs-Erika

  10. Fabulous art Valerie, and great photos too!
    Have a lovely day,
    Alison xx

  11. Thanks Laurie, the food was good and we were hungry!

  12. Thanks Alison, have a great week!💖

  13. I love that film element in your black/white/red piece :)

    I read today that the mere _thought_ of coffee can be arousing, and your coffee bean piece is certainly there for me. I see a couple of things on the thrift shop shelf that would be finding a home in my cabinet. Surely I have room for just a couple more... ;)

    I love taking another way home, especially when it means you can give us more of your wonderful photos :) I'm picturing you in one of those umbrella hats... I used to see them but not in _ages_.

    Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks! The thought of coffee always quicken my steps when I'm flagging! I need an umbrella for my camera! And most cabinets have a few empty spaces....

  14. Beautiful tag and page! The coffee looks delicious. I do love cups and plates but these days I try to just look and touch.


  15. Coffee is the most wonderful thing in the world on days like today, cool and rainy. Your works and photographs are beautiful. I love old cups and coffee pots. Have a nice evening:)

    1. Yessssss, you are so right! Have a great evening, too.

  16. Love the red tag Valery, lovely image of HM. Your coffee page is fabulous - I don't function without my morning cup. Looks like you've been having a lot of rain, fingers crossed you don't get the snow.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril - that morning cup is always so important!

  17. I love coffee, pretty pictures♥

  18. Its a fantastic page Valerie I like the quote you added and am still laughing at the one on the side of your coffee mug. The tags looked great as well. lovely photos of your walk, you caught a super photo of the sunset in the puddle.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I love this mug, too, it always makes me smile! The puddle photo was a bit of serendipity!

  19. Your tag is really lovely today. The film strip is a WOW and the postage stamps immediately caught my eye. They made the tag special.

    Goodness, you've had a ton of rain. I was surprised, especially when you decided to take an alternate path home. I knew you'd had rain, but not RAIN!!! Your photos certainly convey that. There can be no denying how much everything looked rain soaked.

    Loved your home made cappuccino. It looked fun. I was glad you shared it with us. Of course, then there were the times you and Nathalie were out and about. I could see remnants of food, but the colas caught my eye. Of course, I was enamored by the many drink related items you found at the thrift stores. Beautiful pieces, and I bet a hefty price, too. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this Tuesday.

    I fell in LOVE with your journal page. It is fabulous. My heart also beats for coffee. I love how you used the beans, too. Thank you beyond belief for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey. Simply stunning.

    Looks like you got a lovely gift from CJ. More on that on my blog post.

    1. Thanks E! I love lots of the things in the thrift shops, but try to leave the places empty-handed!

  20. Hi Val, I love visiting your page because it is always filled to the brim with "eye candy" I love your tag-very clever with the film,and I loved your coffee and hearts journal page for AJJ Your homemade coffee looks delicious and I always enjoy your photos-the one in the puddle is just awesome! The card and script from CJ is beautiful Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

  21. That is a pretty sunset in the puddle. All we've had today is more rain splashing in the puddles … everywhere is just so wet again, never mind perhaps tomorrow will be better … we shall see.

    Lovely card from CJ.

    Enjoy your week and happy February wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. My heart beats for coffee too. :) Those cappuccino pictures are so cozy and delicious looking. I don't mind the rain either. I especially enjoy sleeping during the rain. Sounds so nice.

    Have a great week!

  23. I love both of the art pieces today and oh, I'd love to be shopping and picking up some of that china! LOVE it!

    1. Thanks! I could just imagine you let loose in those shops! There were so many pretty things!

  24. Love the filmstrip on your tag! And oh, those coffee beans look so much like the real thing on your next piece.
    I'd have a really hard time not buying something of those lovely cups, dishes and such in the thrift shop:)
    Wonderful Chinese New year card from CJ!
    And finally, another treasure trove of photos on your walk. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I just took a photo of coffee beans and magicked them into the picture!

  25. i love reading and adoring your photos;)

  26. Ah, yes - the elusive third hand... wouldn't it be useful? Definitely for dollshouse work too! I love your b&w film tag - I'm not sure I look good in red, but I think everyone looks great in black and white photos!
    Fabulous coffee page too - think I need to go and make a quick cup before I go and catch my train.

    Lovely photos as always. That poor damp flower in the rain, and "Sunset in a Puddle" sounds like a great name for a book or a band to me. Amazing reflections, bare branches and skyscapes.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! I love the stark reflections of winter, hey are very inspiring. Enjoy your coffee!

  27. Oh my, what a fun post! Love your pictures, your journaling pages, and your coffee cups. I think everyone does look good in red and my heart beats for coffee too (or because of it sometimes - lol). So glad I visited today.

  28. Hmmm... I left a comment, but I don't see it. So I'll try again: Great artwork and photos. Lovely gift from CJ. Happy T-Day!

  29. Beautiful red tag, Valerie. The silhouettes in film strip are terrififc. That must have taken quite quite a while. I love that photo of Queen Elizabeth then and now. What an amazing reign,

    I laughed at you coffee heart page. Lovely photos on you walk after thee rain. The sunset in puddle is really neat.

    How sweet and thoughtful of CJ. I recognized her calligraphy right away.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. It did take a lot of getting the silhouettes fitted in, but it was fun.

  30. Valerie I love your journaling pages with the coffee beans and you always post beautiful photos, especially the one of the reflection.
    Thanks for your earlier visit.
    Happy T Day, Jan x

  31. Fabulous post! Your tag is beautiful and I love your coffee journal page 😀. Your mug made me smile and I so enjoyed seeing all the lovely scenery and skies - beautiful. What amazing happy mail too, the card and calligraphy is gorgeous and I love those postage stamps - so kind 😁. Wishing you a happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  32. Happy mail always makes me happy!

  33. So many wondrous things, I can't even mention them all. CJ rocks doesn't she? My heart too beats for coffee:) Heh. The puddle shot is awesome. Love your pieces and the china shop. A third hand to hold the umbrella. Haha.

  34. FANTASTIC TAG! nad more great journal pieces too! xo

  35. Oh what beautiful photos. I love them all, the puddle, the sun shining from behind the clouds, the rain drops, the helleboris plant! Well done you.
    The red tag is great. Everything looks good in red! What a good theme.
    CJ's card (and stamps) are lovely. I saw them on Elizabeth's post too.
    Yes, the china in the thrift shop is always difficult to leave on the shelf. I always feel like I want to buy it all. But like you, I have enough stuff already!
    Happy T-Day dear Valerie,
    PS Kick-ass mug is great!

  36. Wonderful post Valerie, seeing the thrift shop window made me think of an article I saw recently where someone had taken a cut glass vase, glued a cut glass bowl upside down over it to create a glass mushroom for the garden, looked amazing. Might have to try it one day!! Hope you do not have any floods.

  37. Great photos- we have similar weather and high water here at the moment- coming off the Atlantic though! Quite cold too - we don't often need our heating on in the daytime but have succumbed today, the wind seems to have blown over a few things around too! Love your art- must get onto tag later! A very belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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