Tuesday 25 February 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start. After  very wet, cold and stormy weekend we had a slightly better day today, with some sunshine, blue skies and dry intervals, which was great. The Rhine is quite high again, but not as bad as it was a few weeks back, so hope it stays that way.

Today I am sharing another journal page meant for  Elizabeth's 'hearts' challenge: at AJJ. I used elements from Mischief Circus, Serif and me:

At this time of year, especially when the weather is bad outside, I try to bring spring into the house:

I used an old paintbrush again to support the top-heavy hyacinths:

And outside it getting greener day by day:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good evening! We had better weather here today, too, but the next few days are supposed to bring us snow, eek! Love your happy cat family with the proud father, lovely thought. Your spring decorations look wonderful. Mine don't look so good, I think it's too warm here. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. I've always said I can't draw, but I actually believe I might be able to draw those adorable cats. Not Dad, of course, but the rest of the family. How clever is that. And with the addition of the hearts, these are perfect for my theme at Art Journal Journey. I am so grateful for your continued support at AJJ, too.

    1. Yes, the cats are very cute and it should be possible to draw similar ones easily.

  3. Oh good grief. I published too quickly. I meant to compliment you on your green thumb abilities. I love those hyacinths and the gorgeous pink tulips. Of course, I truly love your cobalt glass collection, too.

    It's amazing to see signs of spring in your area, because here it's either raining or freezing and sleeting. I like your views a lot better than mine right now.

  4. Oh I love this! Of course anything to do with cats is good by me. I love the dad cat, though he is frightenly like Donald Trump lol. Your flat looks amazing with all the beautiful plants and flowers, and of course your glass collection is beautiful. Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. I think dad looks nicer than DT! But the cats are really cute!

  5. Oh Valerie, I've done it again! I really can't get it into my head to switch to chrome for commenting and it's only the I revisit that I realise. I love this page, those cats are so cute! Spring flowers are my favourites and like you I love to have them indoors! Lovely photos of those outside too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks, it's always nice to bring spring into the house.

  6. Fabulous page! All the kitty cats made me smile - perfect! I love how you have captured spring in your house with all those lovely blooms - perfect 😁. Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Oh I love spring! Your flowers are beautiful, Valerie, and your page too. I use paint brushes to support my flowers too! Do you believe it? Of course, sweetie, we are artists! Ha ha! Kisses!!!

    1. Thanks! I often use my brushes for strange things, like fastening my hair back, for example! Fun that you use brushes, too!

  8. Really love your page with all those stacked up quirky cats which made me smile. Your beautiful decor in your home looks so lovely in all those bright colours and the paintbrush propping up the hyacinths is inspired.
    Signs of Spring here too with daffodils and blossoms on the trees which is lovely to see after a couple of weeks of awful weather.
    Have a good week, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss, I think we all long for spring and flowers after the winter!

  9. I think that you have succeeded very well in bringing spring into the house, and judging by the degree of greenery outside it has arrived there too. Enjoy it all, Valerie, maybe with a coffee - or two - or three!

    1. Thanks David, I'll take the three coffees, but tomorrow - it's bedtime here!

  10. You definitely succeeded in turning your home into a floral delight and OMCod, I love the card:) Purrfect. The pictures delighted as always, especially the mannequin hanging out the window. Made me smile.

    1. I thought you'd like the cats, perhaps Frankie is one of the littl'uns ?

  11. Fun page, love your pink tulips especially.

    1. Thanks, pink is such a lovely colour, isn't it?

  12. Was ffffür ein tolles schönes Journal ist, so süss die Katzenaprade!
    Deine Blauen Vasen sind ja allerliebst und deine Narzissen darin. Ja du machst
    es dir wirklich schön.Das gefällt mir so gut.Wie das alles blüht bei euch schon . Bei mir war so der Sturm wieder da wackelten wieder die Fenster und der Regen war schlimm.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Hier war der Sturm auch heftig, und ich kann mir vorstellen wie schlimm er gewütet hat dort oben im Norden!

  13. Such pretty displays of flowers to brighten up your house.

  14. Morning Valerie, it's nice to see the green coming back onto the tree's I could see it through your window. Beautiful blue glass vase looks stunning against the daffs. The weather has been so scary recently, i'm glad to read the Rhine is holding it's banks.
    Happy journal page with those cute kitties, Daddy looks like the cat that got the cream hee hee! Sending Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I'm always happy when I see the green coming back, although it's snowing right now, I can hardly believe it! The weather has indeed been scary lately, and it seems to get scarier every year!

  15. Ohhh, die Katzen! (Für "Guten Morgen" ist es wohl schon zu spät! ;-)...)

    Osterglocken, wo gibt´s die denn schon? Schöne Blumen, alle.
    Draußen ist hier noch nix, alles nackt (Frost auf den Dächern). Aber wird, bestimmt! :-)
    Dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Osterglocken gibt's hier bei Rewe zu kaufen, aber die wachsen überall draußen. Rheinland ist relativ mild im vergeich zum Norden! Aber es wird!

  16. The cats are very nice !! 😺
    You have beautiful flowers there, but the blue vases are beautiful!
    Tonight has snowed a bit here…
    I wish you a nice day! Hugs! 🤗

    1. Thanks Ella! We had some snow here in the night and this morning, but the rain has washed it all away! You have a good day, too!

  17. Beautiful flowers, I can feel Spring already ☺

  18. You had me at cats. Fun! 😺 I just love your cobalt blue vases especially with the daffs. Beautiful flowers and green things. I just love the pic you took of the evening? sky and the reflection of the room in the window. The bird decals look they are flying outside. So cool! Have a good day!

    1. It was an early morning sky - I'm an early getter-upper! I knew you would like the cats!

  19. I love your page-it is just sooo adorable. and I am also in love with your gorgeous vases for your spring flowers, especially the cobalt blue ones, and those bird decals-beautiful display of spring. and I give believe how spring you have outdoors-it is early early morning here and I am getting ready to drive an hour away to a friends-and then we drive together for another hour to get our taxes done and shop the craft stores. and we have snow this morning-no spring here yet. have a great day Kathy

    1. oops I should have proof read-I can't believe how much spring your have outdoors

    2. Thanks Kathy. Sounds like a fun day for you! Except for perhaps the taxes, but craft shopping sounds great! Don't worry about typos, we're all good at them!

  20. Hello Valerie. What a fun journal page, it certainly brought a smile to my face. Wish I had your talent for drawing. How lovely to see the beautiful pictures of your surrounding again too. I also loved your blue glass, especially filled with the pretty spring flowers. Hugs Rita xxx

    1. Thanks Rita, hope you are keeping well. I didn't draw the images myself! Blue glass is my fave!

  21. Looking intriguing, beautiful. love your room and all the flowers

  22. I love your vases! Pretty colors and shapes to hold such colorful flowers.

    1. Thanks, I love my vases, too. Have a great day!

  23. You have mixed some of my MOST favorite things - cats, blue glass, books and gorgeous flowers. How clever of you to know what I like!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy, I have the right antennas built in to my head! Hope you are keeping well!

  24. Love this journal page, great kitties. Lovely seeing photos of all the flowers. Have a great week.

  25. I'm so excited about how you bring spring into your home! Such beautiful flowers :) I love all your flowering shrubs and that figure peeking out. That's a fun touch :)

  26. Your spring flower displays are beautiful Valerie, and I love your art journal page. Those cats are fun.
    Alison xx

  27. I love the beautiful blues in your home and that vase sets off the yellow daffodils to purrfection.

  28. Thanks. Blue and yellow together are a wonderful combination.

  29. Your cat page is fabulous. it might be one of my all-time favorites. (I know, I've said that before but you keep turning them out!). Your home is so lovely and I just love the blooms in your beautiful vases. That's a great idea about using the paintbrush for the hyacinths. I'll remember that. They should be in the market soon!

    1. THANKS Jeanie, I'm having fun making these animal pages just now, and there's a new one coming up tomorrow! Have a great evening!

  30. Wow - I so need to get some Spring flowers for my house as well. Love your around town pictures - especially the character in the little box looking down - how fun and unexpected that is. We should all do whimsical things like that. Love your cat creations. I totally think Dad cat has been watching Donald Trump a bit too much. Fun creations as always. Love your posts!!! Hugz

    1. Thanks! Spring flowers are my way of bringing in spring. Dad cat really does look a bit like DT!

  31. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie. I love your page and the family of cats you created,
    They look a fun group ans 'm sp happy you shared this with AJJ, Elizabeth and Bleubeard will be delighted.
    Your spring flowers are looking beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  32. Beautiful art work Valerie,your hyacinths are beautiful as are the daffodils, so nice to see some spring colour happening.

  33. Spring does look great in your house!

    All the best Jan


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