Sunday 9 February 2020

Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Here we're waiting for the big storm, it's supposed to hit here this afternoon, but just now it's fine and sunny, so I plan on getting out for a quick walk before it starts.

Today I am sharing a hybrid journal page made using a background from me and elements from Mischief Circus and Serif:

I am linking to Elizabeth's 'hearts' at AJJ and TIOT, share the love.

I was pleased to see that the water level in the Rhine had dropped a little yesterday. Now it depends on how much rain and wind we get when the storm hits. The day started with a dramatic sunrise:

The path along the Rhine was rather wet and slippery still:

To walk or not to walk?

My boots said, 'These boots were meant for walking!'

So we walked!

The second half of the path was easier:

The ducks were enjoying themselves:

And this morning started off with another beautiful sunrise:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Glad I caught you before we leave, we're gong to collect Mum and bring her here for a few days as she's not feeling so good just now. Love your journal page, the dog looks like Sando, do you remember him? Great fun. Wonderful pics too, but how naughty to walk along that slippery path! You can't resist it, can you?! Stay safe, have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Give you mum my regards, and yes, I remember Sando and trying to catch him when he wanted to play games!

  2. I got such a thrill out of your latest journal page. You have NO idea how many times I have said "love me, love my cat." It was a feeling of deja vu, even if it's your dog. This was one fun, fun page for me. And it was also great because you shared it with Art Journal Journey using my theme.

    Oh Valerie, those boots are too pretty to splash around in the muddy water. Rubber boots (I think you call them Wellies) I understand, but those looked like they would stain. They are beautiful. And those roads looked very wet, squishy, and filled with mud and gunk. You were brave to travel that path. You got some beautiful shots, though. And the sunrise shots were fabulous, too.

    Hope the meds are working and you are getting better every day.

    1. Thanks E! My boots are hiking boots, specially treated so they are waterproof and don't stain, and have an extra membrane inside which always keep your feet warm and dry. Wellies are fine in summer, but too cold for this weather! Fingers are still problematic, but I hope it's going in the right direction now!

  3. Wow, those sunrise photos are stunning. It is super windy here but no rain as yet. Hope it's not too bad when it gets to you. Happy Sunday. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Hope the storm won't be too bad, too!

  4. Oh-oh! Ich las gerade, dass es ruhig bei dir ist - BOOOOM, eine Windböe!
    Hmm... Hunde, eine Grundangst. Ich wollte eine Katze und bekam einen Schäferhund. Sie erlitt Krebs, es war fürchterlich.
    Meine Schwiegereltern haben einen Boxer - die schleicht sich an!! (sie ist lieb).

    Wir haben ein Poster "auf dem Klo" ... "Two beer or not two beer" ist eins der Graffiti - den Weg würde ich nicht gehen! Außer mit Gummistiefeln :-)
    Aber dann auch hüpfen!!

    Auf dass niemand "absäuft"! GlG, Iris

    1. Noch ist es ruhig, aber der Wind frischt auf! Two coffee statt two beer wäre mehr nach meinem Geschmack!

  5. love this alot, you have been busy, journal AND Photo again..i can see you love to take photos..its great. I love it too

  6. So glad you had good strong stout boots to walk along that pathway. I remember our walks by the side of the Rhine, but it was where the cafes are and not slippery at all. Mind you it was cold at times, especially in November. How I miss those times. But I am not saying never!
    Love your sunset photos - the storm has hit here (not too bad) and the trees in the garden are blowing about whilst the rain is lashing against the glass door. I am nice and warm tucked up at home but wish I could have had a walk like you beforehand.
    Love your blogpost page. That heart is so very clever, it belongs on that page and ties in so well with that large dog image. I like the way you have used a piece of brown card for the words, they add an earthiness to the whole page and contrast so with the two girls. What fab images they are with their dogs in their arms.
    Truly a favourite page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. It's not usually slippery here, either, but the floods have left us with lots of mud and detritus. Glad you liked my journal page, I found the girl and dog images nice, too, and hearts are always good!

  7. Spectacular skies, a good walk, and the threat of floods downgraded somewhat. Sounds like a great start to the day, Valerie. If you passed any Canada Geese I am sure that they honked their approval on the way by.

    1. Tha Canada geese were evidently having Sunday in bed today, but I did see lots of gulls and some Nile Geese and ducks having fun!

  8. Great creation. Love the heart and the concept of loving someone and their dog (so a requiremet!). When my Mom passed on, she told my Pop to take care of her dog (no mention of taking care of me - lol). Not sure how much he loved the dog - probably not a lot, but he has cared for that dog through thick and thin, through his serious illness - near death actually, and the dog's illnesses and slow decline. What an expression of love. Your page touched me.

    Love your pictures as always. You were brave on that one part of the trip, I would have picked walk somewhere else. Glad you continued as the pictures are great.

    1. Thanks Nancy! If people have pets they need to be loved as one of the family. How touching that your Pop cared for the dog so well, that really was a labour of love. I always enjoy my walks along the Rhine!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this fabulous page at Try it on Tuesday! Such a brilliant combination of images- I love the heart! Your walk looks a bit precarious in places - definitely only to be tackled wearing boots! We had a very rainy and windy night and start to the day bt for now the rain has eased! Still windy though! Hope it dies down a bit before it reaches you! Have a good week! Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. It was definitely a walk only to be risked in boots! It's starting to get very windy now here, I'm wondering how the day will progress!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks. Just saw a cute puppy when I was out walking!

  11. For me the page would read love me, love my cat. Cute page with a cutie pupper. Gorgeous sunrise pics, but you are certainly in for stormy weather. Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. Stay safe, warm, and dry!

    1. Thanks CJ! I think Elizabeth said something similar. I love dogs and cats!

  12. Even in the wet and stormy it is so pretty where you live. Love the art too.

    1. Thanks Nicole. It really is a pretty place, I love living here.

  13. Beautiful page. Valerie please be careful walking if it looks slippery all it takes in one fall! Hope the waters recede. The sunrises are so bright.

    1. Thanks Christine. I am being careful and feel safe in my big boots!

  14. It's interesting to see how often you report expecting a storm when we, so far away, are also expecting one. We're predicted to get heavy rain for the next few days beginning tonight, but no bad storms this time. I hope your weather doesn't get too stormy! I'm glad you and your boots braved the path so we got to see such wonderful photos :)

    1. Yes , I have noticed this, too, and in recent times very often. The weather all over the world is going crazy!

  15. Interesujący spacer! Piękne zdjęcia! Dziękuję
    Pozdrawiam Alina

  16. I love your hybrid art Valerie, and great photos! I think the Rhine will be rising again if you get as much rain as we have had today! I'll be glad when the storm passes.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I think we will all be happy when the storm passes.

  17. Thanks Laurie! Waterways are very beautiful but can also be dangerous.

  18. Nice boots! Wouldn't it be nice if you could ship that extra water to Australia.

  19. PS Fun piece. How about a love me love my cats piece:)

  20. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your journal page.
    I finally fixed the comment problem I was you can see LOL!
    That looked like a slip and slide path, boy the river is running high.
    Gorgeous sunrises!

    1. Thanks Krisha, and I'm soooo happy to see you here again, that's lovely.

  21. What a fab, fun piece! I love your dog in the bow tie. The storm definitely hit here today, so I hope you don't get it too badly. Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It's storming now, and I am staying Home!

  22. Great page Valerie and love the quirky images and text on there. Fab photos although the river path looks somewhat difficult for walking!
    We have very strong gales force winds and driving torrential rain here so good for some crafting!
    Have a good week. Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. Glad you were able to make the best of the time by crafting.

  23. Beautiful art Valerie. Boy, you would have to be careful walking on the slippery path, there is so much vegetation washed up, but lots out for a morning walk.

    1. Thatnks. People are all curious to see what#s happening at the Rhine!

  24. Its a fabulous journal page and i quite agree with the sentiment you added. I'm sure this will be special to everyone who has ever owned a dog or any other family pet. I am so happy you added this page to TioT's as well as AJJ.
    Be careful on your walks this week and look after the new umbrella if you need to use it in the winds that are forecast.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! It's too windy for umbrellas, so it will be hats and hoods today!

  25. Wunderschönes Journal ist das und deine wunderbaren Fotos vom Hochwasser und der feuerrot Sonnenaufgang. Bei uns hat er Mittags angefangen und ziemlich heftig am Fenster gerüttelt und der Regen getrommelt dabei mal schauen wie es in der Nacht wird. Bei euch wird er auch angekommen sein der Sturm!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Freut mich dass Du gut durch den Sturm gekommen bist!

  26. This is a great page for AJJ and TIOT. I love the dog theme. I have said that many times, and I sure like the way you illustrate that idea. A dog does say so much about you. Thanks for linking up and happy start to the new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. I love dogs, too, and am sad that I am not allowed a dog here where I live now.

  27. dear, you have taken so pretty photos that I am speachlees:)

  28. I Love your journal page-so fun
    and the photos are wonderful too, awesome sunrises and you did get allot of rain hugs

  29. I just love your journal page.
    Goodness that path did not look easy to walk on … do take care.

    All the best Jan

  30. Wow, I love this page! The dog image and the heart really caught my eye, it looks fabulous ❤. Thanks so much for joining in the fun and sharing the love at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x


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