Tuesday 4 February 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at  More Mixed Media challenge blog. All of our challenges are anything mixed media goes with an optional colour choice, which is red for February. Projects of all formats, large or small are allowed, and as always you have 4 weeks to link to us. And you have the chance to win a prize!

I made a tag with a red lady. I started this tag years back and have now got around to finishing it. The face was drawn, the diamonds were stenciled, and I added sticky beads and some rub-ons as well as some ribbon. I am also linking to Wendy's black, white and red challenge at Tag Tuesday. I know there is some green on here, which Wendy doesn't really want. Sorry Wendy, just don't smack me on my fingers, they still hurt!

And I have another piece for Elizabeth's 'hearts' challenge at AJJ .
I took this face from Paul Klee:

And played with it in my graphic programme. I cut out the face several times and stapled the faces one over the other. I added the metal hearts to the eyes. It's fun just playing with art like this, to watch it changing and still, essentially, remaining the same. I have 2 other versions finished which I will show bit by bit:

 We have had more wet weather, the Rhine is filling up, but today was cold and wet instead of warm and wet. The weather is not boring just now! But I still like wandering around in the rain, looking at the puddles and reflections and making the best of it all. I was asked this week if I splash in the puddles - yes! But only when nobody's looking!

Big Ben in Kaiserswerth:

One of the gardens behind Stiftsplatz:

And  new growth  is showing itself everywhere:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, I love your tag and I think it needed that pop of green, and I love your other art pages too. more lovely spring photos-and I am loving those images in the water puddles-Happy Mid week-hugs Kathy

  2. Hi Val, that's a gorgeous tag, and I'm sure Wendy will not be cross with you! Your Paul Klee page is fantastic, very interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing the others. Wonderful photos, love how you turn boring puddles into objects of beauty and reflection. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you have a nice evening, too😄

  3. Love your new tag and your digital art. Looks like you had a very wet day. We thankfully had a sunny dry day today. So lovely to see the spring flowers. Hugs Aneshax

  4. Thanks Laurie, I am so happy for you!

  5. Cool tag and amazing art work Valerie! I can see you have very damp weather but doesn't it make the greenery really lush in your photos!!

    1. Thanks, the plants and the ducks love the rain!

  6. What fabulous Artwork Valerie, both pieces are so striking! We've had very windy weather today but at least it stayed dry (mostly). Have a fun week, Sue xx

  7. Lovely red tag and hearts page. It does look wet and dreary but green and the pretty flowers don't care!

  8. Thanks, the flowers seem to love the weather.

  9. I don't think we should ever get to be too old to splash in the puddles - even when somebody is looking. Maybe they'll join in!

  10. Fabulous art projects Valerie, the tag looks lovely and I was really drawn to look close at the page with the layered faces, awesome digital layering. Its a great take and inspiration for the AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  11. i love your tag! i love when a partial face or body is in an art creation. your journal piece is also lovely. my favorite photo is the one where you see the tree in the distance! have a great day. xo

    1. Thanks Michele. I love partial faces and bodies, too.

  12. Love your tag.
    Love the snowdrops.
    Love the reflections.
    Love the new growth.

    Loved your post from start to finish :)

    All the best Jan

  13. Your Paul Klee makeover has taken on a medieval look and reminds me of those old painting you see in some cathedrals. I like it though, as well as the newest tag. I have a tag I will post later this week. And I can tell you've had a lot of rain. We have snow and ice coming later this week, so I don't know what is worse, all your high water levels or the snow. Have a great mid-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. That was exactly what I thought when I saw it finished, so strange how a thing can stay the same and yet be so different! Some places are flooded, but not yet here. Sorry about the ice and snow.

  14. Your red tag with the lovely hand drawn lady is impressive. In fact, it is awe inspiring. You draw the most beautiful faces and the touch of green on the roses really puts them front and center.

    I love your heartful Klee art. I am always in awe of your digital art and this is incredible. I will probably never understand all the layering you created, but I am totally inspired by it. Thank you beyond belief for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using my theme.

    Many of your photos today showed puddles and pools of water. It all looked so cold. I was most impressed by the ones that showed reflections, but I also enjoyed the snowdrops, too.

    1. Thanks E. It is cold and damp just now, but somehow has a beauty all of its own.

  15. Oh my gosh - I love your red lady tag. I love that you drew her, let her rest, and then dressed her up. YOur other face is so artistic and fun. Love these creations AND your fab pictures. Again, I am thrilled to come see what you are up to!

    1. Thanks Nancy! I have found a bunch of unfinished things and plan to re-create them bit by bit!

  16. Super stunning tag, and your amazing photos, love it....x

  17. Wow, my friend, this tag is such a visual! I love the bold colors and the whimsy of it - and reminds me of the masquerades from days gone by! I adore your photographs and the one with the raindrops on the branch is like WOW!

    1. Thanks. I love trying to capture the raindrops, they look so magical!

  18. Love the grey pieces in the tag, clever! And Paul came out beautiful, too.
    HA. I jump in puddles, no matter if someone watching, don´t "adult" ;-)
    That´s a lot of water indeed - and beautiful backyards. Have a great day, Iris

  19. i feel spring when I see those white flowers:)

  20. So schön deine Arbeiten es ist eine wahre Freude sie wieder zusehen und auch das Hochwasser am Rhein, das ist viel Wasser was von oben runter kommt. Es ist wie wenn es sich rumgedreht hat und wir keine Sturmflut bekommen und ihr das Wetter mit Wind und Regen bekommen habt.Die Sonne scheint seit gestern und Tolle Fotos wie es alles an fängt zu blühen!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Das Wetter ist wirklich verrückt zur Zeit. Dir auch einen schönen Tag!

  21. Beautiful taf with the ribbons feature! The Paul Klee inspired artwork makes me feel dizzy...very cool. I always love to see the first snowdrops. I went out to look for flowers in my little strip of garden and all I could find was one brave little daisy...but I sketched her.

    1. Better one daisy than none! I got dizzy trying to layer the Klee faces!

  22. It's always obvious that you have fun when you're doing your artwork. You probably had great art teachers when you were in school, who made artwork fun. Me, too. Art education has been mostly pushed aside to make more room for academic subjects in schools these days, so I wonder if kids are able to appreciate how much fun and how cathartic art can be. (I know. Another old fogey comment. HA)

    As long as I'm wearing boots so my feet don't get wet, and have a rain hat on my head, I enjoy walking in the rain, too. And yes, of course, I splash through the puddles. (And I don't care if anyone's watching or not!)

  23. Fun artwork today. I like the addition of the heart eyes to the Klee face. Everything looks so green in your area. We're in for some Winter weather tonight so it will be some time before we see flower shoots. And thanks for answering my question. 😺

    1. Thanks. The green is very intensive just now, so refreshing!

  24. Love the face art today. The second one is very cleaver. You have the same weather I have here, only we got a freeze so ice.

  25. Oooo, that choker! That feathery fascinator (I'm seeing it as a fascinator, anyway). Pretty! I love what you did with the Klee!

    This time of year reminds us where the color "spring green" gets its name :) That forsythia is coming on strong, ready for the new season :)

    1. It was meant to be a fascinator! It really is spring green here just now, I love it.

  26. Your lady tag is delightful but that Klee! Wow -- It's fabulous! Your weather is far ahead of ours. It's good motivation to keep on keeping on!

    1. Thanks Jeanie - you're right there. Keep right on to the end of the road....

  27. Beautiful art work Valerie and I am enjoying your walk in the puddles photos.

  28. Gorgeous art and photos Valerie! I love your Paul Klee inspired page
    Alison xx

  29. Another great tag and other art work. Also your photos are great and show us how wet it is with you. I have managed to get out in the garden a few times to clear away the dead growth from last year. As your fingers are not better yet I will NOT slap you on the hand for the green on the tag.(this time)
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, kind of you to refrain this time! Glad you had some fun in the garden!

  30. Valerie your tag is magnificent, she's so pretty and that red feather really adds a touch of ooh la lah!! Your transformation of Klee#s face really takes it to a new dimension, so cleverly created as if it could get any better. Magnificent.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I'm having fun with Klee just now!

  31. Fabulous tag Valerie and I love how you added the hearts to the Klee face! One good thing about the rain is that you have taken such fabulous reflection photos! Chrisx


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