Friday 21 February 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is nearly here - enjoy!
Our weather was a bit less windy today, and dry - 2 days in a row! But we have been promised another storm for the weekend. The mild temperatures have given us lots of spring flowers, and the trees are beginning to blossom and sprout their leaves. Spring has arrived about 2 weeks earlier than usual this time.

I already used the background of this painted page to make a hybrid journal page, which I showed recently. Now I have added to it  using various stencils and black acrylic paint applied with a sponge. I am getting on quite well with my left hand, but hope that I can sooner or later use my right one properly again:

This was the background beforehand:

And then I did some more digital add ons using some little hearts to make it fit the challenge at AJJ, which Elizabeth is hosting. This is the third and last variation - at least for the time being! I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

Lovely daffodils:

My windowsill garden is growing very fast:

The hyacinths on the balcony are growing, too:

It's aways lovely to see the sun after a cloudy start to the day:

The sheep are happy munching their way through the fields:

Somebody made this lovely chain from stones and hung it on a dead tree by the path:

 And today we had blue skies:

And of course, I needed a coffee:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Liebe Valerie
    wie schön mit den bunten Kreise macht richtig Spass es an zuschauen, tolles Journal!
    Ach wie schön diese Steinkette an dme alten Baum udn die Schafe mitten ind ieser schönen Wiese. Bei dir blüht auch der Frühlkign auf dem Fensterbank, so hübsch!
    Bei uns regnet immer mal wieder und sehr windig ist es schon seit gestern!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Dir auch ein gutes Wochenende und hoffentlich wird es nicht zu windig.

  2. I always love to see your sun and sheep photos, Valerie.
    Hope your right hand will be better soon, my friend.
    And what a beautiful page!!! Great background and gorgeous digital attachments. Kisses!

  3. Hi Val, good evening! LOVE your new page in both variations, great colours, too. It's been very cold and windy here, and I hope the weekend won't be as bad as they are promising! The kids want to go to the zoo. Hope you have a good weekend, take care of yourself, and hope your fingers are soon better! Hugs, Sarah

  4. I've been a real stay-at-home this winter for some reason, so I haven't been getting out to see the spring flowers. Your photos bring the outside in for me :) And those indoor potted flowers are wonderful! The chain of stones is something I've never seen. What a sweet touch!

  5. Thanks! I loved that stone chain, too. Such a great idea.

  6. Wow! You have flowers ~ not any here yet ~ That stone chain is awesome ~

    wonderful artwork and nature photography ~ love the sweet sheep ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Such a lovely way to update your original art. I like both variations you shared and was thrilled to read your left hand is practically well. I was also thrilled that you chose to share the second variation with us at Art Journal Journey using my heart theme. Those hearts went well with the flowers.

    Speaking of flowers, the ones on your windowsill are looking beautiful. It must feel like spring in your world, whether you are on your walks or whether you are relaxing at home.

    The sheep look SO happy and the path along the river finally looks dry. Hope your right hand (fingers) get well soon, too, dear.

    1. Thanks E! It's starting to look like spring here. I love watching the 🐑 sheep and listening to them munching through the fields.

  8. Lovely background and fished art. Your photos are so lovely with signs of spring. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Boy it sure is looking like spring in your parts- beautiful flowers and scenery! Love the sheep too- but I'd want to make them all my friends:) No flowers of any kind here yet but the snowdrops can't be far away... happy PPF!

    1. I love the sheep 🐑🐑🐑, always so peaceful.

  10. Fun journal page. Your windowsill garden rivals the flowers outside. The sheep are just so cute, and their field is so green! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ! We had lots of rain to make the grass so green!

  11. Two dry days in a row must seem quite heavenly, Valerie, and very welcome when you go out for your walks. Lots of colour in your window garden, and outside too. Before long it will be full-on spring in all its glory. Here too we can start to dream of green shoots poking up out of the ground once we get into March.

    1. Thanks David. I'm sure you'll be happy to see spring springing, too!

  12. A fabulous page Valerie, the black stencilling looks stunning. Lovely photos of the spring flowers in your window garden. I hope your weekend storm isn't too bad, however, there's always art on the kitchen table if it is! Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. How ever did you guess that there's always art on my kitchen table???!😁😁😁

  13. I love shades of blue and green, pretty pics♥

    1. Thanks Kinga - I love blue and green, the colours of nature.

  14. Lots of favorites today. Sheep! Flowers! Sun! No rain! And all that marvelous blue and green in your art. I feel more like spring already!

    1. Thanks. Sometimes we need to make our own spring!

  15. I love what you did with your circles! Thanks for linking up to AJJ. And I am so amazed with how springlike your photos are. We have probably close to a foot of snow on the ground-but warm weather coming. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. So much snow! Hope it soon goes and gets replaced with warmer weather for you!

  16. Fabulous colours and those photos are just glorious.xx

  17. I am so sorry to hear that you are unable to use your right hand currently. Hope you heal soon. You did a fabulous job with the left hand. What a wonderful page! Your garden is looking beautiful, lovely flowers and photos!!


  18. Yupp. Windig hier! Die Bäume sind noch "nackich".

    Schöne Quote. So positiv.
    Und Bilder, hach, das Schaf! Ohhhh.... Die Schlappohren! Als ob es denkt, "hmmm, welche Halme jetzt? So viel Auswahl!".
    Sind die süß. Und die Kette!!!
    GlG und einen schönen Tag, Iris

    1. Die Schafe sind immer so zufrieden, denken nur ans Fressen und geniessen den Augenblick. Ich besuche sie gerne!

  19. i love your post:) they are full of good energy:)

    1. Thanks Kathy. We all need good energy and not bad vibes!

  20. Lovely colors! Have a great weekend VJ

  21. Estupenda información! Que tengas feliz fin de semana! 🧡🧡🧡

  22. Really exceptional photos! Such great quality.

  23. Another beautiful post. I love the photos of the sheep. I have always wanted a lamb to watch grow.

    1. Thanks Nicole.I always love watching the 🐑sheep and lambs.

  24. Beautiful photos Valerie, and I love your circles page!
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  25. It's looking wonderful on your side of the world! Beautiful embellished page.

  26. Really love your journal page Valerie as I adore circles. Great photos too and those sheep are just gorgeous.
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. I love circles, too, and they are very calming to paint.

  27. Love these little slices of your day!! Those sheep are gorgeous!!

  28. Fabulous art pages and photos Valerie. I love the sentiment you added.
    Both versions look great and a super idea to add the digital hearts we are so happy you linked this to Art Journal Journey.
    Its good that you can be using and doing more with your left hand. I hope the fingers are not to painful and the medications are working.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Have a good start in the new week.

  29. Beautiful art ~ sheep & flowers! ~ Happy signs of Spring ~

    1. Thanks, the signs of spring always make me happy!

  30. Hi, I found you on Marmelade Gypsy's blog. You have a fine camera and steady hands. Beautiful photos. I lived in Munich (Dec 1969-Feb 1970) and had a good time.

    1. Thanks a lot! Munich is a great town, used to love visiting there!

  31. Hi Valerie,
    Just a question, could you email me at -
    Hugs, Avril xx

  32. I love your page Valerie, those stencils are just perfect for it! You really do seem to be having Spring there, we just have mud at the moment and fallen trees, then you get a patch of brave snowdrops and it really cheers you up! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Too true, the first snowdrops always make me happy.

  33. Valerie I'm so envious of your flowers!!! And I love the sheep photos! Your "awesome" piece is awesome! :)) I hope your right hand heals well and soon!

  34. Love your art.
    Always nice to see flowers inside the home and out!
    Those blue skies in your photographs are so good to see … roll on Spring.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. Blue skies and flowers make me happy.

  35. Daffodiles are so pretty! Love the words on your works☺

  36. Love those sheepies and the stone necklace for the tree. I've seen daffodils blooming here. My hyacinth got snowed on so I'm not sure I'm going to have blooms this year.
    You certainly are awesome.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Hope your hyacinth blooms! they are very tough!

  37. your photos and your sense of good taste are so cool:)

  38. At Iris' urging I came to see the black swans, but I found sheep ... And those are beautiful, especially since I have them as neighbors!
    The stone chain on the old tree are also very beautiful!
    But the weekend is over and today is Monday already, so I wish you a nice new week!

    1. Hi Ella, thanks for visiting! The black swans are on my previous post!

  39. Also came from Iris's blog. Nice art and beautiful flowers. The stone chain is quite pretty. Have a nice week.

  40. Beautiful page! The chain of stones looks amazing, what a great find 😀. The blue skies look stunning too, we've had some sunny days too but it's still very windy. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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