Friday 24 January 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

We've had some very cold and grey days here, with frost and mist, one day with sun and the others just grey and grey and....grey. So I'm waiting for the sun to show itself again. I know our 1° C is nothing compared to the temps some of you have to put up with in other lands, but it still feels cold!
I try to walk very quickly when I'm out, and of course, a hot coffee now and then to warm up helps, too!

Today I have I tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday, winter scenes. I used an image from the Graphics Fairy as background, and the other elements are from Serif and me:

You still have a couple of days to join in! (Hope keeps me going!!)

I love taking frosty pics in the early morning:

The frosty fields by the Rhine and no one out and about:

The pollard willows are being capped:

Rust and frost is a beautiful combination:

Sunshine makes everything look better:

Today we walked most of the way into town along the Rhine and were thankful for hot cappuccino:

Although it was just 1°C, this chap was out walking in shorts and no socks....
Nathalie took the photo: 

And on the way home we saw this huge head by the Rhine. Although I often walk along here I've never noticed it before.... 

My post is a bit shorter than usual, my fingers are playing up again Big Time.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ja, kalt und grau, immerhin trotzdem 15 km geschafft heute :-)
    Nagut, auch mit drinnen-Training!
    Schöne Quote.
    "Coole" Fotos.
    Woah. Manche (Männer) haben kein Gefühl für Kälte!
    Ach, Mist mit den Fingern - es muss doch mal bergauf gehen! Ales Gute!
    Trotz allem ein schönes WE für dich, GlG, Iris

  2. Thanks Laurie, frost is always beautiful, Just cold!

  3. Hi Val, another lovely post. Love the pretty tag, so sweet with the fairy and the birds and mouse. Nice photos, too. Perhaps that chap had ha a lot to drink and felt warm....I wouldn't have liked to be outside today with shorts and bare legs, that's for sure! The frosty and rusty pics are wonderful! We're off to Mum's tomorrow, she hasn't been well this week, so we'll try to cheer her up a bit. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  4. Lovely tag Valerie, I enjoyed your frost photos, the sun always makes life better when it is so cold.

  5. Your tag art creation is absolutely stunning and wonderful nature photography ~ That head sculpture I think would be hard to miss ~ Lovely post and photos ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka ( A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. I don't know how I have missed it so far!

  6. Lovely tag. I think it's wonderful you go out for walks every day and take such great photos. Have a great weekend.

  7. There is no question that frost adds a little magic to any scene, lending a bejewelled appearance almost. And a hot coffee during or after a brisk walk is always welcome.

  8. Right, ☕ coffee and frost go well together.

  9. Ein wunderschönes Tag hast du gemacht, ach deine Finger tun wieder mehr weh, ja mein Schatz hat auch Probleme mit diesme feuchten Wetter was ständig bei uns herrscht. Da wünsche ich dir hoffentlich wieder bald Besserung. Es wirkt kühler auch bei 1 Grad wenns so feucht ist. Tolle Fotos hast du mit gebracht und schüttle nur dne Kopf so rum zu laufen dieser Mann.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. Hi Valerie :)) Your frosty photos give me a chill! But I do love how frost sits atop of green fields, that photo is just lovely. That guy is 1 degree weather, I'm already wearing my snow pants lol! :) Your fairy art is so pretty!!!

    1. I think you would find our weather almost warm after being used to your frigid temps!

  11. Very pretty tag and sentiment. The frost photos are eerily beautiful, but I’d rather have the warmer temps.

  12. Beautiful tag and lovely wintry photos. Sorry about those fingers.

  13. I think our temperatures are about the same right now. Love the wintery tag-it is a peaceful view. And I also really like the frosty photos too. Frost is really photogenic. But shorts, it would be a little too chilly for those I think. But some people seem to wear them all the time. Have a great weekend Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those bare legs, brrrrrrrrr!

  14. Beautiful tag Valerie!
    The sun on the frost is lovely.
    Enjoyed your walk and, yes, the coffee would be so welcome in that weather especially!
    Appreciating your post and hope your fingers behave soon xx

  15. I started a winter tag, but never finished it. Guess I should get it finished or it won't get posted in time. Love what YOU made. You always make great art, even when you are hurting. Wish those fingers felt better.

    Great photos today. Not sure which I enjoyed more, the swans or the rust and frost. OK, rust and frost because I HOPE your blog banner will stick around for awhile (grin). Feel better soon, PLEASE.

    1. I thought you might like the rusty ones! That place is just along the road where I live.

  16. Now it looks more like winter your part of the world...beautiful post and oh those fingers, keep them warm and get better.xx

  17. I'm so sorry your fingers are still bothering you :( I'm impressed by your frost photos! So clear!

  18. Such a sweet tag! I'm loving those frosty photos, they look so amazing 😁. We have had frost here too which is unusual with us living by the sea! Although it doesn't seem to be stopping the spring flowers peeping up in the flower beds. Wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  19. Fantanstic tag Valerie !! I love this beautiful scene! I like very much your so lovely photographs of frosty fields and nature, they are just amazing. Thanks so much for sharingt them with us. So glad to read your finger are better.
    I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugsss,

  20. I see the frost you've got out there! Here instead, until yesterday, looked like was spring time :)

  21. Your tag is very sweet and I love the frosty pix. But take care of your hand first. We'll be glad to suck up all the beauty you share, but you don't have to share it all in a post or take too many pix or overuse you hand. Be gentle so you can heal.

  22. Its a lovely winters tag Valerie and I think the frosty photos look fantastic although I think I will stay in the house and keep warm on days like this.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Love the tag. The background is wonderful. Love your photos.

    Live, Hugs and Blessings

  24. Take care of your fingers, Valerie!
    I llllllove your beautiful tag! I am a huge fan of Graphics Fairy image and I love how you created the scene. And I admire your photos in the sunshine. Rust and frost are really a gorgeous combination!
    Around 17 C degrees in Greece! Kisses!

  25. I love your sweet tag today Valerie. The image is so cute. Your weather sounds much like ours though there was a mention of snow coming next week! Not a fan at all but you do get gorgeous photos of the ice. Your nature journey today is just amazing. Happy trails.

  26. A lovely winter tag Valerie, such a sweet image. I loved seeing your frosty photos, our weather is mainly grey with the odd bit of sunshine thrown in but quite mild, very little frost. Hope your fingers are better today.
    Avril xx

  27. Hola Valerie! Eres muy valiente por hacer fotografías del campo helado,son magníficas👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Me ha encantado el tag también con paisaje invernal y nevado.


  28. Lovely frosty pics and a beautiful tag Valerie! xx

  29. What a very sweet tag Valerie, and those frosty photos are beautiful. We've had some frosty weather too but I've not been out in my shorts lol. Have a fun week, Sue x

    1. I believe you! You missed your chance for a sensational appearance!

  30. Just love your tag here Valerie.
    I so agree with you a walk in the frost and sunshine is so uplifting, and you've taken some wonderful photographs again.
    But brrr! A little too chilly for shorts!

    Sending healing wishes to you, and hope the new week ahead brings you good things.

    All the best Jan

  31. Another wonderous tag and glorious pictures. I especially like the horses in the warm sunglow. So sorry about your fingers. That makes life so challenging.
    Hey, they've started putting some of your old reviews on the US sites. Thanks a million. Very helpful.

  32. Hi Valerie, i'm sure the cold isn't helping your poor fingers. I hope you wear some warm gloves when you go walking & not your shorts hee hee.. reminds me of my MIL postman, he wears shorts all seasons. Your tag is a beautiful winter scene, like you we have had grey frosty mornings and a dip in temperature again forecast for the next few days but if I was to see such beautiful things like the frost upon rust, I think i could live with it a little longer. Sending warm hugs your way, will catch up with you in the week Tracey xx

  33. i see coffee and and want to drink it ;p

  34. Oh, the tag is incredibly cute! Have a lovely week☺

  35. Precioso blog, te sigo desde España. Saludos Valerie

  36. Such a sweet Tag..loving the frosty photos..x

  37. A lovely combination of images for the tag - the building in the background is beautiful, and the little fairy is very sweet. I loved the frosty photos - we've had one of the warmest winters ever... there's only been one morning even close to frosty so far. It feels very strange. At least I can enjoy the frost here in your photos.
    Alison x


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