Monday 13 January 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I got a lot of walking done. On Saturday we had dry and sunny weather and I walked good 21 kilometers and it was great. On Sunday it was a case of walking in the rain, but that wasn't bad either with my new umbrella to accompany me. My fingers are healing, for which I'm very thankful. I felt bad that I moaned about having to take cortisone, as there are so many people in this world who have no access to doctors and medicine, and their situation is so much worse. 

At Tag Tuesday we are starting a new challenge, this time hosted by our lovely DT member Michele, who has chosen the them of 'winter scenes'. You have 2 weeks to join our challenge, and tags of all formats, 'real', digital or hybrid are welcome. Michele has created 3 lovely tags to inspire you, and you can see them on our blog. Hope to see lots of people joining in this time. I have an altered photo tag, using a photo taken some years back when we actually had some winter! It shows the way leading past the castle ruins, and always reminds me of Narnia, especially in snow. I added Erika in her winter finery, and a photo of my husband when he was about 18 months old, together with his much loved toy dog. The shadowy people are from Serif:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who come by. As always I have been fueling my walks with coffee, my motor oil, to keep me going:

I discovered some beautiful cups and mugs in one of the stores:

On one evening I went to the snack-bar with Nathalie for a meal and we drank cola with our meal:

The sheep were grazing at the Rhine:

January flowers in a neighbour's garden:

I walked through the fields and through the castle gardens and village at Kalkum:

There's a cormorant perched up on the tower:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

There were hundreds of swallows enjoying themselves in the trees at Kalkum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Why did the chicken cross the road. Ha Ha.
    I love your tag!
    Have a great one.

  2. I´m so happy you feel a little bit better Valerie, I hope you´ll completely recover soon. I have to say that I loove your wonderful tag, the image is gorgeous, and I like very much the details you added, Erika and your hubby boy are so tender.
    I have also enjoyed your walks, the photographs are very beautiful, love the sheep. Happy T-day ! Sun here today :)
    I wish you a very nice day, and send big hugs,

  3. Hi Val, hope your week got off to a good start. Love the header and your tag, and the chicken crossing the road, too funny! Love how you altered the photo for your tag. Nice pics of your walks, as always. Have a great afternoon, it's raining here so I'm going to put my feet up! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Good morning, so happy your hands are feeling better-I complain too about taking steroids-only thing that works when my asthma gets too bad-bad stuff for the body but it does do wonders for healing.
    You have the neatest servings of your coffee-always so beautifully made. and I loved seeing all of those cups.
    You have amazing places to walk-always new things to view-would love that-I would love seeing those sheep in the fields.
    Happy Monday and Happy T Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! I love the sheep, too, saw a huge flock today on the other side of the Rhine.

  5. A lovely tag Valerie, the photo looks wonderful with the added people.
    Lovely photos from your walks and I'm pleased your fingers are feeling better.
    Have a good week,
    Avril xx

  6. The tag is adorable with the sweet little ones. Glad to hear your fingers are healing and your walking miles is impressive. While you were showing off your cappuccinos, I was lusting after the pastry in the cases in the background. I enjoyed your walk pictures. Wow, those chickens sure are colorful. Happy T Day

    1. I'm always happy that the pastries are separated from me by a glass case, it is sometimes very tempting indeed, and on Saturday I had a Danish filled with vanilla pudding cream, yesssssssssssssss!It was the last one of it's sort and looked so lonely....

  7. Love the tag. Some lovely photos again. Glad your fingers are improving.x

  8. So glad your fingers are healing! Beautiful tag and flowers in January, unreal!

    1. Indeed, never seen irises blooming in January before!

  9. I love your new header photo with chickens. I love those ceramic mugs etc with the animal imagery on. I think your tag is beautiful!! I'd love a cup of that delicious looking coffee..

    1. Thanks June, those chickens are really gorgeous with their wonderful feathers, and they roam freely all day, so they're happy chickens.

  10. Twenty-one kilometres is a serious walk! I doubt that I could do that any more. You must have a healthy budget for footwear!

    1. I got 2 pairs of boots for my birthday, it's good to have good friends and good boots!

  11. Piękny spacer . Kubki porcelanowe naprawdę śliczne . Smacznej kawy życzę:)

  12. I'm glad your fingers are improving. The coffee places look like fun, and I'd be tempted by the mug with the chicken on it :) Maybe the chicken crossed the road to look at that mug ;) It looks almost like spring there!

  13. Great walking … well done :)
    So nice seeing the flowers, that iris is blooming so well.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  14. Glad to hear your fingers are improving Valerie and it's ok to have a moan now and then so long as we pick ourselves up dust off!! Wow your tag really does feel like Narnia! Loving your chicken photos and header!! Enjoy your week.

  15. I love your blog so much - its a refreshing trip down memory lane! From the Rhine to the signature German houses (white with wood) I am just smitten! LOVE the tag - such a winter wonderland! Just lovely details. Looks like a nice walk around as well - yummy coffee!

  16. I can't believe your neighbor has flowers in January!

    So glad that your fingers are improving and your walking is great. I really love today's image.

  17. I'm so pleased you are feeling a bit better and have less painful fingers.
    The photos from the latest walks are lovely and flowers in bloom at this time of the year is so good to see, yet you wonder what the weather has in store for us next.
    Your coffee always looks inviting, you have some lovely looking cafes to stop for your breaks.
    Fabulous tags with beautiful winter scenes.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Lovely art work once again Valerie. You have some wonderful looking cafes for your coffee breaks. You would need a break after all that walking! Great walk photos, I hope the chicken crossed the road safely 😁😁

  19. Happy your hands are feeling better.
    Your tag is absolutely stunning!
    Such wonderful photos...always 💮

  20. Schön dass es deine Finger wieder besser geht!
    Wunderschön so romantisch dein Schneemotiv und dein Spaziergang war sehr schön bei den Tieren udn im Cafe. Nur gut dass das Wetter gut war und von an fnag an geregent hatte. Dein Header ist süss!
    Heute war ich auch mal so richtig wieder radeln und am Strand mit Sonnenschein.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  21. Beautiful wintry tag, Valerie. I love how you blended in the photo of your hubby as a toddler. Great quote too.

    Those V & B mugs are certainly unique, but they don't look practical. On the other hand, I love the retro Coca-cola glasses.

    I enjoyed the sights you saw as you walked through Kalkum.

    I'm so glad you're doing better.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. The 'retro glasses' have been there for years, I don't think there's ever anything new, but it's a cosy sort of place!

  22. Beautiful card, gorgeous photos and yummy coffee.xx

  23. ooh I love your wintry vignette Valerie!! Glad your fingers are doing better.
    Look at all those super looking mugs! Don't think i could've walked away without at least one;)
    Beautiful photos of your coffee and walk through Kalkum, another charming looking town. Happy T day!

    1. I left them there, the prices were unfortunately very high!

  24. Uhhhh are you chicken? ;-)
    Wow, ist der Banner-Hahn farbenprächtig!

    Ein bittersüßes Tag.

    Nanu? Ein Feuerlöscher bei den Tassen?! Interessant... oder beängstigend?
    Eher Ersteres, es ist ja wie du sagst. Wir haben Medikamente und Feuerlöscher, dafür muss man dankbar sein!

    Schafe, ohhh, die liebe ich. Schöne Fotos! Happy T-day! Und GlG, Iris

  25. Lovely art and wonderful photos Valerie! Our daffodils are coming up, I can't wait to see some colour in our garden.
    Alison xx

  26. You surprised us with soda on this T day. Glad you included the cup of coffee or I might think something is wrong-hee-hee. And I love the wintery tag. You certainly don't have any inspiration around you though if there are irises blooming. Have a wonderful T day-and hope it is going ell so far. Hugs-Erika

  27. My sincere apologies. As your host, I knew I had to show up for T, but it took everything I had to climb out of bed. I am running a fever of 101.8 F (38.8 C). I appreciate you sharing your drink with us this T Tuesday. Love those mugs stacked high.

  28. Beautiful wintry tag! The snowy scene looks lovely with your additions 😀. Nice to see the coffee but those cakes caught my eye in the background, maybe I could have one with my cuppa 😉. That's was such a lovely walk too. Take care and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  29. I'm glad your fingers are a bit better.
    You sure walk a lot! But I can see why. The area is so beautiful.
    Oh yes, those mugs are gorgeous! I love the Villeroy&Boch ones, but they probably cost a fortune.
    Your tag is very pretty and I love the quote. It is very true. That is why we settled in inland Spain. We have cold winters here.
    You ask why the chicken crossed the road? The answer is in my last Friday's blogpost, at the bottom amongst the funnies. (well, my funny was about a hen, and yours is a cockerel, so that won't work...)
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks, I had a look at the funnies, and they are funny! I especially liked 'Denise' and 'Denephew'

  30. That is one pretty chicken!! Glad to know your fingers are healing. I do love your walks!
    Sandy xx

  31. Stunning tag!
    Thanks for taking us on your walk, you have such beautiful countryside to walk in.
    Happy to hear you are getting some relief from the pain in your hands.
    Happy T-day and thank you for your lovely comment this week.

  32. A sweet tag. Wow, a huge walk! Love all your photos xx

  33. Beautiful tag and great photos. Love those mugs, what fab designs.
    Hugs Wendy

  34. I think I have to double my efforts to join in with a tag after seeing the fabulous inspiration here and on TT blog! Your coffees all look very different and in lovely cafes too! Love that pile of expensive looking mugs! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  35. Your tag is lovely. I'm sorry to hear you had to take cortisone for your finger injuries. Just because you might have "better medical treatment options than others in the world" doesn't make your pain and suffering any less. Anyone with physical ailments, big or small, deserves sympathy. Your cappuccinos look delicious. I like those colorful mugs, especially the cat. Lovely landscape and architecture photos. I can't believe you have flowers blooming in January: wow! Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne! Flowers in January is really something new. Daisies are blooming everywhere, too.

  36. What an awesome photo on your tag..and as always fab photos on your blog.That cormorant is a long way up isn't he, obviously getting a bird's eye view,lol...xx

  37. I LOVE your tag, it's such a fabulous view,especially with the snow, and the family photographs and shadow people are spot on! It looks Springlike in your photographs, maybe we'll get away with a mild Winter this year, but it could just be trying to fool us lol. Take care, Sue xx

  38. a beautiful tag with a great quote! xo

  39. Ein tolles tag
    und schöne Bilder.


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