Tuesday 28 January 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Where does the time go? January is almost over, and there are never enough hours in the day. We're 'enjoying' some wild, wet and windy weather but milder days are in sight and then it will feel like spring again - crazy weather!
Today I am sharing an A2 - 17" x 24" - hybrid piece. The background circles were painted some time back at Art Group - I like to use up leftover paint! The grungy blue background was added with a sponge and my left hand. The leaf was torn from a garden-centre prospect, magicked into my graphics programme and digitally cut out. After that I digitally changed the colours and textures. I have also made it into a digital punch and stamp so I can use it again. I am linking to Jo's 'something new' challenge at Art Journal Journey
and to TIOT - colourful grunge or white space. The quote is important for me as I am having to go new ways and try new methods just now. I have also bought  left handed scissors and am learning to cut with them:

Also linking to Cathy's Wild Wednesdays

The shop windows are filling up with spring fashions and decorations:

I worked in this building for 2 years when I first came to Germany. I had to take a job while the school offices were checking my qualifications, which really took them 2 years, although I had all my papers officially translated into German. Then a got a call from them to say that they had a position as teacher for me and could I start the next day....I started after the summer holidays!
I enjoyed my time at Thyssen Steel Union. Our offices were on the 6th floor, and the canteen at the top, so we used to walk up the stairs before lunch to work up an appetite!

I walked through Hofgarten to visit the birds:

The swan swam quicker than I could take the photo:

Beautiful reflections on the lakes:

And this evening as I came home from the doctor's I saw the moon and Venus twinkling at me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a great creation, love the words, so true. Love all your photos. Have evening. x

  2. Hi Val, good evening! This is yet another lovely post. Great art and no one would guess you are having difficulties, well done! Great photos, too, especially the reflections and the moon pics, so beautiful. I cannot imagine walking up all those stairs, wow! Have a nice evening and look after yourself. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks. I don't think I would manage so many stairs today!

  3. Wow you are amazing with the digital work Valerie!! I want to reach out and touch that imaginary texture!! Stunning photos today. Wow how tall is that building!!

  4. Thanks Pinky. I prefer 'real' crafting but digital is big fun, too.

  5. Great way to use up paint! I like the way it turned out. Maybe you'll become ambidextrous if you learn to use your left hand better...it may just be serendipity! Lovely photos of the birds. Love those leaves and the 'white space' you left to draw the eye... the quote is really good and obviously apt for you, personally. I don't have a clue what happened to your hand but I'll look around a little after leaving my comment. Great idea to create a digital 'punch', too - they would look good in patterns and colours.
    Thank you for sharing with Try it on Tuesday, Valerie. If appropriate, I hope you regain the use of your hand soon - or your work pays off and you're able to use your left more easily.
    Cath x

    1. Thanks Cath. I hope and trust my hand will get better, but I want to learn how to use my left hand better to cover all possibilities!

  6. I love seeing these photos and learning about parts of your life. And that quote is brilliant. Have you tried the pan pastels? Using the sponges, it isn't as fine a work as writing or cutting. I'm so sorry you are more or less forced to do this but it is also a great and exciting challenge and possibly one we should all try to broaden our skills.

    1. Yes, I have a few pan pastels, they are good. And learning new things can't hurt!

  7. This is a beautiful entry for Art Journal Journey, dear Valerie. Your digitally altered art is absolutely stunning. I can see you already shaping a new pathway and I love what you have already accomplished. This entry is amazing and absolutely perfect for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I love the photo with the black swan in it (as if you didn't know I'd spot it) and the first reflection. That reminds me of the paint flow technique that was so popular a few months ago. I bet it would make a fabulous background, too.

  8. Beautiful art work Valerie, love what you did with your leaf photo. The night photos are amazing too.you climbed a lot of stairs at your job there!! How long have you lived in Germany Valerie?

    1. Thanks. I've lived here since 1972, a long time!

  9. The leaves in your artwork are so bright and colourful, Valerie. I find them uplifting in a way. And the fact that you continue to feature birds on your blog of course elevates you to the ethereal realms of bloggerdom. I hope that your fingers are at least a little better.

    1. Thanks David. Birds make me happy! I am hopeful that by tomorrow the meds will make an improvement. The chaotic weather just now is not helpful.

  10. This is a fabulous page Valerie and shows how you are not going to let your finger problems stop you from creating beautiful art. The quote you used is wonderful and appropriate for many of us.
    I am so happy you linked this to Try it on Tuesdays as well as Art journal Journey.
    Great photos and oh gosh those stairs you faced each day until you got the teaching call. You all must have been so fit or tired out when you got into your work.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks, we were all in our 20s and fit and healthy!

  11. Valerie, I'm so sorry if my comments seemed insensitive...I found your blog entry about the lupus. Poor you - I know what it's like not to be able to use your hand. I sincerely hope it heals fast and you won't have to take the cortisone for too long. Hands are the worst things to lose the use of. My heart goes out to you.
    Cath x

  12. Not at all, Cath - thanks for your good wishes and interest. This is often a bad time of year but it will get better sooner or later. It's just hard during a flare up.

  13. Beautiful art and photos today! Nice memories too.

    1. Thanks, it was a fun time doing something completely different!

  14. Nice quote on the hybrid piece. My uncle owned a steel distribution plant where steel was cut into various shapes, plates, rings, and made into wire. I worked for him for two years and ran the computer room. Our building was a small office with a large warehouse. Nice to see the Spring fashions. I enjoyed the walk through the Hofgarten and all the birds. Very cool picture of the crescent moon and Venus, too.

    1. I love taking moon and planet shots. Such a thrill to see them together with the naked eye.

  15. Great pics and love the gorgeous artwork.xx

  16. SchÜne Arbeit. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich mit links präzise schneiden kÜnnte, auch nicht mit der entsprechenden Schere, Respekt!
    Tolle Farben und ja, die Quote macht Mut.
    Tolle Fassade mit dem Schwung.
    2 Jahre??!!! Was ist das denn?! Aber ähnliches ist mir mit meinem Job auch passiert. 29. April beworben, 01. Mai ist Feiertag, 02. Mai Start - wir sind ja flexibel... (aber... Kßndigungsfrist?)
    Wow, das ist aber schon Sport mit den Treppen!!
    Dir einen schĂśnen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Links zu schneiden ist sehr schwer, muss viel Ăźben! Und die MĂźhlen der Stadt scheinen sehr langsam zu mahlen....Bin froh dass ich heute nur auf der 2. Etage wohne, aber ich laufe immer alle Treppen von der U-Bahn als Sport!

  17. I like those leaves on your art piece. They are stunning in their simplicity and how they really stand out on top of those dots. And I enjoyed the branch reflections in the water and your story about when you were waiting for a teaching job. That building is a lot of stories tall so you must have had an appetite at the top. Smile. Happy mid-week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's fun to think back on fun times in the past, I wouldn't want to climb so many steps today! The 54 steps here down and up to the laundry room is enough!

  18. You recognized Venus. I'm impressed. I think my pick today is the first reflections shot.
    Love the blues and the saying in your piece.
    Sending all kinds of positive energy for your fingers.

    1. Thanks Sweetie! That reflection shot was my big fave, too💖😁

  19. As always, your pictures are extraordinary! Loved them all - beautifully designed buildings - love the reflection in the water. You have a wonderful eye for design Valerie!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. I enjoy taking pics of my surroundings.

  20. Valerie,

    Your night shots are nice. I love how in the close up shot the moon looks so feathery soft! The trees reflections on the water almost looks like an abstract painting, don't you think? That swan is gorgeous! Retailers push seasonal merchandise in and out all too quickly. They began here right after Christmas marking winter apparel down in price to make way for spring. When our children were at home, I liked this because I could buy some nice garments at a fraction of the cost and with growing kids that was a huge help. Your artwork is cheery and vibrant for this gray winter day. I'm ready for spring's return. It'll be here soon enough I suppose. Thanks for visiting today. See ya tomorrow, my dear!

    1. Thanks Cathy! That tree reflection was really wonderful. Same here with the retailers. I always wait for the sales to go shopping. I'm looking forward to spring, too. Till tomorrow!

  21. Yes, strange weather! I like those Spring jackets in the shop windows :) That park is a lovely bird-watching spot, and your photos of the reflections in the water are entrancing! I also admire your stunning photos of the night sky.

    1. That shop alwAys had pretty clothes. Glad you like the night sky shots!

  22. This is such a fab piece Valerie. I love these bold colours, and the quote is perfect. Those Spring clothes look so pretty, it's still Winter coat weather here, but at least it's stopped snowing. Take care, Sue xx

  23. So beautiful page and lovely photos.

  24. Such a fabulous quote and the page you created has such a peaceful quality to it - beautiful 😀. The lake reflection photos are stunning and I enjoyed the shop window displays too. Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon! Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey again! Hugs, Jo x

    1. ... thanks for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday too! Jo ❤ x

  25. I need to stop commenting on blogs while I have my breakfast. I keep forgetting to mention a big thank you for joining us at TIOT. Glad you joined us. Hugs-Erika

  26. What a strong picture you have painted for us. I love those bold colours and the texture on the leaves.
    As for the photographs, thank you for the journey - what a gorgeous curve there is to the windows of the department store and the two pictures of the reflections on the lake would make beautiful backgrounds. I can just imagine colouring the first one in in different shades of blue or green.
    Beautiful photography reminding me of a favourite place.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  27. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! I love the reflections!
    Alison xx

  28. I'm very late with my catch up (but better late than never!) A fabulous page Valerie and a very apt quote for many folks. Loved the photograph of the reflections on the lake and wow - all those stairs, you certainly would have enjoyed lunch after that.
    Avril x
    p.s. Thanks for sharing at TioT


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