Tuesday 21 January 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! The weather has been very changeable here. Yesterday we had fog all day, today it was very cold and frosty but sunny, and great for walking. But in our region there's still no sign of a 'real' winter, at least not yet! Thanks to those who asked about my fingers. It's getting better, but too slowly for my taste, and some days it's a question of 2 steps forward and one back. I know, I'm impatient!

Today I am sharing the second piece I started last week at art group. (50 cm x 36 cm) I cut up a calendar picture of one of Willie Baumeister's pop-art pieces. You can see more images of his work here. I love his colourful and varied work.
I cut the image into strips of various thicknesses with the cutting machine -  I still can't use scissors, and then made a loose weave of them. I tried to let some strips stand out more than others. I added some blue cord which I threaded through the weaving and some red triangles which were flying about in my bit box. Nathalie was visiting me as I finished it and she chose the 2 words. Perhaps someday there will a story to it! Anyway, I am happy that I managed something!

This is the original calendar page:

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Jo's theme of 'something new', and to
TIOT, white space or colourful grunge and Cathy's Wednesday challenge.

Last Thursday the sheep were on our side of the Rhine here, so I enjoyed visiting them on my way to art group:

I went for an evening walk along the Rhine after  the group and enjoyed the beautiful colours:

This little group was enjoying some beer sitting round the fire:

The restaurant at the Old Ferry looked inviting:

Even the main road looked nice well lit up:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, I love your woven piece, I think I like yours better than the original. Nice that Nathalie chose the words. Lovely photos, too, those sheep are gorgeous. And your evening walk was enchanting. Have a nice evening, and let your fingers rest! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you have a good evening, too! I rest my fingers as much as I can!

  2. Love the finished piece, very striking. What a beautiful day, love the sunset photos.

  3. Beautiful art work, very clever idea, nice Nathalie helped out too. Lovely evening walk photos.

  4. Beautiful piece and lovely photos today. Missing winter is not so bad!

  5. Your nighttime shots are quite gorgeous, Valerie. Now we have to have a serious talk about pictures of sheep and no Canada Geese. This verges on treason! You may have to be impeached along with you know who!

    1. Sorry, more geese to follow next time....the geese always leave when the sheep are grazing, but the crows and gulls seem to enjoy the pickings!

  6. Those colors are amazing and you created a really cool and modern piece of art. I like Nathalie's 2 words. I wonder what the story will be. And nice sights on your walk. Hope the fingers just keep going forward and your weather is good for your walks. Hugs-Erika

  7. Love this woven design on your ah so gorgeously coloured project...lovely photos too.xx

  8. Beautiful paper weaving Valerie. So striking! Really sorry to hear about your finger problem and hoping they recover more speedily. Gorgeous photos too and we also have very cold and frosty but sunny weather.
    Fliss xx

  9. Das ist super geworden!
    Besonders dafür dass es mit den Fingern leider noch nicht so klappt. Gute - und schnelle! - Besserung von hier.
    Süß wie das eine Schaf guckt :-)
    Sehr schöne Farben zum Tagesende. Einen schönen Tag dir, GlG, Iris

    1. Danke! Die Schafe sehen immer so süß aus, ich freue mich immer wenn sie hier sind.

  10. Kind of you to offer, but snow does look best on pictures and postcards from afar!

  11. *Wow* ist das grossartig geworden von dieser Kalenderseite und suchen story draus gebastelt!
    Ich liebe es ich habe schon wieder so viel im Kopf zum malen und basteln austüfteln, mir langt meine Zeit nicht und Moment viel unterwegs wegen dem Rentenantrag von meinem Schatz da ist man dne ganzen Tag unterwegs bis zur nächsten Ortschaft mit dem Zug, ja das ist Norddeutschland die Wege wie suchen so werdet ihr finden *lach*.
    Die schöne Fotos wieder von den Schafen und der Abendstimmung ach herrlich Valerie!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Ja, Rentenanträge sind nicht ohne. Mindestens ist das Gebäude hier nicht so schwer zu erreichen! Viel Glück noch!

  12. Hi Valerie, i'm here at last making an early call just incase the eye sight fades. That's a striking piece you've shared today, it's as if the string acts as a pulley to those flag like shapes. It would be so clever to add a story within it from the start word to the finish. I love to go back and add things to older art works of mine.
    We have had some cooler days this past week but it's still not like the winters I remember as a child where the ground would be frozen for weeks on end with frost all day long, I think the birds are very confused by it all.
    I hope those fingers get better soon, is it the same problem as last? So frustrating for you but you've managed to be so creative I see from all your colourful artwork.
    Sending hugs your way, take care lovely Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Thanks for sticking by me, always appreciated x

    1. Thanks so much Tracey, hope your Migraine leaves you soon.


  13. Very interesting job. I like this direction in art. I read with great interest about Willie Baumeister. Have a nice day :)

    1. Glad you read the articles, he was a fantastic artist.

  14. Wow, such a beautiful abstract piece! The weaving looks amazing with the bright colours against the white - perfect 😁. Both the sheep and evening views of the Rhine look wonderful too! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday and for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Such colorful artwork, and great pictures too! Hugs, RO

  16. I like the bold colors and the weaving of your piece. Like a map. As always, I enjoy the pictures you take along your walks especially the pictures of the sky. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks. The sky is always so fascinating, always changing and wonderful to take photos of it!

  17. I love your colourful woven page, and those red triangles really give it lots of dynamism and action as arrows. Beautiful skyscapes as always - we've had the same changeable weather and, until the last couple of days, unseasonably warm too... the birds, squirrels and plants all definitely think it's spring already!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I'm having fun with making these collages just now.

  18. I love the weaving, the arrows, the color, the way you included the blue cords... I think the original piece is striking, too :) I'm finding all those sheep amazing!

  19. Once again I'm playing catch up and loving this beautiful art. It's incredible and I love what you did with that calendar page. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Love your wonderful photos, but was saddened to read you are not getting well as quickly as you feel you should.

  20. I love those vivid colors, very pretty!

  21. Being able to see these shots first hand would just make my heart swell and even looking at the pictures makes me happy:)
    Love the piece. Hope those fingers feel better today than yesterday and even better tomorrow.

  22. Love your new paper weaving piece Valerie, great colours and shapes! Nice photos too! X

  23. And let me also say Thanks for joining us at Try It On Tuesday also! This page works perfect.

  24. super schöne bilder,besonders die bilder wo die sonne untergeht,gefallen mir!
    die mäusebilder sind putzig.
    natürlich gefallen mir deine seiten auch sehr gut.
    einen schönen tag wünsch ich dir noch.

    hugs jenny

  25. Another fabulous woven page, it would look good on display, better than many abstract pieces I have seen recently.
    Lovely photos Valerie and so pleased you linked to Jo's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, so glad you like it. It's about all I can manage just now, but it's fun!

  26. I really love your paper weaving piece. Very striking and beautiful. And I am such a fan of sheep. I love them! So seeing them here (in green, no less!!!) -- big smiles from Michigan!

  27. Gorgeous bright project Valerie, I love your paper weaving! Beautiful photographs too, those sheep look so happy! Take care, Sue xx

  28. Fabulous paper weaving piece, Valerie. Plus a great workaround for your poor healing fingers. I think I like yours better than the Willie Baumeister original. Good words too, thanks to Nathalie. Now I'm wondering what the story should/will be.

    The sheep and evening photos are very restful. Maybe I was countng the sheep, because I feel like I should go lie down and rest.

    Sending healing restful thoughts your way. Eileen xx

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