Thursday 16 January 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Ice and Jagged

Hi Everybody!

We had strange weather for January here again - 14°, part cloudy, part Sunny and very windy. I decided to walk along the Rhine to Düsseldorf . It's about
10 kilometer , so not too far, and I enjoyed it very much. And I enjoyed my cappuccino at the bakery when I reached my destination!

Today Rain has given us 2 themes - ice and jagged. Difficult. We haven't had any ice and snow this year yet, so I have no new photos to show. Good that Pexels always have so many brilliant ones!

My first piece is a tag made for Michele's theme at Tag Tuesday - winter scenes. The image used is from Gecko Galz. Other elements are from me, Mischief Circus and Serif:

Some altered photos taken in cold and icy times using added elements from Serif:

And in this one Erika and Peter are back again:

Some Pexel photos:

And some summer ice:

In summer we had a freak hailstorm, my balcony was covered in large pieces of ice:

My fave ice last summer - bitter choc - sooooooooooooooo good!

' Ice doesn't have a lot of vitamins, that's why we need to eat more of it'

My second fave in the ice stakes last summer - lemon with basil:

The end!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Well done with this icy theme Valerie, I love those snowdrops which I have never seen in real life.

    1. Thanks! They are small but beautiful, and bring hope that winter will soon be over!

  2. As always, I love your art. I especially love it when I see your family. How fun it is for you to be able to work with these images. I think they'd be very pleased.

    1. Thanks, I think they would have liked it, too, especially Erika, who was always such a princess, even with 93!

  3. You are without a doubt, Valerie one of the world's great walkers!

    1. Well, I'm still practising, but could be true!

  4. Wow I enjoyed this post-loved your art, and really loved all the photos-and yum the dessert looks sooo good-hugs Kathy

  5. Liebe Valerie, das ist wieder ein kunstvolles Posting zu Rains Thema!
    Ich liebe deine Tags ach da kann ich mich nciht satt sehen und deine wunderbare Fotos vom Eis essen und all die anderen!
    Herrlich, bei uns war es stürmisch mit dazu trotz Wärme hat es sich kühl an gefühlt.So grass diese Unterschiede vorgestern hatte ich Nachts 11 Grad und heute 4 Grad.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Donnerstag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Es ist auch etwas kühler hier today, aber immerhin, nicht gerade Winter!

  6. Die schwarzen Figuren sind sehr interessant.
    Und der Pinguin! Im Garten meiner Eltern hatten wir Schneeglöckchen, schöne Erinnerung.
    Aha. Jetzt weiß ich, warum Ingo immer mehr Eis isst als ich, er braucht die Vitamine ;-)
    Lemon-basil würde ich auch gern probieren, ach, hätte ich jetzt Lust auf Sommer und solches Eis!
    Aber hier wird es wieder kühler, dennoch dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Das zitronen-Basilikum Eis ist wirklich fantastisch und eine Sünde wert!

  7. Nice and Icy, just up my ally and love this delightful post.xx

  8. Such a lovely post Valerie xx I adore the Father Frost image and the subsequent wintry themed collages. Gorgeous photos as always xx

    Sending lots of warm wishes
    Annie xx

  9. Love your altered digital pieces. Glad you enjoyed your walk. Have a great week. x

  10. Love all the chilly photos, but, I would probably enjoy them more when it is warm and sunny outside. Smile. Snow coming down here this morning but no school delay so I need to go drive in it. Ugh. But, even though it is wintery, that ice cream still looks yummy. Even though it is breakfast time. Hugs-Erika

    1. Ice cream is good for all meals. Okay, in the morning I would need it with coffee flavour!

  11. I'm loving your frosty post! You created such beautiful artwork, the wintry scenes and wording looks amazing 😁. I would enjoy that ice-cream too, so yummy! Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  12. That tag is beautiful! I love your arrangement of the elements against that background.

  13. Valerie,

    Thankfully we have not had any ice to speak of and our snow has been very little. I really hate the ice, though. That's something I'm happy to live without but winter isn't over and we generally get some of that awful stuff in the months of January and February. My favorite kind of Ice is that summer time delight, ice cream! Of course, I can eat ice cream anytime, even when it's frigid cold outside. As long as I'm enjoying inside my home then I'm happy to dish out. :)

    1. You're right there, the best ice is served in cones or wafers!

  14. I can do without cold and icy today as we got a dusting of snow last night. We haven't had much in the way of snow or ice, and that's fine by me. Your tag is gorgeous and would make fantastic gift wrap. Love the cardinal pic you chose. The female cardinal that visits my yard sat for quite some time in the honeysuckle vine. I think she's deciding if it's a good place to build her nest. Ice cream flavors sound delicious, but too cold for ice cream, at least for me. Enjoy your day!

    1. I can do without it, too. I like snow best looking at photos! Hope your cardinal builds a nest, that would be great!

  15. Tus fotos son espectaculares Valerie!!

    BESOS 😘😘😘

  16. I so agree that the link between man and nature should never be broken ... but sadly it is as we start to see the effects of climate change. But on a personal level, I still go to nature for the joy in my life. Your artwork and photos are amazing. I love the marble with the sun shining through it. And, ice cream in the summer ... oh how I look forward to those warm delicious days. Lovely post Valerie ... stay warm and have a wonderful week.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. The world is facing dramatic changes and we need to handle quickly to save our beautiful nature.

  17. Oh lemon with that's interesting!!! I LOVE your summer ice!!! Makes me crave the sweet stuff lol! Thanks for joining in Valerie, I know it was difficult (for me too) and next week's isn't much easier I fear lol...your contributions are perfect...all of the ice photos are jagged as well. I love your art pieces, and I remember snow days fondly, it was so much fun to listen to the radio and hear the name of our school mentioning that it was CLOSED for the day!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. We never, ever got a day off for snow or rain or fog back in England! The weather was always bad! And I'm already thinking about rats....

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Uwielbiam lody ale tylko te , które mogę zjeść :) Piękny ptak. Miłego wieczoru:)

  20. Lovely art work and I enjoyed the snow photos Valerie, something we do not see where I live.

  21. Amazing work Valerie. Loving all those quotes you have used! How delicious does that ice cream look!! Good to know we need to eat more to get enough vitamins lol. Gorgeous share with the photos. Hope you enjoyed your day xx

  22. This looks like great fun! Also, I can't digest dairy but would absolutely go ape for that ice-cream!

    Have a good week! :)

    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

    1. Both of these ice sorts are vegan and therefore dairy free!

  23. The tags are beautiful Valerie and I really loved all your digital pages.
    Tempting though the ice cream looked I would have to pass, its really is freezing cold here.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  24. What a so so wonderful tag Valerie !! it´s amazing, as amazing too are the altered photographs and all the beautiful Art you show us today. Really Great ! I´ve enjoyed your post. So cute this red bird. I love Ice cream too, in summer we buy a lot.
    I wish you a very nice Friday and weekend,
    Biiig hugs, Caty

  25. wow! your winter scenes tag is gorgeous and then i see you went on to share winter scenes throughout multiple pieces of art and your photos! all awe-inspiring! stay dry and warm! xo

  26. Always a treat to visit your blog VJ

  27. Lovely artwork Valerie, I love those photos with silhouettes and the quotes you've used on each of your pieces.
    Beautiful photos too. Oh, those pexel photos are lovely too.
    Those ice pieces are very large - I hope nothing was damaged?
    I love the chocolate icecreams... very yum. Cheers! xx

  28. Gee, I'm not sure which I like best in this post... your artwork or the photos. Both are terrific. I really like the quotes you chose to go along with your artwork, too.

    No ice and snow here yet, either, and I wouldn't mind if it stayed away. Then again, I wouldn't mind one day of snow... just enough for me to build a snowman or make a snow angel or two. In the rare occasions we've had any measurable snow here, I think I enjoyed it more than our children did. To them, it was too c-c-c-old, but to me, it was a reminder of the snowy days of my childhood.

    Have a super weekend!

  29. beautiful winter scene art and photos Valerie!

  30. Wow! We had a dusting of snow last night - mostly melted now.
    I especially looks the Langston Hughes quote, Val!
    Happy PPF!

  31. I am always so inspired by you.

  32. You always have such a wonderful and thoughtful post! Really love those ice images!! Happy PPF!

  33. Wonderful to see those Russian icon figures in action again - they are such beautiful illustrations. I really enjoyed all those pages layering elements onto your own photos - creating different atmospheres and stories - very clever. Your icy photo collection is so well curated for winter and summer - that glass globe is maybe my favourite but there are so many great images here.
    Alison x

  34. WOW!
    This post is so full of good things.

    Lovely, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  35. I love seeing all your artwork. Wow! Beautiful scenes and I love the Tolstoy quote. :)

    So many fantastic photos were shared and it was such fun looking through them. Great job finding images/photos that go with the theme. Thanks for sharing!|


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