Thursday 30 January 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Glow

Hi Everybody!

It's time again for Rain's Thursday Art Date and the theme this week is 'glow'.
Glow means to give out a steady light without flame - as verb, and a steady radiance of light and / or heat as noun. We sometimes say people are glowing when they are radiating happiness. The sun, moon and stars glow,  a fire glows and warms us, and I always feel a glow when I drink my coffee!
I have tried to find some examples of 'glow' in my art and photos:

This was a black and white vintage postcard of a sculpture from Georg Kolbe,
which I altered with glowing colours:

The eye of the owl glows with a great intensity:

This is one of my hand-made books painted in glowing colours:

Moon and stars:

Mary Poppins among glowing colours:

As most of you know, the glow of the heavens is something that always fascinates me:

And on Tuesday I was very happy to see the crescent moon and Venus:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

Thanks to all who sent well wishes for my hand fingers. I think the meds are starting to kick in and am  hopeful that things will soon be better.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It amazes me, Valerie, that you are able to come up with such wonderful creative ideas day after day - and your sky shots are magnificent.

  2. Brilliant and creative as always.xx

  3. I glowing post. Lovely creations, Valerie. I lllllove these heads. And you know how much I admire your lovely photos. Hugs, my friend. I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Wonderful glowing art here today Valerie and so glad about your fingers having improvement.

    1. Thanks Christine. Still a long way to go but I can see some improvement and that brings hope.

  5. Schönes Banner!
    Die Arbeiten sind alle toll! Und wenn ich nach links gucke... der Nachbar hat immernoch den großen leuchtenden Stern auf dem Balkon.
    Ein schöner Start in den Tag!
    Wow, die Venus ist tatsächlich sehr klar!
    Und tolle Nachricht bzgl der Finger! Dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Licht ist so wichtig für uns, besonders in Winter.

  6. Liebe Valerie
    das ist ein wunderschönes Posting zum Rainsthema, alle deine Kunstwerke sind bezaubernd schön und die Sonnen und Mondfotos sind grossartig. Ja, Das Licht ist unwahrscheinlich was es in uns macht und auch im malen!
    Schön zu lesen dass es langsam vorwärts geht mit deinen Finger besser zu werden.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Donnerstag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Wir alle brauchen Licht um uns durch dunkle Zeiten zu begleiten.

  7. I'm simply glowing from reading that your meds are starting to (FINALLY) start working. That is good news. It sure took a long time, so I'm hoping that this means because the meds took longer, they will last longer. I hope you understand what I mean. I have to be on the road in about an hour and a half, so I'm running on cold coffee right now.

    You have some beautiful examples of Glow. Wonderful works for art and great photos of the moon and the one with Venus. Keep improving those fingers, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks, I'm happy that the meds are starting to kick in, too. Hope it continues. Have a good day, drive carefully!

  8. Those colors are amazing, very creative works!

  9. Wow, stunning creations and photos. You are so clever.x

  10. Just loving all the glow. It feels warm on this chilly morning . And I am always so impressed how great your moon shots are. And the art is amazing as always too! Good to see a few of my favorites from the past. Happy Thursday-hope the day is going well. Hugs-Erika

  11. Valerie,

    You captured some beautiful heavenly glows! I love to star gaze! I love to watch the sunrise and set, especially in the mountains but anywhere will do! I love to see the glow of the moon's light rise high in the sky. The heavens make me marvel, fill me with wonder, and even dream about how interesting it must be to see the earth from the darkness of space. :) Thanks for sharing, my dear!

    Glow #art

    1. Thanks. I can watch the sky all day, and often do! It makes me feel good.

  12. Lovely mix of artwork and photos. I love celestial themed pieces.

  13. Piękne są twoje prace i fotografie świetnie opowiadają o "blasku". Blask słońca daje nadzieję a księżyca kryje tajemnice. Miłego dnia:)

  14. You captured "glow" perfectly in both art and photos. I especially love ALL of the art today. Your books, the tags, everything. There is beautiful technique here!

  15. You captured all the meanings of glow. Wow! Just Wow!

  16. Such a variety, so many different examples of "glow". Wonderful!

  17. Good news that your hands are getting better ... and you have found so many variations of glow. One that I missed was the owl eyes ... I must have a hundred pictures of glowing owl eyes. Good for you, Valerie ... and nice art work with your glowing colors. I think you are like me ... can't spot a beautiful sky without taking a picture. Beautiful post, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! The skies are a wonderful source of inspiration and consolation.

  18. Beautiful collection of images...thanks vj

    1. Thanks Ashok! V-J was always my nick name at school!

  19. Wow what a post to look at and read tonight Valerie. You art pages are GORGEOUS, they sure do glow and look amazing.
    Its good that your medications are starting to work, I hope each passing day will be better for you.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, a bit of glow does good in winter!

  20. For whatever reason not everything opened for me. But what did, I loved.
    Soooo glad to hear those fingers are getting better.

  21. awww I love your Owl and the glow you make on art. beautiful. and very brillint moon shine on your photos. they are great as always

  22. Gorgeous photos, and some amazing pieces of art from you Valerie!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a good weekend, too!

  23. The "glow" theme is one that's definitely suited to you. Your artwork ALWAYS glows, but today, you've surpassed yourself. I especially like your moon & stars artwork and the one showing the sounds of silence. As for the photos, they ALL fill me with a happy glow. Beautiful, as always.

    Have a super weekend!

    1. Thanks Susan, it's one of my very favourite themes.

  24. You've done Rains challenge theme very proud Valerie and so should you be too, i'm sure you are glowing with pride with all the examples of your art you have generously shared with us this art day. The moon and the sun radiates so many feelings I never feel alone when they are around. My favourite has to be the sound of silence.. it's one of my most favoured things.
    Wishing you a super creative weekend, hoping your fingers are behaving.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Happy PPF Hugs too :)x

    1. Thanks Tracey, my fingers are getting a little better. You have a great weekend, too!

  25. Absolutely beautiful artwork Valerie. The glow has cheered me up on a very dull and dreary day. Fabulous photos too and so striking to see.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss!I like looking at photos of sunrise and sunset when the weather is dull, too. Have a great weekend!

  26. Wonderful art and photos. Happy PPF

    much love...

  27. Beautiful! Especially the colors and the light.

  28. so many fab altered art projects, and your photos of the moon are glorious valerie! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, the moon is always so beautiful.

  29. What beautiful examples Valerie, and great photos as always. I'm glad your meds are working and hope that your fingers start to feel better. Have a fun weekend, Sue xx

  30. Thanks Sue, have a great Weekend!

  31. Wow this post is bursting at the seams with high quality creations and photos Valerie! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog. Have a great weekend. xx

  32. You certainly succeeded in creating glow and catching glow in your photos.

  33. Wow! Wonderful artworks and divine photography of nature's treasures ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  34. Ooo, love your definition and examples of Glow, Valerie, those skies!
    And the Moon paired with Venus is always so welcome.
    We try to preserve the "Glow" in our intentional paintings, some of the background peeking through on one side of a line ... Recalling biophotons - life-light.
    Happy PPF and art date!

  35. Hi Valerie :)) I love your glowing post! It's so true that we glow when we are happy. I LOVE your "Sound of Silence"...funny I was just humming that song today! Silence has a definite sound and it makes my heart glow! Your owl eye piece is beautiful! I love all of your sky photos, especially the sunrise with that beautiful tree to the left! That is a magnificent photo!

    "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." This actually made me very emotional. I recently accepted this as truth from a person who was showing their true part and it wasn't the light. Sometimes it's hard to face that truth in people we love! Thank you so much for joining in!! :)

    1. Thanks so much Rain. People can sometimes be a big disappointment, love is not always easy.

  36. Beautiful glow art work and photos.

  37. Love all the light in your post - both in your art and in your photos!! You are absolutely glowing!!


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